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About this lesson
Practicing and evaluating your speeches will give you confidence and provide you with a framework to improve your skills well into the future.
- 00:03 If you actually do what I've asked you to do, which is keep practicing on
- 00:08 video until you can look at the video and say, wow, that's a great speaker.
- 00:13 The person's interesting, the person seems confident.
- 00:17 If I can speak like that person, I'll be a star in my industry.
- 00:22 If you actually practice until you get to that point, something magical happens.
- 00:28 At that point, it becomes impossible to be nervous about public speaking,
- 00:35 to be fearful, to be full of anxiety.
- 00:38 The reason you're nervous, if you are, before a speech or
- 00:42 presentation, is there's a part of you wondering,
- 00:46 I might be awful, I might be boring, I might look stupid.
- 00:51 They might not understand me.
- 00:53 Well, guess what?
- 00:54 All of those things could in fact be true.
- 00:58 You won't know until you watch a video of yourself.
- 01:02 Now, some people have problems seeing anything they like with their own
- 01:06 presentation.
- 01:06 So you may want to bring in a friend or colleague, have them critique it.
- 01:11 But always start off with the positive, ask them what they liked.
- 01:15 What did you do well?
- 01:17 because I've seen this countless times.
- 01:18 Someone does 25 things right, but they had some uhs and ums.
- 01:23 And they just fixate on the ums and uhs like it's the worst thing in the world,
- 01:27 and they completely ignore all their strengths.
- 01:30 You don't want to do that.
- 01:32 So sometimes it's helpful to bring in a partner.
- 01:34 Family members, if you can avoid it, don't, because family members
- 01:39 think they're helping the most by just telling you what's wrong.
- 01:43 That's not what helps.
- 01:44 When it comes to the video critique, you've got to spend equal time.
- 01:48 Strengths, what's working, what's good to do more of.
- 01:52 Weaknesses, what to do less of.
- 01:54 Constantly have to build the strengths.
- 01:57 So please, give your speech right now.
- 02:00 You already have the outline, because you have five messages and
- 02:04 you have a story for each one or a proper visual.
- 02:07 And now practice your speech on video,
- 02:12 keep doing it until you like it.
- 02:15 If you followed the lessons in this course so far,
- 02:19 you actually do speak like a leader.
- 02:21 Because you're going to convey confidence, you're going to have a narrow focus on
- 02:27 just a handful of ideas, you're going to illustrate each idea with a story.
- 02:32 That way, people can understand you and have a good feeling about you.
- 02:38 If all you've done is watch these videos and you haven't practiced on video, hell,
- 02:42 you have a little ways to go.
- 02:44 Leaders aren't afraid to do the hard work, and the good thing about speaking
- 02:50 like a leader is it is not a skill like learning how to be a scratch golfer.
- 02:55 I wouldn't dare give lessons.
- 02:56 I could take lessons for the next 20 years,
- 03:00 maybe I'd break 120, I'm never going to be a scratch golfer.
- 03:04 But I'm telling you, if you follow the lessons in this course,
- 03:09 you can in fact speak like a leader.
- 03:12 So I hope you've learned from this, and
- 03:14 I hope you really look at every speech from the perspective of not,
- 03:18 how do I speak like a leader, but how can I give such a great speech?
- 03:22 How can I take these ideas that I have that are going to help people either
- 03:26 live better lives or make more money or whatever your mission is?
- 03:30 How can I take these ideas and make it so interesting, so exciting, so
- 03:35 memorable for this audience that they're going to hear it, understand it,
- 03:40 remember it, and want to take the actions I'm suggesting?
- 03:44 If you do that, you will speak like a leader every single time.
- 03:50 Good luck.
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