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Quick reference
Creating More Complex Shapes
Let's look at some advanced tips and tricks for the Pen Tool.
When to use
Use any of these tips and tricks if you are having trouble working with the Pen Tool or when you want to speed up your workflow.
Easy Handles
- Grab the Pen Tool (P) and click and hold down your mouse button.
- Begin moving your mouse around before releasing the cursor and you will see that you can create a set of handles with your first point.
- This can be very useful if you want to determine the direction and strength of the curve with your very first point.
Curving Your Straight Lines
- Grab the Pen Tool (P) and begin tracing around the stem of your pepper illustration with straight lines (don't worry about the curves!).
- Select the path with your Selection Tool (V).
- Switch back to the Pen Tool (P) and hold down the Alt/Option Key while hovering over one of the straight lines.
- You should notice that the cursor has changed from an arrow into a small curved line.
- You can now change this path from a straight line to a curved path.
- Continue to do this to trace around the remainder of the stem on your pepper.
Locking Your Lines
- Grab the Pen Tool (P) and click to make a point.
- Click to make your second point and continue holding down the mouse to modify your curve and handles.
- Try this while holding the Shift Key and notice that your handles are now locked so they will stay in a straight line.
Apply What You've Learned
Use everything we've learned about the Pen Tool (P) to finish tracing around all of the shapes in the stem and body of the red pepper until complete.
Hints & tips
- Remember that as you trace around the stem of the pepper, you can convert any hard edges corners into rounded corners by clicking on the small white circle icon inside of the path and dragging it to smooth things out.
- You can move any of your points around freely by holding the spacebar and dragging the point around to place it where you'd like it to be.
- It's okay if you have overlapping shapes because they will help build up several layers of detail once you begin filling them in with color.
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