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About this lesson
In this lesson, we'll explore the Data Source Screen, which gives you a nice "at a glance" view of the raw data in your data set.
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Explore The Data Source Screen
In this lesson, we'll explore the Data Source Screen.
When to use
The Data Source screen gives you a glance of the raw data in your data set. When importing a data set for the first time, give it a quick glance to get a basic idea of what your datasource looks like.
When you import your data set for the first time, spend a few minutes looking through the Data Source Screen.
Hints & tips
- The Data Source Screen gives you a nice "at a glance" view of the raw data in your data set.
- 00:04 Okay, so we've downloaded our data set, we've imported it into Tableau.
- 00:08 And now we've got this big screen here.
- 00:10 And this is kind of really cool.
- 00:13 It's just, at a glance, it looks like all of our data.
- 00:16 Now if we look through here, we can't really tell, but if we scroll down,
- 00:21 this is only showing 1000 rows.
- 00:24 So our data, I happen to know, has more than 1000 rows,
- 00:28 but you probably don't offhand know how many rows your data is.
- 00:32 So what you could do is head over here and we can just change this right here to,
- 00:36 I don't know, a million.
- 00:39 Then we click this little button here, the arrow, and it's sort of updating.
- 00:43 And you can see now it's showing 91,225 rows.
- 00:47 Now that's not a million, but that's because our data set doesn't have
- 00:51 a million rows, but it does have 91,225 rows.
- 00:54 So this is sort of a quick way to just find out exactly how much data we have.
- 00:58 And now it's all sitting here,
- 01:00 before it was just sort of a snapshot of the first thousand rows.
- 01:03 Now we've got it all in there.
- 01:05 Now it had it in there before, it just wasn't showing it on this screen.
- 01:08 So this is really pretty cool.
- 01:09 We can see all the columns of our spreadsheet, of our CSV file or data set.
- 01:14 And, at a glance, we can sort of get an understanding of what's going on here.
- 01:18 We can see the different license types.
- 01:19 And if we scroll down here we can sort of start to get a picture
- 01:22 of what's going on here.
- 01:24 We've got Individual Neutered Males, we've got Senior Citizen Dogs with Disabilities,
- 01:30 Spayed Females as well as Males.
- 01:32 And just all kinds of stuff and we're going to dig into all this in more detail
- 01:35 later, this is just sort of a quick at-a-glance.
- 01:38 We can see different breeds, Border Terrier, Lab Mix, German Shepherd,
- 01:43 the different colors, very cool, the dog names, kind of fun.
- 01:48 And so this is just the 91,000-odd dogs that were registered in Allegheny County,
- 01:54 which I think is Pennsylvania, Pittsburgh maybe?
- 01:58 Yeah, something like that, in 2018.
- 02:00 So very cool and really interesting.
- 02:03 So we can come through here and we can toggle these.
- 02:06 And for instance, if we want to change the name of one of these, we can rename this.
- 02:12 So we can say, I don't know, Dog Color, for instance.
- 02:16 And that will rename that.
- 02:18 We can reset the name and it'll change it back, right?
- 02:25 We can hide this, so if we hid the color, you can see now it's gone.
- 02:30 If we want to bring it back, we can come over here to Show hidden fields.
- 02:34 And you can see it's sort of colored out.
- 02:37 It's sort of grayed out a little bit.
- 02:38 These are all darker colored titles and this one has sort of a lighter color.
- 02:42 And we can just come up here and Unhide it, and then boom, it's back again.
- 02:46 So that's interesting.
- 02:47 There's a lot of times when you may want to hide things.
- 02:49 This is a pretty tame data set.
- 02:51 There's not a whole lot of columns here.
- 02:53 But you may get a data set that just has hundreds of columns or dozens or 20.
- 02:58 And you may only want to deal with three or four of those columns.
- 03:01 You can hide the other ones just that easy.
- 03:05 So we can uncheck that, and very cool.
- 03:07 We can change this to A to Z ascending, right?
- 03:14 Z to A descending, A to Z ascending per table,
- 03:20 Z to A descending per table, whatever you like.
- 03:26 I'm just going to put it in the regular order that it came with.
- 03:30 We can get a breakdown of what's going on here.
- 03:33 So we have a License Type column, a Breed column, a Color column, a Dog Name column,
- 03:39 an Owner Zip code column, an Expiration Year column, and a Valid Date column.
- 03:44 Which is basically just what each of these column names are.
- 03:50 We can see License Type, Breed, Color, Dog Name, Owner Zip, Year and Date.
- 03:55 But, at a glance, if you want to look at it, like I said,
- 03:58 this is a very tame data set.
- 03:59 So there's only a few of these columns.
- 04:01 If you have 50 columns, you may want to sort of click on this thing right here and
- 04:05 just sort of, you know,
- 04:06 get an idea of what kind of data you have in your data set.
- 04:10 So that's really all I want to touch on in this video for this screen.
- 04:13 We're not going to generally use this screen very much.
- 04:16 This is just for when you're just getting started.
- 04:18 And you're looking at your data, maybe for the first time, and
- 04:21 you're not quite sure what you have.
- 04:23 You can kind of visualize it just at a glance here, and that's sort of helpful.
- 04:26 So in the next video, we'll start to look at the worksheet screen.
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