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About this lesson
Learn to use VLOOKUP to find an approximate match and return it or the corresponding value from another column.
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Quick reference
Using VLOOKUP to find an approximate match (not exceeding the value looked for) in a data table and return it or the corresponding value from another column.
When to use
Using VLOOKUP with an approximate match is ideal for tables that have gaps in data, such as volume pricing or tax tables.
VLOOKUP’s parameters (in English)
- =VLOOKUP([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[which column should it return a value from],[guess if it can’t find a match])
Key points with VLOOKUP and approximate matches
- For an approximate match, VLOOKUP’s final parameter must be set to TRUE.
- The first column of your data MUST be sorted in ascending order. (If it isn’t, you will get very strange results.)
- The column to return is the column of the table, not the column of the spreadsheet (if your VLOOKUP table starts in column B, then 1 refers to column B, as it is the first column in the table).
- VLOOKUP will return the first row that is not in excess of what you’re looking for.
- It is a best practice to declare the final parameter as TRUE, even though it defaults. (This will get you in the habit of declaring the last parameter, making it less likely to forget it when it needs to be FALSE.)
- =VLOOKUP(5000,A1:B10,2,TRUE) Returns the value from the second column of the table where the record in column A is closest to 5000 without going over.
- 00:04 In this video we are going to look at VLOOKUP and
- 00:06 this is going to be the first of two videos on the subject.
- 00:10 This is, in my opinion, one of the most important Excel functions to learn,
- 00:14 because it has everything a function can throw at you.
- 00:17 It's also one of the functions that terrifies most users because they don't
- 00:21 always understand how it works.
- 00:23 So for the first one here what we're going to do is we're going to show one of
- 00:27 the methods of which VLOOKUP works which is using an approximate match.
- 00:31 And basically what that means is we have a value,
- 00:35 we can use VLOOKUP to look up the value in a table.
- 00:39 So in this case, we've got the owner's age.
- 00:41 We wanna lookup the value in this particular table and
- 00:43 return the offsetting column.
- 00:45 The challenge we have here is that 47 is not a value in the age of column and
- 00:50 therefore we need Excel to comeback with the closest thing for us and
- 00:55 that's where the approximate match comes in.
- 00:57 And basically what you can look at is if your data is sorted properly,
- 01:01 which it must be for an approximate match,
- 01:03 it kinda plays the game like the old Price is Right, where it actually looks up and
- 01:08 find the closest thing without going over and then returns the offsetting column.
- 01:12 So for this particular case here, we have a credit scoring form that we're building,
- 01:16 we have our owner's age of 47 and we'd like to look up in this table and
- 01:20 return the appropriate score based on that.
- 01:23 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna start by typing =VLOOKUP.
- 01:28 When we open our parenthesis, you can see that we have four different parameters.
- 01:32 We've got look up value, table array, call index number, and range look up.
- 01:36 And what these mean in English is, what would you like to look up?
- 01:41 Well, I'd like to look up the value of 47.
- 01:44 The next question where it says table array,
- 01:47 really means where would you like to look it up.
- 01:50 So this is the boundaries of my table, headers included,
- 01:55 age to score, so I'm gonna select that, E8 to F13.
- 01:59 We now hit the comma and it says call index number, so what that means is which
- 02:04 column would you like to return when I find a match in the first column.
- 02:07 Well, I'd like to return my value from column number two.
- 02:12 The final parameter I highly recommend that you always declare even though it
- 02:16 is optional it will default to true, but I would like to use true as my
- 02:20 final parameter to force it to be an approximate match.
- 02:23 And I say always force it because this way you know you'll never make the mistake of
- 02:27 not declaring it.
- 02:29 Embarrassing things happen when you forget to declare it and it defaults to true and
- 02:33 you meant to be false.
- 02:35 Not an issue in this case, but certainly an issue in a lot of others.
- 02:38 So what we'll do now is we'll close the parenthesis off.
- 02:41 So just to review here, we say VLOOKUP, what would I like to look up?
- 02:46 I'd like to look up the owner's age, 47.
- 02:48 Where would I like to look it up?
- 02:50 In this table.
- 02:52 Which column would I like to return when I find a match in the first?
- 02:55 I'm gonna return column two.
- 02:57 And then comma, would you like me to return you the closest thing if I
- 03:02 can't find the exact value you're looking for?
- 03:05 Yes, I would.
- 03:06 And we'll say OK.
- 03:07 And you can see what's gonna happen is it again, plays the Price is Right game.
- 03:12 It looks for the closest number, 47, so
- 03:14 47 the closest number is 40, without going over cuz 50 would be going over.
- 03:20 Once it finds 40, it looks up the value beside 7.5 and we can test this out.
- 03:25 Lets go 23, we'll get a score of 2.5.
- 03:28 Okay so different scores come back here.
- 03:32 Likewise we can do the same for our years in business, so once again,
- 03:36 we'll say =VLOOKUP.
- 03:38 What would we like to look up?
- 03:39 The number of years in business.
- 03:41 Where would be we like to look it up?
- 03:43 In the table over here.
- 03:46 Which column would we like to return when we find a match in the first column?
- 03:50 We'd like to return the second.
- 03:51 And would we like to use an approximate match or
- 03:54 come back with the closest thing if we can't find the number four exactly?
- 03:58 And yes, we would.
- 04:00 And there we go.
- 04:01 It brings us back a score of five.
- 04:03 Why five?
- 04:04 Because three is the closest thing without going over, and therefore the value here.
- 04:09 Will it return the exact value if we had 40?
- 04:13 Well yeah, because now 40 is the closest thing without going over.
- 04:16 So it'll definitely do that.
- 04:17 Some key considerations to remember with VLOOKUP,
- 04:21 it always looks in the first column and returns your offset to the right.
- 04:24 It can't go the other way around.
- 04:26 The other thing with an approximate match that's critically important is that
- 04:30 the first column of data be sorted in ascending order.
- 04:33 And I'll show you why that is right off the bat.
- 04:35 What if we put a value of 42 right here.
- 04:38 Watch what happens to our score.
- 04:41 You'll notice that it comes to 0 because now 0 is the closest thing without
- 04:45 going over.
- 04:46 Now it's not perfectly true, but this is true enough for
- 04:49 understanding what actually ends up happening here.
- 04:51 If you don't have your data sorted,
- 04:53 you are gonna get some very odd results coming back.
- 04:56 So make sure if you're using an approximate match that the data is
- 05:01 sorted ascending order by the first column always.
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