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Concepts applicable to all visuals
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Global Visual Concepts
Concepts applicable to all visuals
When to use
This module explores concepts that apply to the vast majority of visuals in Power BI.
Drill Down
Activate Drill Down by dragging multiple fields from the Fields list into a visual’s field area. A classic example of this is when a date field is dragged into a chart axis and creates a hierarchy of year/quarter/month/day
- If Drill Down is supported for the field, it will immediately add four icons to the top of the visual
- Drill Down (single arrow) is a toggle that allows you to drill successively deeper into a single data point (Year would expand to the months for that year)
- Drill Down must be turned off to select a data point, even if you are at the lowest level
- Go to next level (double arrow) is a drill down that expands to show the next level of the hierarchy without further context. I.e. All four quarters would be shown, but aggregated, not broken down by year
- Expand All Down One Level (split down arrow) will drill down to show the next level of the hierarchy segregated by the higher level. I.e. Each quarter would be shown as Year-Quarter
- Drill Up moves up one level of the hierarchy
- Unlike Drill Down, Drill Up automatically resets when it gets to the top level
Visual Interactions
By default, all visuals cross filter when a data point is selected in another visual. You can change this behavior via Visual Tools -> Format -> Edit Interactions
- Highlight (default) will preserve the totals on the selected visual while highlighting the filtered values
- Filter will filter the selected visual only, with no highlighting to show the original values
- None prevents the visual from being filtered when you select another visual
Other Options
- Focus Mode is activated by the square in the top right, showing a full screen version of the visual
- Sorting by values can be activated by clicking the … in the top right
- Data points (only) can be exported by clicking the … in the top right
- Custom formatting options are found under the paint roller in the Visualizations area
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