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About this lesson
Show the regular Lasso Tool, the Polygonal Lasso Tool, and the Magnetic Lasso Tool
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Quick reference
Selecting Objects with the Lasso Tool
Learn how and when to use the various types of Lasso Tools in Photoshop.
When to use
The Lasso Tools are useful anytime you want to make a freehand selection in Photoshop.
Using the Lasso Tool
- Begin by opening the photo of the ducks from the resources folder.
- Zoom In on the image by pressing Command/Ctrl and the '+' key.
- You can use the Hand Tool to navigate around the document by holding the Spacebar and dragging around.
- Press 'L' on the keyboard to select the Lasso Tool.
- You can now click and drag a selection around one of the ducks. Don't worry about being too accurate here.
- If you want to add to your selection, hold the Shift Key and drag around a second duck.
- If you want to remove part of your selection, hold the Alt/Option Key and drag around the parts of the image you want to deselect.
- Once you are happy with your selection, click on the Layer Mask Icon at the bottom of the Layers Palette to isolate the selection.
- Depending on the amount of Feathering you've applied, you will see either soft or hard edges around your selection.
- Hold the Control Key and click on the Layer Mask Icon and then choose 'Delete Layer Mask' to remove it.
Using the Polygonal Lasso Tool
- Click and hold on the Lasso Tool in the toolbar before choosing the 'Polygonal Lasso Tool' from the toolbar.
- Instead of using a freehand selection, the Polygonal Lasso Tool makes selections based on points.
- Click once to create your first point, and then continue clicking around the outside of one of the ducks until closing the shape completely to make a selection.
- You can now add to your selection, or subtract from it using the Shift Key or the Alt/Option Key respectively.
- Once you make a selection that you're happy with, click on the Layer Mask Icon at the bottom of the Layers Palette to isolate your selection.
- After seeing the results, hold the Control Key and click on the Layer Mask Icon before choosing 'Delete Layer Mask' from the menu.
Using the Magnetic Lasso Tool
- Click and hold on the Lasso Tool and choose the 'Magnetic Lasso Tool' from the toolbar.
- Click to make your first point near one of the edges of the duck and then slowly drag your cursor around the outside of the duck.
- Notice that as you make your way around the shape of the duck that points are being added automatically.
- This will be the most accurate when there is greater contrast between your subject and the background.
- Continue to click and drag slowly around the duck to get your selection to be as close to the edges of the shape of the duck as possible.
- Once you've made your way around the entire shape of the duck you can close the shape to reveal the marching ants, indicating your selection is active.
- You can now duplicate the selection onto a new layer by pressing Command/Ctrl+J while your selection is active.
- Duplicate the duck a few times, and then change the size and position of a few of them to make them appear more random in the photo.
Hints & tips
- Increasing the Feathering will soften the edges around any selection in Photoshop.
- Having no Feathering will make it so your selections have hard edges.
- The regular Lasso Tool works best for freehand selections around organic shapes.
- The Polygonal Lasso Tool works best for making selections around objects or shapes that have straight edges.
- Instead of applying a Layer Mask once you have an active selection, you can also press Command/Ctrl+J on the keyboard to duplicate your selection onto a new layer of its own.
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