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About this lesson
Learn how to use Data Validation to ensure that users enter valid data in input cells.
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Data Validation.xlsx20.9 KB Data Validation - Completed.xlsx
21.9 KB
Quick reference
Data Validation
Using Data Validation to ensure that users enter valid data in input cells.
When to use
When you create a model and release it to other users it is important to make sure that they are putting the correct data into the input cells in order to avoid issues and errors.
Basic Date Validation
- Select any cell, go to the Data tab > Data Validation > Data Validation
- Select to allow a Date, Between
- For the start date enter =TODAY()-31
- For the end date enter =TODAY()
- Click OK and try to enter a date within the last 30 days, and one outside that range
Using Input Messages
- Select your cell, go to the Data tab > Data Validation > Data Validation
- Select the Input Message tab
- For the Title enter “Enter Date”
- For the message enter “Please enter a date within the last 30 days”
- Click Ok and notice that as soon as you select the cell an input message pops up
Using Error Messages
- Select your cell, go to the Data tab > Data Validation > Data Validation
- Select the Error Alert tab
- Choose the Stop style and give it a Title of “Invalid Data!”
- Provide a clear message for your user that helps them fix the problem without calling you (they already couldn’t figure out your input message!)
- Message: “Please enter a valid data within the last 30 days in the yyyy-mm-dd format.”
- Click OK and try to enter a date within the last 30 days, and one outside that range
- Notice that the invalid date triggers a much more helpful error than the default message
- 00:04 In this module, we are going to look at data validation and
- 00:07 you will notice that I have an order form that we have created in excel.
- 00:11 Now the challenge here is that I have a pick up date and
- 00:13 I need somebody to enter a date of either today or later.
- 00:17 But unfortunately, with Excel, when you create a new workbook,
- 00:20 you can put anything to a cell.
- 00:22 So somebody could easily come and
- 00:23 just bang some random characters in and away it goes.
- 00:26 Or they could actually go in and
- 00:27 put in a date that's six months ago, which obviously isn't gonna help.
- 00:31 Now for the purposes of this video,
- 00:33 I want to make sure that somebody must enter a date from today or later.
- 00:38 And I can force them to do exactly that, using the setting called Data Validation.
- 00:43 So we're going to go to the Data tab.
- 00:45 Now, your button is probably going to be bigger than mine for this because my
- 00:48 ribbon's collapsed, but you'll notice that there's a button here for Data Validation.
- 00:52 When I click on that it'll actually bring me into this little wizard here.
- 00:56 And you can see that by default, I allow any value to go into a cell.
- 01:01 But the cool thing is, I can change this.
- 01:04 I can drop down and I can say Force it to only be a whole number or
- 01:07 a decimal number.
- 01:09 Force it to be a list or a date or a time or whatever, or even custom.
- 01:13 Now in custom, I can actually go back and
- 01:15 play around with all kinds of different formulas.
- 01:17 But I wanna force this to be a date.
- 01:20 And specifically I'd like to say that the date needs to be greater than or equal to.
- 01:26 How do I make it actually work so that it's always today's date?
- 01:29 I'm gonna use the equals today formula.
- 01:33 And now we'll say OK.
- 01:35 Now, today's date is November 17, 2018 as I'm recording this.
- 01:40 So if I go and throw in a date of 11/16 2018,
- 01:44 you'll notice that it comes back and it tells me that I'm not allowed to do that.
- 01:50 I can retry and try to enter a different date.
- 01:52 Maybe I'll put in this time the 17th and hit Enter.
- 01:57 And you'll notice that this time, it actually accepts the data.
- 02:00 So that's pretty cool, I can now force it to make sure that it's either gonna
- 02:03 be today or tomorrow or even maybe a week from now.
- 02:08 And everything will work fine.
- 02:10 But if somebody tries to go back and
- 02:11 put in something for June 30th, it's gonna give them an error.
- 02:17 Now this error isn't the most helpful thing in the world.
- 02:21 If you click the Help button you're gonna go to a generic help page.
- 02:24 You can cancel.
- 02:25 Or you can retry.
- 02:26 And it gives a nice little message here that says it's Microsoft Excel and
- 02:29 this message kinda freaks users up.
- 02:31 So let's cancel this and see if we can do better.
- 02:34 I'm gonna go back to data validation, And go into my settings.
- 02:39 Now you'll notice that we have a couple of different tabs here.
- 02:42 The first one is input message and
- 02:44 I could actually put something here that says Enter a date.
- 02:48 Please enter a date greater than or
- 02:54 equal to today's date.
- 02:59 This will actually pop up message that shows up on the cell
- 03:02 every time it's selected.
- 03:03 If I select somewhere else, the message goes away.
- 03:05 But as soon as I select it, it tells the user exactly what to go and
- 03:08 put in this cell.
- 03:10 But I can do even better if I go back to my data validation settings.
- 03:15 I also have the ability to customize the error that came up.
- 03:19 I can say, this is invalid data please enter a valid
- 03:25 date that is greater than or equal to today's date.
- 03:33 Now I have the style here for stop.
- 03:36 And when I say OK, and I try and put in something like June 30th,
- 03:39 you'll notice that it now gives me my own custom message.
- 03:43 With this custom title, and tells me the message that I want to work with.
- 03:47 Which is great.
- 03:48 I wish I could get rid of this Help button,
- 03:50 because this still takes me to a generic help page.
- 03:52 Which really isn't gonna help the users at all now.
- 03:54 But it'll still let me retry or cancel.
- 03:57 But we also have some other options that we can work with here as well.
- 04:01 We have the option to use what we call a warning.
- 04:04 It gives a different icon and when I say OK and try this now,
- 04:09 you'll notice that it comes back and says Would you like to continue anyway.
- 04:13 And I can say, Yes, and it will actually put it in the cell.
- 04:16 And the reason we would set our message up like this is to say something is
- 04:20 outside of our normal parameters, but are you sure you want to do it anyway.
- 04:23 So that's a nice option to have.
- 04:25 We also have one more option, which is the information section.
- 04:31 And when I say OK on this, and somebody puts in a new value,
- 04:36 it always pops up the message to which I can just say OK or Cancel.
- 04:40 So this is what I like to refer to as a nag screen.
- 04:42 And this will drive your users crazy.
- 04:44 Personally the thing I like to do is I usually end up using the stop or
- 04:48 the warning in order to make sure that my data is bringing in correctly, and
- 04:53 making sure that it don't get garbage into my models
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