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Dividing your course into sections and relying on learning objectives can help you create the ideal content with an easy-to-follow structure.
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Outline Your Course and Learning Objectives
It's time to start building your course!
In this video lesson, we'll talk about course structure, creating an outline, and discuss where learning objectives come into play.
What is a Course Outline?
The course outline is your map, or the blueprint to help you build the course. Organize your content into sections and individual lessons to guide the learner from an introduction through each of the major concepts.
What are Learning Objectives?
Learning objectives are statements that define what your course is all about. Generally, courses have about 3 learning objectives that shape everything you teach.
To create learning objectives, revisit those initial questions of what you need to teach, who your audience is, and why they need to learn this material. Think of learning objectives as ideal outcomes for your audience - that often helps pin down the true focus.
A great prompt you can use is this one: “By the end of this course, learners should be able to…” What will they learn? What will they be able to do on their own? How is this course going to level up their abilities?
How Long Should My Course Be?
The answer is almost always: long enough to satisfy the learning objectives. Some courses only require a handful of lessons; others need hours of content. There is no "1-Size-Fits-All" approach to course-building. How much content do you need to satisfy the needs of the learners?
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