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About this lesson
KPIs are great for showing you most recent period’s performance versus a target value, with a longer term trend as an area chart in the background.
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Quick reference
Working with KPIs in Power BI.
When to use
KPIs are great for showing your most recent periods performance versus a target value, with a longer term trend as an area chart in the background.
Creating a KPI
- Click the KPI Visual
- Add the measure you want to focus on to the Indicator field
- Add a field to the Trend axis (calendar based fields are ideal)
- Optionally, add a field to the Target goals to compare against your indicator
Understanding a KPI
- The Indicator always shows its value based on your Indicator measure in the context of the most recent value in the Trend Axis.
- The Goal always shows its value based on your Target measure in the context of the most recent value in the Trend Axis.
- The color coding is chosen based on the difference between the Indicator and Target values. So long as this difference is positive, the KPI will show in green (by default).
- It is possible to see a KPI show green, even though the Indicator has decreased over the prior month as the spread between the Indicator and Target could still be positive.
Hints & tips
Common modifications for a KPI
- Provide a custom title for the KPI
- Change the number format of the Indicators (Note that setting a custom format affects both the indicator and the target)
- Modify the KPI color coding settings
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