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Learn to build your own custom number formats to display dates, values and variances how you want to see them.
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Quick reference
Building your own custom number formats to display dates, values and variances the way you want to see them.
When to use
Custom number formats are a helpful tool that allows you to control how numbers are formatted, even though Excel may not have actually built in a number style that you want.
Creating ISO compliant dates
- Select A4:A9, right click, choose Format Cells, and select the Number tab
- Click Custom, and enter yyyy-mm-dd in the Type box
- Notice that the sample (at top) updates to show what the currently selected data will look like
- Click OK and notice that the dates are all represented in the ISO YYYY-MM-DD format
Showing leading zeros
- Select C4:C9, right click, choose Format Cells, and select the Number tab
- Click Custom, and enter 00000000 in the Type box
- Notice that all the numbers in the column now display with leading zeros (a 0 in the custom format will put in a value or a 0 if no data exists for that character place.)
Displaying variances
- Select F4:F9, right click, choose Format Cells, and select the Number tab
- Click Custom, and the following in the Type box: #,### F;#,### U;”-“??
- The # will put in a value if one exists, and leave it blank if not
- The , will put in a thousands separator (but only if there is a value to the left)
- The ; separates the key pieces of the format (positive format; negative format; zero format)
- The “-“ puts in a dash as text
- The ? pads from the right with a space
- The F and U have no special meaning, so are treated as text
- The net effect is that positive numbers are displayed with an F after them (Favourable), negative numbers are displayed with a U next to them (Unfavourable), and zero values are displayed with a dash that is lined up with the rest of the values in the column
- This is a useful trick as you can build reports that never leaves someone wondering if a negative variance on an expense is a good or bad thing!
- 00:04 In this video, we're going to look at custom number formats.
- 00:07 Building our own formats for these cells,
- 00:09 to show numbers the way that we actually want to see them.
- 00:13 If we look at the dates on the left here, these are showing in a US format.
- 00:17 And unfortunately, I'd like to show these in a month or a year, month Date format,
- 00:21 but you'll notice that none of the formats that I have pre-built
- 00:24 in my version of Excel show those.
- 00:26 So I need to do this manually.
- 00:28 So to do this, we're gonna right-click on Format cells.
- 00:32 And we're gonna go to the number Tab and
- 00:35 I wannna show you how this stuff sort of looks and how it works.
- 00:38 You'll notice that we've got right now a date, and
- 00:41 if I scroll through my options I don't see a date that goes with year, month, day.
- 00:46 I see something that comes close, maybe this one here.
- 00:49 That gives me some idea.
- 00:50 And now what we're gonna do is, we're gonna select that format that's close, and
- 00:54 go to Custom.
- 00:55 And you can see that it's built like this.
- 00:58 The key piece we wanna recognize here is that these D's and
- 01:02 M's actually mean something.
- 01:03 So I'm gonna actually go and start building my own format.
- 01:06 We're gonna go with YYYY-MM-DD.
- 01:11 These are special characters that are used inside your
- 01:16 text formats inside a custom number format.
- 01:19 Y's are for years, M's are for months, and D's are for days.
- 01:22 And what you will notice is, if we went with M, again we would get to Dec and
- 01:27 M again would give me December.
- 01:29 But in this case I actually wanna go back to 12 Ds,
- 01:33 same would actually give me different variables as well.
- 01:37 So this is how I can build an .ISO compliant date format,
- 01:41 even if I don't have one.
- 01:43 Let's look at product numbers.
- 01:45 We'll go right-click and Format Cells here.
- 01:47 One of the challenge with these product numbers is that they're kinda shrinking
- 01:50 and they're supposed to be six digits long.
- 01:52 So if I go and take a look at some special formats.
- 01:55 I find something that says Zip Code + 4, and look at this, this is interesting.
- 01:59 This has got leading zeros on it.
- 02:00 So I found this.
- 02:02 Let's go look at custom and see how it's built.
- 02:05 It appears to be 000.
- 02:06 So if I wanna try six zeros for
- 02:08 my format, I've got five here right now, let's try one more.
- 02:13 And notice that it gives me a sample from the top right cell that I've selected.
- 02:17 So we've got 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.
- 02:19 Let's try this.
- 02:20 Okay.
- 02:21 And notice that all of my values change so
- 02:24 they now have six digits even though the value in the cell is still showing 6352.
- 02:29 So that's kind of cool.
- 02:31 We can use this kind of knowledge to go and
- 02:33 actually start building some really interesting custom formats.
- 02:37 And one of those that I'm gonna try is on this Variants column.
- 02:41 There is a challenge here is that this has got positive variances and
- 02:44 negative variances, and nobody ever understands if that's good or not.
- 02:48 So what I'd like to do is I'd like to actually show this with a favorable or
- 02:52 an unfavorable.
- 02:53 So an F or a U in order to show whether or not these are good or bad.
- 02:58 So I'm gonna right-click on this and say Format cells.
- 03:01 And I'm gonna go to Custom, and
- 03:03 we're gonna try leveraging some of what we used before here.
- 03:06 So I got 6,000 here.
- 03:08 Now, custom number formats are broken into some different pieces here.
- 03:11 What I'd like to see is, I'd like to see this, where it says 0,000 and
- 03:17 that would give me 6,000 for my 6,000, you can see in the sample.
- 03:23 I'm also gonna hit Space F.
- 03:25 So positive number will show up with an F after it for favorable.
- 03:30 This is a interesting, cool piece about these custom number formats,
- 03:32 is that there's actually four parts to it.
- 03:35 If we put in this semicolon, we get to the next part.
- 03:38 And that part is gonna be 0,000 U, for unfavorable.
- 03:43 And then we can put in a semicolon again, and
- 03:47 "-" will give us a dash for any zero value.
- 03:52 So it's positive negative zero.
- 03:56 And watch what happens when I hit OK.
- 03:59 My numbers now show up as, the positive number show up with F after them for
- 04:04 favorable, my negative numbers show up with U's after them for unfavorable and
- 04:08 that's kinda cool.
- 04:09 The only challenge with this is, what happens if this value ends up at -105?
- 04:15 And you'll notice it now shows up at 0105 that's not really so good.
- 04:21 What I'd really rather see is where these 0s only show up if they're needed.
- 04:25 And we have a special character for that as well.
- 04:28 If we go into format cells we're gonna change this out to go with.
- 04:32 #,##0 and we'll try this again.
- 04:36 #,##0.
- 04:40 This will always give us a 0 placeholder.
- 04:43 But the number sign, as a reserve character,
- 04:45 says put in a number if one exists for that spot.
- 04:48 So that's really kind of helpful.
- 04:51 We can also pick off other number formats as well of course if we go inside.
- 04:54 The real trick behind this is find a format that you like the look of.
- 04:58 We'll say none here, put 0 decimals.
- 05:01 You can go back to custom and see what it's built for you.
- 05:04 Remembering 0, is reserved character,
- 05:06 commas are anything between quotes comes out as a text.
- 05:12 We can also even go and add question marks to indent a little bit from the right.
- 05:17 If I were to go back, right click, say, Format Cells, and
- 05:20 take my dash here and put a couple of question marks after it,
- 05:25 you'll notice that that's gonna actually indent these guys a little
- 05:28 bit from the right-hand side of the cell in the case for my zero format.
- 05:31 So positive semi-colon, negative semi-colon, 0.
- 05:37 Those are the formats that we can use, some of the different characters
- 05:40 that you can find in order to help you build your own formats for cells.
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