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The Scrum Team performs the project work conducted during a Sprint on an Agile/Scrum project.
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Sprint – Scrum Team
The Scrum Team performs the project work conducted during a Sprint on an Agile/Scrum project.
When to Use Sprint–Scrum Teams
The Scrum Team for a Sprint must be formed prior to the start of the Sprint. The team members should be 100% dedicated to the Agile/Scrum project for the duration of the Sprint, so they need to have advance notice to clear their schedule.
A major difference between Agile/Scrum projects and traditional projects is the makeup and management of the project team members. Some of the differences are:
- Team members are 100% dedicated to the project for the duration of the Sprint. Team members are not matrixed across multiple projects simultaneously.
- Teams work collaboratively. They are not assigned to specific tasks, rather they work together to make certain as many tasks as possible are completed.
- Teams are self-organizing. There is no one assigned to the project leader role or any other specific team leadership role. Rather, the teams decide daily how best to organize to complete the work and leadership is shared among team members.
- Many individuals will require training in team facilitation, team decision-making, and giving and receiving feedback from peers.
- Teams are autonomous, adaptive, and accountable.
- Teams are normally co-located in a common workspace. At a minimum, they meet together daily at the Scrum meeting.
These are key roles in an Agile/Scrum project:
- Product Owner: represents the business and stakeholder needs for the team. This individual consolidates the Story Cards and prioritizes them.
- Scrum Master: facilitates the Agile/Scrum process including maintaining the Scrum Board and Burn Down Chart. In addition, this individual works to remove any roadblocks or impediments that the team faces.
- Scrum Team member: Plan and execute the work of the Sprint, including estimating what Stories can be completed, doing the tasks, and ensuring the Demo Criteria on the Stories is met.
- Senior Management/Business Team: Coordinate with the Product Owner to define needs and deliverables. At the invitation of the Product Owner they can also participate in the Sprint Demo.
Hints and Tips
- Membership in a Scrum Team is not for everyone. Team members must be able to work autonomously and determine the best way to do the stories that they have selected. No one tells them what to do, they volunteer for the work. If their work is late or poor quality it is quickly exposed in front of the whole team. Some people love the autonomy and accountability – some hate it.
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