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How to perform math against pre-defined measures
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Quick reference
Performing Math with Compound Measures
How to perform math against pre-defined measures
When to use
Use when you want to build up more complex equations by re-using your portable measure formulae
Basic Syntax:
- There is no need to preface a measure with a table name when referring to it
- We never wrap measures in any aggregation function (SUM, MAX, etc…) as the measure already contains the aggregation function in its signature
Performing math on a single measure:
- Bonus Range = [Budget]*1.05
- Minimum Goal = [Budget]*0.75
- Next Week = [Current Date] + 7
Performing math against multiple measures:
- Variance = [ Budget] - [Actual]
- Avg Sales = [Sales $]/[Quantity]
Hints & tips
- When dividing a measure or value by another, it is a good idea to wrap it in the DIVIDE() function. This function lets you return an alternate if the test returns an error by dividing by zero
- When using DIVIDE it is a good idea to return a BLANK() instead of 0, as this suppresses results with no values at all
- Average Sales = DIVIDE([Sales $],[Quantity],BLANK())
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