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Creating Links With Embedded Ruby vs. HTML
In this video we discuss creating links with embedded Ruby.
When to use
Any time you want to add a link to your app, you should use embedded Ruby instead of basic HTML.
Embedded Ruby links look like this:
<%= link_to, "Anchor Text", link_path %>
Where "Anchor text" is the text that you want to appear in the link on the web page, and "link_path" is the route to the actual file that the link points to.
You find the link_path by running the "rake routes" command from the terminal.
Hints & tips
- Embedded Ruby links are always better than plain HTML links
- Embedded Ruby links automatically update whenever you change your app, HTML links do not
- Api.rubyonrails.org is a great reference to look up how to create links in case you forget
- 00:04 In this video, I wanna talk about links.
- 00:06 Right now, we've got a couple of different pages, but
- 00:09 there's no way to navigate between those two pages, so we need links.
- 00:12 So I've opened our about.html page, and let's just create a basic HTML link.
- 00:19 And let's aim it at the root,
- 00:25 Home page, don't need a space there.
- 00:29 This is just a basic HTML link, so if click reload,
- 00:32 actually let's get rid of that HIYA thing, that's annoying.
- 00:37 And then save that.
- 00:38 Okay, so if we click on here, boom, go back to our Pinteresting,
- 00:43 okay, no big deal.
- 00:44 Well, that's the old way to do links.
- 00:47 Rails actually has a better way, and
- 00:49 it uses something called Embedded Ruby that I talked about a little bit earlier.
- 00:53 You can see this .erb, that allows us to use Ruby on our pages.
- 00:57 So Rails has a function called link_to, and it allows us to create links.
- 01:03 So first thing first, in order to use Embedded Ruby on a HTML page, we do this.
- 01:11 So this is an Embedded Ruby tag, this is the start of the tag, and
- 01:16 this is the end of the tag, and anything in between is Ruby code.
- 01:21 And we're gonna be using, like I said,
- 01:24 some Ruby code to do link_to, so how do we create a link?
- 01:28 Well, let's go to Rails API, and you'll use this
- 01:34 quite a bit, so I wanna show you how to use this.
- 01:39 This is the Rails API,
- 01:41 it has all the information you could ever wanna about Ruby on Rails.
- 01:44 Or if I type in link_to and click here,
- 01:47 we see a quick little guide on how to use link_to, and even some examples.
- 01:53 So here's the first example, link_to, this is the anchor text,
- 01:58 and this is the path to the page we wanna go to.
- 02:01 Let's try this out, we want link_to, and let's call it Home Page.
- 02:09 Now, we need the path, where do we get the path?
- 02:11 Well, remember we did that rake routes command, and we got the path,
- 02:16 and it's listed right there, our path is the root_path.
- 02:21 So if we save this, in fact, let's get rid of this one so we're not confused.
- 02:27 Click Reload, boom, that worked.
- 02:30 So let's real quick do the same thing on our index page.
- 02:36 So Embedded Ruby, close our Embedded Ruby tag,
- 02:42 link_to, and let's make this About Us,
- 02:47 and what path do we want?
- 02:50 Well, we can go down to our rake routes thing, and we want the home_about_path.
- 02:56 So type in home_about_path, and for
- 02:59 all of these links, they always end in _path.
- 03:04 And you could see that by looking at the Rails API here, and
- 03:07 reading about it, if you're interested.
- 03:10 So let's save that, come back, hit Reload, and now, we can navigate between the two.
- 03:17 So this all begs the question, why are we doing this complicated thing when we could
- 03:22 just use a regular HTML link, like we did earlier?
- 03:25 Well, this is really cool, because from time to time,
- 03:28 while you're creating your app, things will change, and paths will change.
- 03:31 And you might have 1,000 links to 1,000 pages on your app, and
- 03:36 then one of those pages changes, and then from then on, all those links are wrong.
- 03:41 Well, if you use Embedded Ruby, the links will dynamically update automatically.
- 03:45 Rails will know that your home_about_path changes, and it'll update it accordingly.
- 03:50 So what that means is you won't have tons of dead links in your app if anything
- 03:54 changes.
- 03:55 And that's huge, that's a big time saver, it's a big hassle saver,
- 04:00 it's just really important to do that.
- 04:02 So very quickly here, now we have two links, and actually I'm gonna copy this.
- 04:10 And let's start to build a navbar, so if we save this, hit Reload,
- 04:15 so now we have both of them on this page.
- 04:18 But we don't wanna go through here and do this on every single page.
- 04:22 So I'm gonna copy this and delete it, and
- 04:25 I'm gonna delete the link from this page too, and save that.
- 04:29 Instead I'm gonna come to our application.html page, and
- 04:33 I'm gonna paste this stuff right above our yield sign at a line break there.
- 04:38 Actually let's save this, and save this, now hit Reload.
- 04:42 Now we have the beginnings of a navbar up on the top, and
- 04:45 if we click on the About Us page, it's up there, the Home page is up there.
- 04:49 It's on every page of our site, even though it's not in the actual HTML file.
- 04:55 Because we added it to this application.html file that we talked
- 04:59 about in the last video.
- 05:00 And right away we're starting to see how cool this application.html file is,
- 05:04 that we can do that.
- 05:05 So that's links, that's the beginnings of our navbar.
- 05:09 In the next video, we're gonna dive in and
- 05:12 start using Bootstrap to make some CSS styling so
- 05:14 that our app starts to actually look good, or at least better than it does now.
- 05:18 So that's all for this video.
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