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In this lesson, you'll learn how to drill down by date in your Visualization.
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Adding Dates and Drilling Down By Date
In this lesson, you'll learn how to drill down by date in your Visualization.
When to use
Use this whenever you have date field and want to drill down to a more specific date range.
To drill down by date, pull a date Dimension into your Visualization, hover the mouse over the pill and click the [+] plus box to drill down to the next level of dates.
Hints & tips
- Click the [+] box on a date Dimension pill to drill down to a deeper date level.
- 00:04 Okay, in this video I want to talk about adding dates and drilling down into dates.
- 00:09 Now, we haven't talked about dates very much, because at first glance,
- 00:13 the dates of our data set, don't seem that interesting.
- 00:16 If we go over to our data source, we have basically data from 2018.
- 00:20 If we look into the valid dates,
- 00:22 we can see there's some that's a little different, 2017.
- 00:25 But it's still not that, that interesting.
- 00:29 It's just a bunch of 2017.
- 00:32 And if we change our data to everything here.
- 00:38 And then we sort of look through here the valid dates are 2017, 2018.
- 00:42 Now there's not a whole lot going on there.
- 00:47 So it doesn't seem that interesting, but that's actually not the case.
- 00:50 So if we head back over here, let's grab our count.
- 00:54 Lets pull this over, and let's grab the valid date.
- 00:59 And you can see, like I said, it doesn't seem that interesting.
- 01:03 We've got 2017, 2018 and 2019.
- 01:06 And there's not much going on.
- 01:08 We've got three points here.
- 01:09 That doesn't seem that interesting.
- 01:11 But you'll notice right here, there's a little box with a plus.
- 01:15 This allows us to drill down into the dates.
- 01:18 So we can click this again and boom, now it breaks it down by quarter.
- 01:22 So we see 2017, 2018, 2019, we can keep going.
- 01:26 Boom, again, now it's by month, 2017, quarter four, quarter one,
- 01:30 quarter two, quarter three, so it's still breaking them down by year.
- 01:35 Up here at the top 2017 2018 and 2019.
- 01:37 Also by the quarter, quarter four, quarter one, two, three, four, quarter one, 2019.
- 01:45 Now it's also doing it by the month, so that's, you can see down here at
- 01:48 the bottom, November, December, January, February, March, April, May, June, etc.
- 01:53 And we can keep going.
- 01:54 So we can go to day, now it becomes even more interesting.
- 01:56 We got even more data.
- 01:58 We can keep going.
- 01:59 We can do by hour, it's I guess getting crazy.
- 02:02 And can we do minute?
- 02:04 Yes we can.
- 02:05 Boom, minute, now it's just silly.
- 02:09 We do one more time, think we can go to second.
- 02:11 I think it's probably about as far as we can go.
- 02:13 And yeah.
- 02:14 So we can get rid of any of these by grabbing them and pulling them up,
- 02:18 like we usually do with all pills, or we can just come to the previous one and
- 02:22 click the minus to sort of bring it all back in.
- 02:25 Now here's the cool thing.
- 02:26 Say we just want month, we've still got this year and quarter on here.
- 02:30 Maybe I don't want the years and the quarters, maybe I just want the months.
- 02:34 I could pull the year and the quarter out.
- 02:36 And boom, now we've got a nice little graph of January, February, March, April,
- 02:39 May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December.
- 02:43 And that's, really, really cool.
- 02:45 And you can see now we can also use the line charts, right?
- 02:49 And that's really interesting.
- 02:50 So, whenever you have date data, you can usually do this.
- 02:53 Now if your date is just the year 2018, and there's no corresponding data for
- 02:58 months and things underneath, then you likely can't do this.
- 03:02 So for instance,
- 03:05 let's go ahead and clear this.
- 03:10 Let's bring our account back up here, and let's just call this EXP year.
- 03:13 So that's just one point, 2018.
- 03:15 And you can see there's no little checkbox that allows us to toggle,
- 03:20 to sort of drill down further into this, right?
- 03:24 So if we move this around, same thing down here, there's no little box, right?
- 03:27 So not all of your dates are going to be able to do that.
- 03:30 But if there is sort of underlying data in your data set that gets more granular and
- 03:35 more, drilled down, so to speak, like we see here in our validate,
- 03:40 then keep an eye out for the little plus box that allows you to drill down and
- 03:44 that's just really, really cool.
- 03:47 I want to make this into a color.
- 03:50 Can, and then maybe read,
- 03:55 really, really cool.
- 03:59 So maybe we don't want the month.
- 04:01 Let's bring this out, maybe we want the year,
- 04:04 because we have three different years.
- 04:07 So we can grab this validate.
- 04:08 Bring it up here.
- 04:09 Break it down just by year.
- 04:11 Well, it's already broken down by year.
- 04:13 Now we can pull this over to color.
- 04:15 Boom, now we get over here this nice little legend, blue is 2017,
- 04:20 orange is 2018, red is 2019.
- 04:23 And we can see at a glance how this is.
- 04:26 Now if we bring our count into our filters like we have been, and
- 04:30 let's make this 2000 just so it's sort of more interesting to look at.
- 04:34 We only see all three.
- 04:35 Okay, lets change this to 500, maybe.
- 04:43 Really, really cool, and just that easy.
- 04:45 So that's all for this video.
- 04:46 In the next video we'll look at using animations in our visualizations.
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