Locked lesson.
About this lesson
How does an approximate lookup work? We look at one example to show VLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH and XLOOKUP.
Quick reference
Approximate LOOKUP Functions
Learn the difference between exact and approximate lookups.
When to use
Approximate lookups are used in quite different situations than exact lookups. An example would be a discount given if a certain quantity of items is purchased. Items are then grouped in ranges and if you buy in a certain range, you qualify for a certain discount.
- For each of VLOOKUP, HLOOKUP, INDEX & MATCH, and XLOOKUP, an approximate match mode is available that would display the next smaller item than the one searched for as a result
- The default match mode for VLOOKUP is an approximate match
- The default match mode for MATCH and XLOOKUP is an exact match
- Note the use of the $$ to copy the formula effectively
- 00:04 Okay, in this example we have another invoice.
- 00:07 This time, the item codes, descriptions,
- 00:11 price per unit and quantities have all been entered.
- 00:15 But I have a new feature I'd like to add to this invoice discounts.
- 00:19 I'd like to give my best customers a quantity discount.
- 00:23 This table keeps track of how much of a discount we want to give.
- 00:28 It starts with 0 items which has a 0% discount.
- 00:31 But once you buy at least 10 of an item you get 4% off.
- 00:35 The moment you hit 40 of the same item, you get an 8% discount.
- 00:39 And if your order includes 80 of the same item, you get a 10% discount.
- 00:45 So, in this lesson, we can use a lookup function to compute the discount for
- 00:50 each customer's order.
- 00:53 But for this to work,
- 00:54 the units in the discount table must be listed from smallest to largest.
- 01:00 To find the discount for my specific quantity,
- 01:03 I need a lookup function that would look from the top of the column down.
- 01:08 And if it doesn't find an exact match, like there's no 15 for example,
- 01:12 it needs to give me the next smaller number.
- 01:16 So if this customer wants 15 guitars, Excel will go down the list.
- 01:21 It knows it's sorted from smallest to largest.
- 01:24 So the moment it hits 40, it knows that 15 is not on the list.
- 01:29 There's no exact match, so it will give me the next smaller item.
- 01:34 That will result in a discount for 10 items, which is 4%.
- 01:38 In other words, we're no longer using an exact match here,
- 01:42 now we're using an approximate match.
- 01:46 The first lookup I'll show you is vlookup.
- 01:49 Let's compute the discount amount for the first item here.
- 01:52 The lookup value is the quantity 15.
- 01:55 My table array is the discount table.
- 01:58 Column index number is 2.
- 02:02 And then my range lookup, that's where the difference comes in,
- 02:07 is true for an approximate match or false for an exact match.
- 02:11 I want an approximate match here, so we will say true.
- 02:15 And keep in mind with vlookup,
- 02:17 we don't actually need to say true because approximate match is the default.
- 02:21 We can still type in true there, just so we can see it clearly.
- 02:26 And look at that, I get my discount of 4%.
- 02:29 Once I confirm that's correct, let's edit that formula and
- 02:33 compute the dollar amount of the discount.
- 02:36 That'll be 4% times the price per unit, times the number of units.
- 02:45 So my total discount for this is $532.
- 02:49 Let's look at the next row, the violins with a quantity of 50.
- 02:55 So 50 should get me an 8% discount.
- 02:59 Let's try to solve this with the index match.
- 03:04 Index in my array is my table, which one do I need?
- 03:09 The row depends on what the quantity is.
- 03:12 So that is going to be my match replacement, a lookup value of 50.
- 03:17 So find 50 in that column.
- 03:22 And then the match type, it's not an exact match,
- 03:25 I need the value just less than that.
- 03:28 And it gives me a 1.
- 03:30 The default for match is also 1, an approximate match.
- 03:36 Okay, and I need to return the second column, so type in a 2.
- 03:42 So index of that table, I'm going to look for
- 03:47 the 50 and find the next smaller unit of 40.
- 03:53 Give me the second column, the 8%, and
- 03:57 there I have 8% and once I confirm that's right,
- 04:03 I can say that times 228 times the 50.
- 04:08 And that's my total discount on that line item.
- 04:11 The amount after discount is 10,488.
- 04:15 All right, last one.
- 04:17 Let's do an xlookup for the flute order.
- 04:21 Xlookup, lookup value is 95,
- 04:24 lookup array is only the first column.
- 04:30 Return array is the second column.
- 04:34 If not found, we can ignore, that's optional.
- 04:38 Go right to match mode, exact match is 0.
- 04:41 And for an xlookup, it's different than the other two.
- 04:44 The default here is exact match.
- 04:47 So I have to specify the type of approximate match I want.
- 04:52 I want exact match or next smaller item.
- 04:56 That's the option I'm going to choose.
- 04:58 The value for that argument is -1.
- 05:01 Close the parentheses, hit Enter.
- 05:04 And I get a 10% discount, I can visually confirm that's correct.
- 05:09 So once again, let's edit the formula,
- 05:12 multiply that 10% by the price per unit times the quantity, hit Enter.
- 05:18 And we have our total discount for
- 05:20 the line item which brings the total amount to 17,000.
- 05:24 So, we did a few different approximate matches, but
- 05:27 you can see that each one works perfectly.
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