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About this lesson
An overview of the Word opening screen and Ribbon functionality.
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The Ribbon and Word Screen56.4 KB
Quick reference
The Ribbon and Word Screen
An overview of the Word 2016 screen and Ribbon functionality.
When to use
The advantage to collapsing ribbons when using a small laptop or tablet is to provide more screen room for your document.
There are two ways to operate the ribbon functionality:
- On any ribbon title, double click. This will collapse the ribbons and to use them you must click the ribbon title first in order to view the buttons.
- This same collapse function can be found on the upper right corner beside the “?”:
It is called “Ribbon Display Options”, then choose ”Show Tabs” - To expand the ribbons to lock into place, again, double click any ribbon title. Or operate the “Ribbon Display Options” and choose ”Show Tabs and Commands”
The zoom control feature on the bottom right of the screen is to assist in your document legibility view while formatting.
The zoom control does NOT affect font size, but only changes how large or small your document appears while you are working.
Login to download- 00:04 Hello, and welcome to the Word 2016 opening screen.
- 00:08 On the left-hand panel, would be a list of documents you previously opened, or
- 00:12 of course, a link to go into your computer.
- 00:14 On the right-hand side, these are called templates.
- 00:16 They are available and free for you to use.
- 00:20 So, don't reinvent the wheel.
- 00:21 Just use one of these.
- 00:23 But for this lesson, I'm gonna start with a blank document.
- 00:26 So, I'm gonna double-click to go right into the Microsoft Word screen to
- 00:28 give you a quick overview.
- 00:30 On the very top left, there's a tiny little toolbar up here called
- 00:33 the Quick Access Toolbar, an incredibly important and productive toolbar.
- 00:38 We will have a separate lesson on that.
- 00:39 Please do not skip that video.
- 00:41 Again, it's called the Quick Access Toolbar.
- 00:43 In the center of our title bar up here, it says Document1 Word.
- 00:48 When we save and rename the document, the name will show up right here.
- 00:51 But right now, it simply says Document1.
- 00:53 On the right-hand side, there's a Sign In,
- 00:55 if you wanna connect your Microsoft Word to your Microsoft Live account.
- 00:58 And then, right here is a Ribbon Display Options.
- 01:02 When I activate that, I can just tell the computer or
- 01:05 the program just to show me the tabs, then the ribbons, and now all the buttons.
- 01:10 Well, that's fine, if I'm using a laptop and I don't have a lot of screen room.
- 01:13 But if I'm using a PC, I absolutely want to see all my buttons, so
- 01:18 they're readily available at a glance.
- 01:21 We have a flat line that says Minimize.
- 01:24 We have a button that says Maximize.
- 01:26 Then we have the Close button which is bright red, and I love that.
- 01:29 Now, again, about the ribbons.
- 01:31 Now, these ribbons, when you click across them, I have the Home and the Insert,
- 01:34 and the Draw.
- 01:35 It is not your imagination.
- 01:36 There are a ton of buttons under all of these.
- 01:38 I think ribbon is a very pretty name.
- 01:40 A better name probably would have been workbench,
- 01:42 because there are a ton of tools on here.
- 01:44 Now, there's a hierarchy you need to understand.
- 01:47 The top level is the Home, the Insert, the Draw.
- 01:50 The second level is actually listed under the busy buttons.
- 01:53 The Font group, the Paragraph group, the Styles group, and then, of course,
- 01:57 the third level would be the busy buttons in between.
- 01:59 It's just how they lay out their hierarchy.
- 02:01 Another thing on here are these dialog box operators.
- 02:05 This is where all the rest of the buttons are that they couldn't fit on the ribbon.
- 02:09 So when I click this little dialog box operator,
- 02:12 here's everything I can do with Fonts, and I'll close that.
- 02:16 Here's everything I can do with Paragraphs, and I'll close that.
- 02:20 Now, notice on our Insert ribbon, there's not one dialog box operator here,
- 02:24 because they were able to fit all the actions onto the written area.
- 02:28 So don't ignore those little tiny grey buttons.
- 02:31 They actually have magic powers behind them.
- 02:35 All right, another thing is I showed you this box here where you can actually show
- 02:39 tabs or show all the commands.
- 02:41 But there's a little trick to this as well.
- 02:43 Just double-click any ribbon heading.
- 02:45 Click click to do the same exact thing, okay?
- 02:48 Then I could open it up, use the button, click off of it,
- 02:51 it vanishes, or double-click and it will lock it back in just like that.
- 02:55 Please notice, I do have a ruler above my piece of paper and
- 02:58 off to the left-hand side.
- 03:00 We will have a separate lesson on the View ribbon.
- 03:03 But right now, I just wanna show you, when you click View,
- 03:05 you can put a check mark in Ruler and you will also have rulers on your screen.
- 03:09 I'll go ahead and click back to Home.
- 03:10 On the right-hand side,
- 03:12 I have this scroll bar that will scroll me through my entire document.
- 03:16 But I don't have a horizontal scroll bar,
- 03:18 because my entire sheet of paper fits on the page.
- 03:21 Down here, I have a Zoom control.
- 03:23 Now, when I hit plus, plus, plus, and zoom in; notice, now,
- 03:26 I have a magic little scroll bar appear.
- 03:28 The computer knows when you need a scroll bar.
- 03:30 It will show it or not.
- 03:32 Okay, I can zoom down from there.
- 03:34 These are our Page Layout and Reading Layout.
- 03:36 So, when I click the little tiny booklet, if I had a document, page one would be on
- 03:40 the left, page two on the right, with page advanced buttons right over here.
- 03:44 And then, of course, I have the Web Layout which is not constrained by margins.
- 03:49 I prefer to always stay in my Print Layout.
- 03:51 It shows me a nice little piece of paper.
- 03:54 On the left, we have Page 1 of 1, 0 words currently typed, and
- 03:57 this is a macro button that we will not be using in this lesson.
- 04:01 All right, that's it for this screen overview.
- 04:02 I'll see you in the next lesson, thank you.
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