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Learn to work with INDEX, MATCH and HLOOKUP, as alternatives to the VLOOKUP function.
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Other Lookup Methods
Working with INDEX, MATCH and HLOOKUP, as alternatives to the VLOOKUP function.
When to use
INDEX and MATCH can be used in combination to create truly dynamic lookup methods, where HLOOKUP is better suited to horizontal data than VLOOKUP.
- Allows you to return a value based on the numeric row and column positions within a range
- =INDEX(A1:C10,5,2) Returns the value in B5 (the 5th row and 2nd column of the data set)
- Works similar to VLOOKUP, but returns the numeric position of the match, allowing it to be used in INDEX functions
- The MATCH syntax (in English) is: =MATCH([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[guess if it can’t find a match])
- =MATCH(“Coffee”,A1:A10,FALSE) would return the numeric position of the Coffee record in cells A1:A10. This function could then be nested in the row parameter of the INDEX function
- Note that INDEX/MATCH combinations are actually faster than VLOOKUP formulas; something that can become important in very large workbooks
- MATCH is NOT case sensitive. (Looking up dog in a table will return Dog.)
- HLOOKUP works just like VLOOKUP, only it looks across rows, then down rows, unlike VLOOKUP which looks down columns then across columns
- HLOOKUP’s syntax (in plain English) is similar to VLOOKUP’s
- =HLOOKUP([what should it look for],[where is the table to look in],[which row should it return a value from],[guess if it can’t find a match])
- All the caveats related to VLOOKUP with exact and approximate matches apply to HLOOKUP as well, e.g. HLOOKUP matches are NOT case sensitive. (Looking up dog in a table will return Dog.)
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna look at three different lookup
- 00:07 functions which are similar and yet have nuanced differences to VLOOKUP.
- 00:12 The first we'll start with, which is actually gonna be very similar to VLOOKUP,
- 00:15 is the MATCH function.
- 00:16 So we'll say =MATCH, and you'll notice that we get prompted for a lookup value.
- 00:21 So we'll choose to grab B6 and
- 00:23 the lookup array, which is where do we want to look our data up?
- 00:29 We'll grab all the vacation numbers, including the header.
- 00:32 And finally, we get the option to declare a match type.
- 00:34 Now, this will accept true and false, just like VLOOKUP.
- 00:38 But it also gives you the ability to choose a less than, exact,
- 00:41 or greater than.
- 00:41 Now, I want an exact match.
- 00:43 This is the equivalent of VLOOKUP's false, so
- 00:47 we'll say OK and Enter and you'll notice it gives me a value of 7.
- 00:52 Where does that come from?
- 00:53 Vacation numbers 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
- 00:56 this is the seventh row which returns Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.
- 01:01 Now, this function is super useful for
- 01:04 actually feeding other functions like the VLOOKUP.
- 01:07 Instead of us hard coding the column parameter, we could use it there.
- 01:11 But I wanna show you this next piece here.
- 01:14 This is called INDEX.
- 01:15 And when we actually run an INDEX function, it says, what is the array or
- 01:19 what is the range?
- 01:21 So I'm gonna grab this entire table of data.
- 01:23 And then it says what's the row number and column number.
- 01:26 So I'm gonna choose ,7,2 and we'll hit Enter.
- 01:31 And notice that it gives me Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic.
- 01:34 Why?
- 01:35 It looks at this entire two dimensional range and
- 01:37 then goes with the seventh row and the second column.
- 01:41 But the key here is that if I were to go and update something over here,
- 01:45 obviously this isn't gonna change.
- 01:47 So I'd really rather actually use a MATCH function to pick up what I'm looking for.
- 01:52 So let's go back to the match for a second and we'll copy everything here except for
- 01:57 the equals.
- 01:58 There we go.
- 02:00 And now, if I go to my Punta Cana here,
- 02:03 instead of actually using the hard-coded value of 7, I'm gonna highlight that,
- 02:07 delete it, and I'm gonna paste, just Ctrl+V, the MATCH function in place.
- 02:12 And now when I hit Enter, you'll notice it still returns Punta Cana.
- 02:16 But if I were to go and do something like this, where I said 73892 and
- 02:21 hit Enter, you'll notice that it now updates to Cabo San Lucas in Mexico.
- 02:26 And the reason being is because we're dynamically using the MATCH function to
- 02:30 feed in the numeric position of where this particular item is.
- 02:33 So that's pretty neat.
- 02:35 This is what we actually refer to as an INDEX MATCH combination, and
- 02:39 we can actually even make this bigger too.
- 02:42 Maybe we want to know that it's the all inclusive location that we're looking for.
- 02:46 So instead of using the 2 here, just in case somebody moves these things around,
- 02:50 we could actually go and feed in another match where we say I'd like to match all
- 02:56 inclusive location in this particular array of data here,
- 03:04 comma 0 for an exact match, and close the parentheses.
- 03:09 So this point now, even if someone were to go and
- 03:13 insert a new column here, this is still gonna return the appropriate piece
- 03:18 because it's now matching across these four headers here to find the right one.
- 03:24 If I had not done that, if I hadn't worked with the MATCH function,
- 03:27 it would be returning a blank because it would be returning the second position.
- 03:31 But this automatically indexes up to get everything in the right place.
- 03:35 I'm just gonna delete that because we don't need to do that, but
- 03:38 you get the idea.
- 03:40 The last function I wanna look at is HLOOKUP.
- 03:43 So what's HLOOKUP?
- 03:44 Well, it's kinda like VLOOKUP's brother, except that it looks the other way.
- 03:48 Where VLOOKUP looks down the first column and
- 03:51 then finds the matching column, HLOOKUP looks across and then down.
- 03:57 So in order to actually try and figure out what we'd be looking for
- 03:59 here, I'm gonna go and write an HLOOKUP.
- 04:04 And it says what value would you like to look up here?
- 04:06 Well, I'm gonna look up the trip cost,
- 04:14 The table that I'm gonna look it up in is this area here.
- 04:19 And for the row index number,
- 04:21 why don't we just pick up the match that we're working with?
- 04:24 And finally, because we want to make absolutely certain that we're always
- 04:27 picking up the trip cost and we're never picking up something that's not spelled
- 04:30 correctly, we're gonna go with false for our HLOOKUP.
- 04:35 And just like this, we get $1,450, which is the price for Cabo San Lucas.
- 04:41 If I go and change this now to 74016, you'll notice that my match changes.
- 04:47 So it's picking up the fifth item.
- 04:50 And now my HLOOKUP is looking for trip cost and
- 04:53 then moving down to the fifth row, which is 1,950.
- 04:56 So these are different functions.
- 04:58 HLOOKUP works the same as VLOOKUP, but works across then down instead down and
- 05:03 then across.
- 05:04 INDEX is the more powerful of the functions because you can feed it
- 05:07 a couple of different matches.
- 05:09 And this is the one that actually hardcore formula people really like to use INDEX.
- 05:14 There's a huge debate over whether INDEX MATCH is better than VLOOKUP.
- 05:17 Personally, I say whichever one works is the one that you wanna use.
- 05:20 But INDEX MATCH is a little bit more robust and can be faster, believe it or
- 05:24 not, even with multiple functions.
- 05:26 So if you really wanna get into this hardcore,
- 05:29 that's the place you'd wanna focus.
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