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About this lesson
When you want to graph 3 line series, but only want 2 in focus most of the time.
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Building Combination Line and Area Charts.xlsx12.6 KB Building Combination Line and Area Charts - Completed.xlsx
15.5 KB Building Combination Line and Area Charts - Extra Practice.xlsx
28.3 KB
Quick reference
Creating line and area combination charts
Where/when to use the technique
When you want to graph 3 line series, but only want 2 in focus most of the time.
Creating a Line chart
- Select cells B28:N31
- Go to Insert --> Charts --> Line --> select the first line chart
Enhancing the Chart context
- Right click the Legend --> Format Legend --> Show at Bottom --> OK
- Chart Tools --> Layout --> Chart Title --> Above Chart
- Select the Chart Title --> Press = --> Select cell B28 --> Enter
- Widen the chart so that the dates lie flat
Add the Combination effect
- Right click the Budget series --> Change Series Chart Type
- Click Area --> Change the selection to the left-most Area chart --> OK
- Right click the Budget fill area --> Fill (mini toolbar) --> Gradient --> First light gradient
Add color to the line elements
- Right click the Actual series --> Format Data Series
- --> Line Color --> Solid Color --> Dark Blue
- --> Marker Options --> Built-in --> Type --> Circle
- --> Marker Fill --> Solid Fill --> Color --> Dark Blue (same as the line color)
- --> Marker Line Color --> Solid line --> Color --> Dark Blue --> Close
- Right click the Flexible Budget series --> Format Data Series
- --> Line Color --> Solid Line --> Color --> Dark Yellow --> Close
Fine tuning the elements
- Right click the date axis --> Format axis --> Axis Options --> Position Axis --> On tick marks --> Close
- Go to Chart Tools --> Design --> Select Data
- Select the Actual series and click the Move Down icon
- 00:04 In this video, we're going to look at some black magic charting techniques and
- 00:08 built combination charts.
- 00:10 Now, one of the things you may run into at some point in your career with Excel is
- 00:14 this crazy combination of information that you've got to generate in order to be able
- 00:18 to feed into a chart.
- 00:19 Lots of analysis to even get there.
- 00:22 You'll notice this as I scroll down this particular area.
- 00:25 In rows 27 through 31,
- 00:27 I've actually recapped all the stuff above into a nice and
- 00:32 easy source to use for my chart, and this is something I highly recommend you do.
- 00:36 If you're gonna build any charts, is actually make
- 00:39 a recap table that is specific to feeding the exact chart that you're working on.
- 00:44 So now that we have that, let's build a pretty cool chart here.
- 00:47 We'll select our series of data, as we normally would.
- 00:51 We'll go to the insert menu, and we'll choose to insert a line chart and,
- 00:55 like normal, the top left one for a 2D line.
- 00:59 And it gives us this nice three-line chart that looks,
- 01:02 well it's not nice it's pretty horrendous.
- 01:03 So, let's do the normal kind of formatting that we generally do.
- 01:07 We'll grab the legend and we'll go layout.
- 01:10 And we'll put the legend down below the chart.
- 01:14 And we'll add a chart title above the chart.
- 01:18 And while the selection handles are around it we'll say equals, and
- 01:22 we'll link it back to cell B 28 so
- 01:23 that our chart reads out that it's a cost of goods sold comparison.
- 01:28 We're also gonna go and soften off some of the stuff that we don't usually like.
- 01:32 I'm gonna get rid of this vertical axis and tick marks here.
- 01:35 So, we'll right-click and say Format.
- 01:37 Whoops! Missed it.
- 01:38 I'll grab the actual axis and say Format Axis.
- 01:43 We will remove the tick marks, so none, and
- 01:48 we will remove the line color to no line there.
- 01:51 So now when we go back and we loo at,
- 01:53 the different areas we've removed that excess ink that's not required.
- 01:58 The other thing I'm going to do is I'm going to click on the grid lines here.
- 02:01 And change the line style to a dash type just to soften it again to make sure that
- 02:05 we don't have extra ink that's in our way all the time when we're looking at things.
- 02:09 Now, move the chart out so we can see it a little bit.
- 02:13 We'll also expand the boundaries on the chart a little bit.
- 02:15 Make sure that those labels are lying horizontal sort of
- 02:18 a little bit easier to read.
- 02:21 Okay.
- 02:22 Now, the next piece that I wanna do is, I wanna try and
- 02:25 figure out a way to make this thing not look quite so cluttered.
- 02:29 The most important numbers on this chart to me are the actual and
- 02:33 the Flexible Budget.
- 02:35 And what a Flexible Budget is is it's where we've taken our
- 02:38 budgeted cost of goods sold and we've made it
- 02:41 relative to the actual revenue that we've received instead of having.
- 02:46 So, so basically what this would mean is if we had actual revenue that we budgeted
- 02:50 of $10,000, but our revenue came in at $5,000,
- 02:52 we would expect to have only half the cost to consult.
- 02:55 So that's what the flexible budget is.
- 02:58 So, budget is interesting, you can see it's really high here, and
- 03:01 our actual is really low, and out flexible budget was lower here.
- 03:04 It's. Interesting but
- 03:05 it's not what I really wanna focus on.
- 03:07 So I'd like to kind of push this to the background a little bit.
- 03:10 So the way I'm gonna do this is I'm gonna use a combination charting
- 03:13 technique to make it happen.
- 03:14 I'm gonna select the orange line.
- 03:17 I'm gonna right-click, and I'm gonna say Change Series Chart Type.
- 03:21 And this is cool because you can do this for just one series on the chart.
- 03:26 So, we'll go and grab the area chart.
- 03:29 And we're going to move it over here where I don't want a stacked one,
- 03:31 we're going to put this in behind and say OK.
- 03:34 And yikes, that's awful.
- 03:36 Really dense and orange, don't like that.
- 03:38 Let's soften it.
- 03:40 So while we're selected on the orange fill,
- 03:42 you can see I've still got my format data series tab up here.
- 03:45 We'll go to fill.
- 03:47 Let's go to gradient fills.
- 03:48 Hey, that looks much better.
- 03:50 Much less, garish.
- 03:51 And, as a matter of fact, I think I'm just going to stick with that one right now.
- 03:56 One thing I missed doing earlier,
- 03:59 is that I've got extra white space on the outside here.
- 04:01 So I'm gonna click on my axis.
- 04:03 I'm gonna change my, position my axis on the tick marks to stretch it out,
- 04:06 make it look a little bit more full and complete.
- 04:09 And now the last thing that, or last couple of things we really need to do
- 04:12 is just really work on the lines that I have for
- 04:14 my actual revenue in my flexible budget.
- 04:17 I'm gonna make my actual revenue line much darker.
- 04:22 So, we're gonna change the line series to a solid line color.
- 04:27 And I'm going to set this to a really dark blue, so that it's very obvious.
- 04:31 And I'm gonna throw some marker options on here for a built in dot, of a marker.
- 04:38 I'm also going to change the marker fill color, I think,
- 04:41 instead of this light blue to make something that matches the line.
- 04:44 So we'll go with solid fill, and we'll go with the same dark blue.
- 04:48 So that's gonna look a little bit better.
- 04:50 The last thing I'm gonna do is I'm gonna select the flexible budge line.
- 04:54 And I'm gonna change the color on this guy as well because that's one a little
- 04:57 but I dunno.
- 04:58 It just doesn't seem to be standing out.
- 05:01 So, we'll change the line color to a solid line.
- 05:04 And why don't we make this line something like orange.
- 05:07 Orange and blue work quite well to complement each other.
- 05:12 The one other thing that I'm really not a big fan on this is that the yellow line is
- 05:16 drawn on top of the blue line so I'm very quickly going to reorder this chart.
- 05:20 We'll close the Format Chart Area window so that we can do it, and
- 05:24 we'll go up to Design, Select Data.
- 05:29 And we'll move the actual down, below the budget and the flexible budget, so
- 05:34 that now the blue line is in front.
- 05:36 I love this chart, we use these all the time in, in food and
- 05:39 beverage comparisons, because that static budget sort of fades to the back.
- 05:44 It's there if you need it, but it's not taking your attention away all the time.
- 05:47 The mean time, those two lines really pop out.
- 05:50 And those are the things that we generally focus on.
- 05:52 So there's a little black magic of charting for
- 05:54 you, is how to build a combination line chart and area chart to build
- 05:58 an effective chart to show three series but only two at a time in a way.
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