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About this lesson
How to quickly add the Navigation pane and quickly zoom in and out of the document.
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Show and Zoom Controls.docx65.6 KB
Quick reference
Show and Zoom Controls
How to quickly add the Navigation pane and quickly zoom in and out of the document.
When to use
The Show and Zoom controls are invaluable as you become an advanced MS Word user. They will assist you in viewing multiple pages, or zooming closely into a section of a page.
Click the VIEW ribbon, and in the SHOW group,
- Put a checkmark in the Ruler and Navigation Pane boxes.
- Also click the Gridlines box to see what happens, then turn it off again. Gridlines is not something that would stay on the screen very long. It is mainly used to visually align text or graphics.
Click through the Zoom control settings and observe the results on your screen.
You may decide to add some of these buttons to your Quick Access Bar. Here’s how:
- Right click the button you want to add, and select “Add to Quick Access Toolbar”
It may be a good idea to add the buttons “One Page”, “Multiple Pages” and “Page Width” to your Quick Access Bar. They are very useful when working on large Word documents. They will appear like this on your Quick Access Bar:
- 00:04 All right, continuing on with the view ribbon and learning more great tools,
- 00:08 make sure you are clicked on the view ribbon.
- 00:11 And right over here, in the show group, we have these three buttons.
- 00:14 You're gonna click two of them on for sure.
- 00:16 One is the ruler.
- 00:17 I leave my rulers on all the time.
- 00:19 It helps me look at my tabs, my indents, my margins and my page layout view.
- 00:24 Also the navigation pane.
- 00:25 I happen to like that, it helps me more than it hurts me, so
- 00:29 I have the navigation pane on, most of the time.
- 00:31 And then we have this one called grid lines.
- 00:34 Go ahead and click it and it lays a grid over your screen.
- 00:37 I certainly don't work with this on, all the time, I simply use it if, for
- 00:42 instance, I am, let's see, I'm gonna go ahead and put a square on my screen and
- 00:47 when I click and drag at the square, now it's aligning to the grid.
- 00:51 When you move it, you're going to see what's called snap to grid, so
- 00:54 as I move it across, it's snapping itself a little tiny square at a time,
- 00:59 and then up and down as well, it'll snap to grid.
- 01:02 So that's if you want a precise layout of the square on the sheet for
- 01:07 whatever reason, you put the grid on,
- 01:09 you put your shapes on, and then you can move them precisely.
- 01:12 I'm gonna go ahead and delete that little square.
- 01:15 Come back to my view ribbon and turn off my grid line,
- 01:18 because I certainly don't want that on my screen all the time.
- 01:22 All right, let's go to the zoom controls.
- 01:24 There's this magnifying glass right here and down in the bottom right hand corner,
- 01:28 this is the same thing.
- 01:29 The zoom control right here.
- 01:31 In fact, if I click the 119%, that which mine happens to be at,
- 01:36 yours might be different.
- 01:37 But when I click that,
- 01:38 I get the same thing as clicking this zoom control right here.
- 01:42 It opens the same square.
- 01:43 So it's just up to you, where you happen to be on your screen,
- 01:46 when you need your zoom controls.
- 01:47 So I can zoom in to 200% and look what happens or I could zoom to 75% or
- 01:54 I could type in, maybe type in 50% and see what happens on your screen.
- 02:00 So you can zoom around all you want.
- 02:02 Another thing down here on the right,
- 02:03 is I could actually move this lever, left and right.
- 02:06 Or there's a keyboard trick.
- 02:08 The keyboard trick is hold down your Ctrl key and then wheel up with your mouse or
- 02:13 wheel down with your mouse, so your mouse wheel, just control wheel up or
- 02:17 wheel down, and that will absolutely zoom in for you, which is even faster.
- 02:23 Take another look at this zoom control up here.
- 02:25 We have 100%.
- 02:26 Quickly go back to that.
- 02:28 Then, we have one page, multiple pages, and page width.
- 02:31 Now, in the second video lesson of this series,
- 02:35 you learned about the quick access bar and how to customize it on the fly.
- 02:37 Let's go ahead and do that right now,
- 02:39 because I do have these three buttons on my quick access when I'm working Word.
- 02:44 They are so valuable.
- 02:46 So, the lesson was, if we wanna add a quick access button to our, or if
- 02:52 we wanna add a button to our quick access bar, we simply right-click on the button.
- 02:57 And the very top option says Add to Quick Access.
- 02:59 We're gonna do that to all three of these.
- 03:01 And notice they're adding themselves right down here on the quick access bar.
- 03:05 One more on my page width.
- 03:06 Now we're gonna go ahead and work with these.
- 03:08 Now this first one says one page.
- 03:10 Click, there it is.
- 03:11 This next one is multiple pages.
- 03:13 It'll show me two, side by side.
- 03:15 And the last one is page width, which is your typical view, is the page width.
- 03:19 Now the reason we ended the quick access, of course, cuz now if I'm back on my home
- 03:22 ribbon, I still have those wonderful page width tools handy on my screen and
- 03:28 I don't have to go hunt them down on the view menu, all right.
- 03:31 So again these are tricks of the trade, tools of the trade.
- 03:34 And you will be a better Microsoft Word user if you practice these and use these.
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