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Imagine being able to:

Reduce the mental load of starting from scratch

Reduce mental load

Access a clear guide of useful training content for your team

Useful training content for your team.

Simply “fill in the blanks” for your organization

Fill in the blanks for your organization

No need to start from square one


Instead of mulling over how to begin and what to cover, you’ll be able to use our carefully crafted templates as a clear guideline for how to educate your team on important topics like cybersecurity, mental health, and working from home.

Easily customize courses to suit your needs


Our gallery offers both “ready-to-go” and “make-it-your-own” templates. The former allows you to launch fully-created courses to your organization immediately, while the latter allows you to tailor specialized content to your needs through clear prompts. In other words: there’s no hemming and hawing over what to share–we make it simple!

Well-researched, accurate, and up-to-date content at your fingertips


We stay in touch with the latest trends and best practices, so you don’t have to. When you share our template courses with your team, you can rest assured that they’re accurate and up-to-date through thorough research and quality assurance from our specialized content team.

Simple for anyone to use


Our intuitive interface makes it easy for users at all levels to navigate and utilize the template gallery, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable creator experience every time. Include memorable course features like videos, quizzes, interactive images, downloadable content, and more.

Constantly growing library

Stay ahead of the curve with our constantly expanding library of templates, ensuring that you always have access to the latest trends and best practices. We’re constantly brainstorming and evaluating the best course templates to add to our collection, and we love taking your suggestions!