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Adding CSS With Bootstrap
In this video we'll be adding the CSS framework Bootstrap to our app.
When to use
Whenever you want to add cool CSS stuff to your app, I suggest you use the free Bootstrap CSS framework.
1. Head over to RubyGems.org and search for Bootstrap
2. Find the listing titled bootstrap-sass
3. Copy the Gemfile reference to your Gemfile and save the file
4. Run bundle install in your terminal
5. Create a new file named bootstraply.css.scss in your app/assets/stylesheets directory
6. Add these two lines to your bootstraply.css.scss file:
@import "bootstrap-sprockets";
@import "bootstrap";
7. Add this line to your app/assets/javascripts/application.js file above the //= require_tree . line
//= require bootstrap-sprockets
8. Restart your server.
Hints & tips
- Bootstrap is one of the most popular free CSS frameworks out there
- Bootstrap has several instructions for its installation
- Remember to restart your server after installation
- You'll see that installation was successful if the text of your webpage looks a little different
- Check out GetBootstrap.com to learn more about Bootstrap
- 00:05 In this video I wanna start using Bootstrap to make our app look a little
- 00:08 bit better than it does now.
- 00:10 Right now it's pretty boring.
- 00:11 So if you're not familiar with Bootstrap, go to getebooststrap.com.
- 00:16 And Bootstrap is a CSS framework that was originally created by Twitter.
- 00:20 It's one of the most popular CSS frameworks, and you can check it out.
- 00:24 It allows you to do, let's see, all kinds of cool things.
- 00:28 Add icons, and nav bars, and
- 00:33 buttons, and forms, and all kinds of cool stuff, very very easily.
- 00:38 So how do we do this?
- 00:39 How do we add this to our Rails app?
- 00:41 Well we're going to be adding a gem, so we go to RubyGems.org and type in bootstrap
- 00:50 And you can see the first one listed only has 247,000 downloads,
- 00:54 which is a red flag and tells me that's probably not the one we want.
- 00:57 This one has 14 million plus, so I'm guessing that is the one we want.
- 01:02 So come here, grab our gem file, click this Copy, come back,
- 01:07 open our gem file, come down here and paste and save.
- 01:12 Now we type in our bundle install command,
- 01:16 we always do that every time we add something to the gem file.
- 01:20 And while it's adding that, let's come back here and
- 01:22 look at the homepage because like many gems,
- 01:26 this one has additional directions in order for you to start using it.
- 01:30 The first thing it wants us to do is add these two lines of code to our
- 01:35 app/assets/stylesheets/application file.
- 01:38 And in fact first we need to actually create a file.
- 01:42 Go to Apps, Assets, Style Sheets,
- 01:46 and we need to add a new style sheet to handle the Bootstrap.
- 01:49 So I just right click and click New File.
- 01:51 We can name it anything we want, I'm gonna call it bootstraply.css.scss,
- 01:58 that just corresponds with the other files in this directory.
- 02:02 And if we open this,
- 02:03 the directions tells us we need to paste in these two lines of code.
- 02:06 So I just copied it and Ctrl+V to paste, and I'm gonna save that.
- 02:11 We can go ahead and close that.
- 02:13 And what else does it want us to do?
- 02:16 Okay, it wants us to add these two lines of code.
- 02:19 Let's copy that to our
- 02:20 app/assets/javascripts/application.js file.
- 02:24 And that's in the same general area, app/assets/javascript/application.jss,
- 02:31 and we want to add this right above this last line, this required tree.
- 02:36 You always want that to be at the end.
- 02:38 But you can see, so we added these two lines.
- 02:40 Actually this line was already there, so we don't need to add it a second time.
- 02:46 So let's save that, close it, and let's look through here.
- 02:50 I think that's pretty much all the directions we need.
- 02:54 Now if we hit reload, actually nothing will happen, we'll get an error.
- 02:58 Because often times when you add a new gem,
- 03:01 you need to stop your server and restart it.
- 03:04 Especially something like this that affects everything,
- 03:07 CSS affects everything in our app.
- 03:09 So it's a good idea always to click reload.
- 03:13 Give that a second, reload, and boom, it works.
- 03:18 Now if you look closely, you'll see everything looks a little bit different.
- 03:21 The font is different, the links are a different color,
- 03:25 that tells us that we've been successful in adding Bootstrap.
- 03:29 And just that easy we've added one of the web's most popular CSS frameworks to
- 03:33 our app, and now we can start using it.
- 03:36 And that's just really, really cool.
- 03:38 So take a little bit of time, go to Get Bootstrap, and
- 03:41 click on either CSS or components.
- 03:44 And just sort of look through here, and look at all this stuff.
- 03:48 This is a jumbotron, that's this big thing right here.
- 03:51 We'll add one of those in a little bit.
- 03:52 Thumbnails, panels.
- 03:59 Let's see, progress bars you can add like this.
- 04:02 Alerts, we'll use these.
- 04:05 This is all the stuff you can add with Bootstrap.
- 04:07 If you click CSS, there's buttons.
- 04:10 You can add all kinds of different buttons, different colored buttons.
- 04:14 And to add one of these things, you just copy this code,
- 04:19 come back to your app, and let's just open our apps views about us page.
- 04:26 I'm just gonna paste this in there, click reload, and boom,
- 04:31 right there we have this default bottom.
- 04:33 If we wanted the blue one, we'd copy the one for the blue one,
- 04:38 come back here, paste that in, now we have the blue one.
- 04:42 So just that easy, it's almost like drag and drop.
- 04:45 It gets a little bit more complicated as we customize it, but
- 04:48 not much more complicated.
- 04:49 So that is Bootstrap.
- 04:51 In the next video we'll start adding some cool stuff with Bootstrap.
- 04:54 And that's all for this video.
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