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About this lesson
Learn how to analyze your preference values to better understand how important each of your criteria is to you, relative to each other.
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Quick reference
Preference Values
These numbers represent the relative importances of your criteria and their levels.
When to use
Use this to analyze your preferences in more detail and compare the relative importance of your criteria and their levels more in-depth.
Table of preference values
- Shows you the preference values for all levels of all your criteria
- The bolded numbers represent the relative importances of the criteria as a whole, as well as those of the highest level of each criterion
- The bolded numbers sum to 100, allowing you to interpret the criteria in relative terms (e.g. "weather (30%) is 2x more important than public transportation (15%)")
- Your highest-ranked possible alternative would have the highest level in each criterion, giving it a total score of 100
Polar chart of preference values
- A more condensed and visual way to view the preference values of your criteria and their levels
- The bigger the radius of a sector, the higher the preference value of that criterion
- Hover over any sector to view exact percentages
Relative importance of criteria
- Use this to see how much more important one criterion is to you relative to another
- The bolded numbers and non-bolded numbers are inverses of each other
Criterion value functions
- Shows you how much the preference values of your criteria increase by level
- Note the slope of each line, which tells you about the marginal effects of moving to higher categories on a criterion (i.e. constant versus increasing versus decreasing marginal effects).
Hints & tips
- For more detailed explanations about these charts, view the help menu on the right of the preference values page.
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