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About this lesson
Databases involve a two-step process: migration, and pushing the migration to a database. In this lesson, we'll cover both steps of this process for your new project.
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Quick reference
Migrate Database For Admin Area And Create Superuser
In this video we'll learn how to Migrate the Django Database and Create a Superuser for the Django Admin area.
When to use
Whenever you create a new project, you always want to migrate the server right away, and create a super user for the Django admin area.
To migrate a Django database, use the command:
python manage.py migrate
To create a super user, use the command:
winpty python manage.py createsuperuser
To view the Django Admin area, navigate your web browser to:
Hints & tips
- python manage.py migrate
- winpty python manage.py createsuperuser
- http://localhost:8000/admin
- 00:04 Okay, in this video I want to talk about migrations of the database.
- 00:08 Now if we click back to our original Git Bash terminal that has the server running,
- 00:13 you notice when I broke out of the server in the last video,
- 00:16 we got this message you have 17 unapplied migrations.
- 00:20 So what is that all about?
- 00:21 Well, Django out of the box comes with an administration area on the back end that
- 00:26 allows you to do database stuff.
- 00:28 But anytime you're dealing with databases, it's always a two step process.
- 00:32 You make a migration and then you push the migration into the database.
- 00:36 And now that doesn't mean a lot to you and it really doesn't need to at this point.
- 00:40 The point is right out of the box when you install Django.
- 00:43 There are some migrations for the database for
- 00:46 that back end administration area that need to be migrated.
- 00:49 So let's do that really quickly in this video and
- 00:52 then I'll show you the administration area.
- 00:55 So I'm going to hit Ctrl+C to break out of this server.
- 00:58 And to push these migrations,
- 01:01 we just type in pythonmanage.py.
- 01:05 And then just the command is migrate.
- 01:09 And when we do that, it applies those 17 migrations.
- 01:13 And everything's good to go.
- 01:15 So we can clear the screen.
- 01:16 So strictly speaking, that's all you have to do.
- 01:19 And in fact, if we run our web server again and
- 01:25 go back to our app, and
- 01:27 then navigate to localhost:8000/admin.
- 01:33 We'll see this administration area that we can log into.
- 01:36 Now, we don't have a username or a password.
- 01:39 So we can't get in there yet, but we can create one very simply.
- 01:42 So let's head back over to our terminal and I'm using the second Git Bash terminal
- 01:47 so we can keep the web server running in the first one.
- 01:50 So what we want to do is create a user or what Django calls a super user.
- 01:54 So to do that, we just type in winpty python
- 02:00 manage.py and then createsuperuser.
- 02:05 And before I hit Enter, why are we doing this winpty?
- 02:08 I said usually when we run commands we type in python manage.pi and
- 02:13 then the command this time we're doing winpty.
- 02:16 Well, that's strictly because we're using the Git Bash terminal.
- 02:20 If you're using any other type of terminal for this specific comand,
- 02:23 you won't have to do that winpty.
- 02:25 But since we're using to get bashed terminal for this specific man,
- 02:29 we have to type winpty first, and then the command.
- 02:32 So, but hit Enter.
- 02:33 And it's going to ask you to pick a username, and
- 02:36 you can pick any username you want.
- 02:37 I'm going to just pick admin.
- 02:40 And now it asks for your email address.
- 02:42 You can type this in if you want, but you don't have to.
- 02:45 Now it's asking for a password.
- 02:47 So I'm going to type in just a random password.
- 02:52 Now you'll notice as I'm typing, nothing appears on the screen.
- 02:55 That's normal.
- 02:56 That's a security process, just to make sure that,
- 02:58 I don't know, it doesn't get stolen.
- 03:01 It's going to ask you to type it again.
- 03:02 So go ahead and type it again.
- 03:04 And your super user was created successfully.
- 03:06 So now we can head back over to this localhost;8000/admin.
- 03:13 And we can type in that username we just created and then go ahead and
- 03:17 type that password and then click Login.
- 03:20 And when you do you see the Django administration area?
- 03:24 And like I said earlier,
- 03:25 this is just a way that you can access the database that comes with Django.
- 03:29 In our course here, we're not really going to do any database work.
- 03:32 That's more of an advanced topic.
- 03:34 But if you did want to do some database stuff, you can see it visually,
- 03:38 right here.
- 03:39 So we can click on users, we see here's that admin user we just created.
- 03:43 There's my email address, and we can click on this and do all kinds of things.
- 03:47 We can add first name, last name, if we want, we can change it right here.
- 03:52 If we want to change the password, you can come down here right here and
- 03:57 click this and then type in your new password and stuff like that.
- 04:02 And that's pretty cool.
- 04:03 If you want to delete this user, you can delete it right there.
- 04:06 And very neat.
- 04:07 So this isn't all that interesting because we're not actually doing any database
- 04:12 stuff, but I just wanted to kind of show it to you really quickly.
- 04:16 And because you really should migrate the server every time you create a new
- 04:19 Django project, just to get those migrations out of the way,
- 04:22 you don't necessarily have to do that.
- 04:24 But it's best practices to do it, and the reason why is so that
- 04:28 you can use this Django administration area later on if you want it to.
- 04:31 And like I said,
- 04:32 we're not going to use this Django administration tool in this course at all.
- 04:36 But I just wanted to show it to you so you're aware of it, okay.
- 04:39 So that's all for this video and the next video,
- 04:43 we'll start to build out our new app.
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