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About this lesson
Understanding CALCULATE(), the most powerful function in DAX
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Quick reference
The CALCULATE() function - Theory
Understanding CALCULATE(), the most powerful function in DAX
When to use
When you need to create or debug a CALCULATE() function to get the correct results
Key concepts around measure calculation:
- Every measure result is evaluated independently
- Each measure starts with the raw and unfiltered data tables
- The filter context is calculated normally
- Filters declared inside the CALCULATE() function are then applied, adjusting the filter context
- Filters that are not already in the filter context are added
- Filters that are already in the filter context are overridden
- The revised filter context is then applied to the source tables, reducing the number of rows to use in the calculation
- The Measure’s arithmetic signature is applied to whatever rows are left
What contributes to Filter Context?
- The intersection of any fields used in the current visual (each data point is a cross-section that inherits the rows/columns/axis/legend, etc..)
- Any selected data points in other visuals
- Selections made in any (all) slicers
- Page or report-level filter selections
- Filters declared in the CALCULATE() function
Hints & tips
- AND filters can be used inside CALCULATE() using a double & character:
- Lunch Sales = CALCULATE([Sales],Sales[Hour]>7&&Sales[Hour]<=11)
- Or filters can be used inside CALCULATE() using a double | character:
- Open Tickets = CALCULATE([Ticket Count],Tickets[Status]=”Open”||Ticket[Status]-“Pending”)
- If you are trying to compare more complex operations you may need to nest a FILTER() function in CALCULATE’s filters area
- Watch your data types: if your years are numeric, you need to compare against a number. If the data type is text, you’ll need to wrap the value to compare in quotes.
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