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About this lesson
Understand how time works in Excel, and how to change from whole numbers into time increments and back again.
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Understanding Time.xlsx10.5 KB Understanding Time - Completed.xlsx
10.8 KB Understanding Time - Extra Practice.xlsx
14.6 KB
Quick reference
Understanding how time works in Excel, and how to convert from whole numbers into time increments and back.
When to use
Manipulation of numbers into time formats and back is very common in timesheets.
Key Understandings
- Times are fractions of days
- .25 is equivalent to .25 days, or 6 hours
- .50 is equivalent to .50 days, or 12 hours
- Time fractions can be added to a whole date, so 41,633.5 is Noon on Dec 25, 2013
- If a time is entered in a cell without a date, it will default to the time on Jan 1, 1900
Converting whole numbers to time (so they can be formatted as time)
=A1/24 |
Converts the value in A1 into the fractional equivalent that represents hours (24 hours in a day) |
=A1/24/60 |
Converts the value in A1 into the fractional equivalent that represents minutes (60 minutes in an hour) |
=A1/24/60/60 |
Converts the value in A1 into the fractional equivalent that represents seconds (60 seconds in a minute) |
Converting time fractions back to whole values (so they can be represented as days/hours/minutes)
=A1*24 |
Converts the fractional time value in A1 into whole hours (24 hours in a day) |
=A1*24*60 |
Converts fractional time value in A1 into whole minutes (60 minutes in an hour) |
=A1*24*60*60 |
Converts fractional time value in A1 into whole seconds (60 seconds in a minute) |
- 00:04 Now let's look at understanding how time works in Excel. It's very similar
- 00:08 to dates but there are definitely some idiosyncrasies that we want to be aware of.
- 00:13 Now the first thing we need to know is that time are always fractions of days and what we can see here, I've got a duplicated column, I'm going
- 00:21 to go and format B4 through B7 with a time format you can see what happens.
- 00:27 So here we go, here's time.
- 00:30 And what you can see is that 0.25 equates to 6:00 AM, 0.5 to 12 PM so noon, 0.75 to 6 PM and 1.00 is midnight.
- 00:41 So what ends up actually happening here is that the first, if we divide our day into 24 hours we get six hour increments.
- 00:49 And that's what is actually happening here, 0.25 is the first six hours of the day, 0.5 will take us to the
- 00:54 midpoint of the day, 0.75 just a fractional ratio of what's happening.
- 00:58 Now when we're actually working with these things it's very common especially when we start working with timesheets and whatnot
- 01:05 that we have to convert hours into, or numbers into hours or minutes or seconds
- 01:10 and that can kind of throw some users off. So here's how we actually go about doing this. What we're going do is say well if we have
- 01:17 a value let's say it's equal to one so I'm going to say =A11
- 01:22 and I'm going to divide this by 24 and what that should do is it should divide by my value
- 01:28 that I've given by 24 to give me the equivalent of hours in a day and this one will come up to 0.04.
- 01:34 If I go and drag this all the way down
- 01:38 you'll see that 25 hours works into just over a day and 40 hours equals 1.6 days, 10 hours equals 0.42 days.
- 01:46 So that's what's actually happening in those particular cases so if you're ever looking to divide or to try and figure out
- 01:51 well I have a whole number and I want to know what's the Excel equivalent in hours
- 01:57 that's how you do it, just divide it by 24.
- 01:59 For minutes what we can do is we'll say =A11 again.
- 02:04 We are going to divide it by 24 first to get it back to hours and then remember there is 60 minutes in every hour so
- 02:09 we can divide it by 60 and it's going to bring back
- 02:13 some values that are very very small.
- 02:16 Well that's no problem, let's go in here and let's go and change these into a time format and see what actually happens now.
- 02:24 So now you can see that our five
- 02:28 when we actually say how many hours is it, it comes back with 5:00 AM. 10 would come back with 10:00 AM.
- 02:34 Five when we actually say that this is actually involved in minutes is going to come back with 12:05 AM
- 02:39 because everything remember starts off at the beginning or midnight 12.
- 02:44 The 10 becomes 12:10 AM so that works out well. What if we want to go and deal with seconds?
- 02:49 Let's go and do that now as well. So again I'm going to go back to =A11
- 02:54 divided by 24 because there is 24 hours in a day, divided by 60 because there's 60 minutes in
- 02:58 every hour and again divided by 60 to come to seconds
- 03:01 and again it comes up to 0.00 because the number is very small. Let's go flip that into a time format as well.
- 03:09 12:00:01 so my one has now converted into one second. If I drag that down what do we have? We've got
- 03:16 5 seconds, 10 seconds, 25 seconds, and 40 seconds that looks like it's working nicely.
- 03:22 That's going one way that's taking our whole values and going into minutes.What happens when we actually have our time and we want to
- 03:29 go back the other direction? This is a really common thing that you see with timesheets.
- 03:32 First thing I'm going to do, I'm going to go format both these cells here as time. Make sure that they are going to go in
- 03:37 correctly. So let's say that we have the starting time in this particular example of
- 03:41 2:35 pm
- 03:44 and it converts nicely adding the seconds for me. And now I'm going to say we'll have an ending time of 9:45pm
- 03:53 and that converts for me nicely as well.
- 03:55 So what I really want to do right now is I want to say well I want C19 minus B19
- 04:02 and that will give me 7:10 am. Well that's not really very helpful, I want to know how many hours is that.
- 04:07 So if I go and throw a comma style on it it says 0.30
- 04:12 It's obviously not 0.30 hours, remember time is based on a fraction of a day, so whole days so what we need to do is we need to take this
- 04:21 add our brackets around it and say let's give us this and then we're going to multiply that, it's 0.30 days is
- 04:27 what it turned out to. When I hit enter it comes back its 7.17 hours.
- 04:33 So there you go. That's how we work with time inside Excel both
- 04:36 taking a whole number and turning it into its fractional components to come up with an actual time and also how to subtract two times from
- 04:44 each other to come back to what is the equivalent in hours.
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