Locked lesson.
About this lesson
A necessary and interesting toolset if using creative accents, symbols, or displaying mathematical formulas.
Lesson versions
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Exercise files
Download the ‘before’ and ‘after’ Word documents from the video tutorial and try the lesson yourself.
Symbols.docx58.8 KB Symbols - Solution.docx
58.9 KB
Quick reference
A necessary and interesting toolset if using creative accents, symbols, or displaying mathematical formulas.
When to use
Symbols are characters that are not standard alphabet, but would be placed within the text of a document. Use a symbol to put formal marks of ownership on a title, or a currency symbol beside a number.
To begin, place the insertion point in your text where you want the symbol to appear.
- Click Insert
and click Symbol
- Choose from the gallery or click
- Observe the two tabs at the top of the dialogue box:
- Scroll through the symbols to find the one you like, or click the “Special Characters” tab and find one that is more common:
- Notice the shortcut key list and make a note if you find one you will use often. It is more efficient to use a shortcut key than to search for a symbol in the extensive gallery.
- 00:04 Hello, this lesson is about symbols.
- 00:07 Symbols are a text but they are more like text characters and
- 00:12 periodically you do want a certain symbol in your document but
- 00:17 it's hard to create one with the keyboard.
- 00:20 So, here's how to find the right symbol for you.
- 00:23 On this first line, we wanna add the copyright symbol at the end of the text,
- 00:27 All Rights Reserved, 2016-2020.
- 00:30 Let's go ahead and place our insertion point right at the end, and go ahead and
- 00:34 tap your spacebar, put one little space in there, on the insert menu, or
- 00:38 the insert ribbon, way over on the right hand side is this symbol group.
- 00:44 So right in here up come a bunch of symbols.
- 00:47 Now your symbols might look a little different than mine, depending on the last
- 00:50 ones you've used, but generally the most common symbols are right up there.
- 00:54 And here happens to be the copyright symbol.
- 00:57 So I'll go ahead and click on that, and you'll see a little copyright show up.
- 01:01 Excellent.
- 01:02 Now, we'll add the trademark symbol, on the line that says Coca-cola.
- 01:07 Again, insert ribbon, way far on the right hand side, simple.
- 01:11 And here is the trademark symbol.
- 01:13 But I want to show you a little deeper.
- 01:15 If you'll take a look at the bottom of that list, it says more symbols.
- 01:18 When you click on that, up come a bunch of symbols, and there's a scroll bar here.
- 01:24 You can just scroll through and look at them all.
- 01:27 It's quite interesting to see all the different symbols.
- 01:30 But notice there's two tabs back in the background, a symbols tab and
- 01:33 a special characters tab.
- 01:35 When you click the special characters tab, here are a bunch of symbols
- 01:39 that are kind of the standard symbols you would generally look for.
- 01:42 And there's a trademark symbol as well.
- 01:45 Now notice, I could just go ahead and click Trademark and hit insert.
- 01:50 Or it's also teaching me the shortcut key to apply that symbol.
- 01:54 So if there is a particular symbol you use on a regular basis.
- 01:58 You might want to begin to memorize the short cut keys.
- 02:01 In this case it would be Alt+CntrlT.
- 02:03 I'll go ahead and hit insert, and I'll close this box and there is the TM.
- 02:10 I'm gonna hit my space bar a couple times just to practice the Alt+CntrlT
- 02:14 to see what happens.
- 02:16 Hold down on your keyboard Alt Ctrl T, let go, and
- 02:19 sure enough the trademark symbol comes in again.
- 02:22 Let's go one step further.
- 02:25 I'm gonna look for the Japanese Yen, so
- 02:27 I'm gonna click on this third line come up again, Insert RIbbon, Symbol.
- 02:32 Now the Japanese Yen is right here.
- 02:34 I'm gonna take you just a step further again.
- 02:37 Here we go.
- 02:38 It defaults to this symbol right here.
- 02:40 The Symbols tab, Special Characters in the background, Symbols up front.
- 02:44 Here's a bunch of particular symbols like the pound sign, here's a Yen sign.
- 02:49 But don't just focus your eyes up here,
- 02:51 I want you to look corner to corner on this entire square.
- 02:54 Okay that's how you become a better computer user,
- 02:57 become aware of the entire dialogue box.
- 02:59 First of all, I am clicked on the Japanese Yen, right down here it's telling me
- 03:03 the name, Yen Sign, it's telling me the character code, 0085,
- 03:08 so if you're trying to describe to someone else which symbol you're clicked on you
- 03:13 can just give them the character code.
- 03:16 And it's also giving me the shortcut key right here, Alt+0165, again if
- 03:22 I'm going to use this more often I would memorize that or I'd make a note of it.
- 03:26 But right now I'm just gonna go ahead and hit insert.
- 03:30 And close, and there you have the Japanese Yen.
- 03:34 All right, that's it for symbols.
- 03:35 They're very useful.
- 03:36 You can find all kinds of symbols and all kinds of uses for them.
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