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About this lesson
Use to understand the anatomy of Excel functions, and what their components mean.
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Quick reference
Function Anatomy
Understanding Excel Function Anatomy.
When to use
Use to understand the anatomy of Excel functions, and what their components mean.
What is a Function?
- A pre-packaged algorithm which accepts parameters to return a result.
Key points to remember
- Functions must be used inside formulas.
- The function name is always followed by ( )
- The parameters for the current function show in Excel’s “Intellisense”.
- The current parameter is always listed in bold.
- Optional parameters are surrounded by [ ]
- Parameters not enclosed in [ ] are required.
- Ranges can be used as parameters.
- Other functions can be used as parameters.
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna talk about Excel functions.
- 00:08 It's important to understand that Excel functions and formulas,
- 00:12 although often referred to as the same thing, are actually very different.
- 00:17 What a function is is it's a pre-packaged algorithm
- 00:20 that allows us to pass certain parameters into it and get a result back out.
- 00:26 Now the interesting part is that they work very well with formulas.
- 00:29 As a matter of fact, in order to use the function, it has to be inside a formula.
- 00:34 And we can use multiple functions or only one function or
- 00:37 none at all inside a formula to get the results that we need.
- 00:41 Every function has some key parts to it.
- 00:44 It has a function name, it will have required parameters and
- 00:47 potentially optional parameters as well.
- 00:50 And this is taking from the IntelliSense help that we see that pops up
- 00:54 inside of Excel.
- 00:55 You'll notice that the function name is always followed by an open bracket and
- 00:59 then the list of any parameters followed by a closing bracket.
- 01:03 The current parameter is always listed in bold, so
- 01:06 when you look at the sum function here, you can assume that we actually snapped
- 01:11 a picture of this as we were working on number1, which is the first parameter.
- 01:16 Optional parameters are surrounded by these square brackets.
- 01:19 So in this case, number2 and anything after it, the comma dot, dot, dot,
- 01:24 allows us to know that we do not have to provide a number two if we don't want to.
- 01:29 But we also know by default then that anything that doesn't have square brackets
- 01:33 around it, as is the case of number one here: is not optional, it's required.
- 01:40 Something that's also important to understand about functions is that we can
- 01:43 use ranges as these parameters.
- 01:45 We can use regular numbers, we can use text, or
- 01:47 we can use ranges depending on what the function needs.
- 01:50 So let's go take a look in Excel and see how we can actually use
- 01:54 a function in order to build a good formula to work with.
- 01:59 So for this example, we have a little income statement for
- 02:02 a shoe store here, with has a couple of values in it that I want to summarize.
- 02:06 Now, I could use just hard coded numbers but
- 02:10 I don't wanna do that because if somebody changes the January, February numbers,
- 02:13 I want it to update and flow all the way through the statement.
- 02:16 I could also say =B7 + C7, but if someone inserted a new column between January and
- 02:23 February and then renames the column, it wouldn't pick that data up.
- 02:26 So the best way to do this is to actually leverage the sum function in a formula.
- 02:31 And to do that, I'm gonna start by typing =.
- 02:34 And, I'm gonna start typing the function name, su, and
- 02:37 you will notice that the IntelliSense list shortens down to all of
- 02:41 the functions that actually start with su.
- 02:43 So we've got substitute, we've got subtotal.
- 02:46 I'm now gonna go and I'm gonna type in the m.
- 02:48 And that will get me to sum.
- 02:50 And at this point that's the function that I want, and
- 02:53 I have a way I can actually accept this I could double-click on it.
- 02:56 But the way I always do this is by pressing the Tab key.
- 02:59 And what you'll watch is that as soon I do this two things will happen.
- 03:03 Number one, it will convert it to upper case and
- 03:05 number two it puts in the opening parenthesis that's needed.
- 03:09 I always go and lock in to every function by pressing the Tab key.
- 03:13 I'll type as little as I possibly can to make that happen.
- 03:17 And now to sum the date up, we'll just select January and
- 03:21 February so we get B7 up to C7.
- 03:23 Close the parenthesis, and we'll hit Enter, and I get $2500.
- 03:29 Now, I can obviously copy this guy here.
- 03:32 And I've got a little bit of formatting on this one.
- 03:34 I'm gonna select these two cells here and I'm gonna right-click.
- 03:37 And I'm gonna choose to paste formulas.
- 03:40 And that way, it doesn't change the borders on these particular cells.
- 03:44 Now let's do another one.
- 03:45 We'll go up and this time again, I'm gonna go =su.
- 03:49 And I'll show you that if I got a lot of functions in list,
- 03:52 I can use my drop down arrow key to arrow down a couple of times to sum.
- 03:56 And now I can Tab the sum as well.
- 03:59 And what's interesting here is I don't even need to reach for the mouse.
- 04:02 I can arrow up and then I can hold down my Shift key and arrow down one,
- 04:08 close the parentheses, and hit Enter and my sum is now working there as well.
- 04:12 So I can do everything keyboard driven.
- 04:15 I can then copy this guy across as well.
- 04:18 Even better, I can grab these cells.
- 04:21 Control + C, Control + V, and
- 04:24 I can grab these cells here if I want to and pace them as well.
- 04:29 And you'll notice that because everything is relative, it's working quite nicely.
- 04:35 Now there's another way that we can use the sum function as well.
- 04:38 So I'm gonna do this for gross profit.
- 04:39 We're gonna say =su, arrow down a couple times, m.
- 04:43 And you'll notice that right now I'm on number one.
- 04:46 So I could grab this one and then I could say, and I could grab number two.
- 04:52 And I could put these two things in individually so
- 04:54 I can use different ranges individual or multiple here and I can Enter, of course,
- 04:59 that's not the right calculation.
- 05:01 I actually need to go back and say let's go and subtract the cost in
- 05:08 other to get the proper gross profit, at which point I can now fill this across.
- 05:13 Working with the sum function this way is similar to saying this plus this,
- 05:18 it's just a little bit different style.
- 05:20 And remember, you've got lots of functions here that you can work with, sums, and
- 05:23 averages, and counts.
- 05:24 They're all built in exactly the same fashion but
- 05:28 return the results as named by the specific function.
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