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Leveraging the GETPIVOTDATA() function in order to extract specific data points from a Pivot Table
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Quick reference
Extracting Data Points with GETPIVOTDATA()
Using an Excel formula to pull specific values from PivotTables.
When to use
When you don’t want to show the entire PivotTable on your dashboard, or only want a specific data point, the GETPIVOTDATA() function is your best friend.
Creating a GETPIVOTDATA() function
- Select the cell where you’d like the data, press = and select the cell you want from a Pivot Table
- This will create a GETPIVOTDATA function for you!
Understanding the GETPIVOTDATA() function
- Syntax = GETPIVOTDATA(Data_field, Pivot_table, [Field1], [Item1],…)
- Where:
- Data_field is the name (in quotes) of the column you want. Ie. “Sum of Sales”
- Pivot_table is the address of the top left cell of the Pivot Table
- [Field1],[Item1] are pairs that represent the field (from rows or columns) and the value you want to pull
- You may add as many pairs of filter items as you like
- Example function: =GETPIVOTDATA("Sum of Sales",Data!$A$3,"Category","Beer")
Preparing for missing data points
- IF someone filters a PivotTable to exclude the fields your GETPIVOTDATA() function relies upon, it will return a #VALUE! Error
- Guard against errors by wrapping the GETPIVOTDATA in an IFERROR() function
- Eg. =IFERROR(<original GETPIVOTDATA>, 0)
- Eg. =IFERROR(<original GETPIVOTDATA>, “Value not found!”)
Hints & tips
- It is wise to always protect your GETPIVOTDATA functions within an IFERROR() function
- Create Pivot Tables to act as a source for your GETPIVOTDATA functions
- Make sure the GETPIVOTDATA’s source Pivot Table is not hooked to slicers
- It is a good idea to hide the GETPIVOTDATA’s source Pivot on another worksheet (so that users can’t play with it and inadvertently break your GETPIVOTDATA function)
- If linking to your Pivot Table doesn’t generate a GETPIVOTDATA function, go to PivotTable Tools --> Analyze --> Options and check the setting for Generate GETPIVOTDATA
- 00:05 Now, sometimes when you're using pivot tables to build dashboards,
- 00:08 you don't want to actually display an entire pivot table.
- 00:12 You want to use the pivot table as a means to an end to get a specific data point.
- 00:17 But having all the extra framework and
- 00:20 bulk around the whole thing really doesn't make any sense.
- 00:23 So this is a particular case here where we have a summary statistic.
- 00:26 So what I'd like to see is I'd like to see gross sales, which is never filtered.
- 00:31 It always shows the gross sales for the organization.
- 00:34 I'd like to see the total tent sales, but I'd also like to show how much the tent
- 00:38 sales are that are included in the dashboard.
- 00:40 Now we can see that right here, the 77,828.
- 00:44 So let's go and say equals, and say equals to that cell.
- 00:49 And what you'll see is that you get a GETPIVOTDATA function.
- 00:53 And it says GETPIVOTDATA, Sales $, so it's pulling the measure name.
- 00:58 Comma B10, B10 is the top left hand corner of the pivot table itself.
- 01:03 And then it gives pairs of information here, we say comma categories.
- 01:06 So it says, tell me what the category is where it equals tents,
- 01:10 all right, no problem.
- 01:11 So when we say okay to that, you'll notice that it pulls the 77,828, and
- 01:16 that's great.
- 01:18 If I go now and look at this dashboard and I filter to sleeping bags,
- 01:23 though, you'll notice that it gives me a #REF error.
- 01:27 Now I would expect at this point, that this would come back and say zero.
- 01:31 Hey, there's no tents that are included on the dashboard this time,
- 01:34 because I've filtered it out to sleeping bags, but #REF, that's awful.
- 01:38 So this is one of those things you have to be really careful with
- 01:41 right off the bat with GETPIVOTDATA, is how do I
- 01:45 deal with this particular problem if my data is filtered out of the table?
- 01:49 And the answer to that is to go back and actually use and
- 01:53 if error function to deal with this.
- 01:55 So what we do is we come back and we say,
- 01:57 all right, let's take our GETPIVOTDATA function, and we're gonna use IFERROR.
- 02:02 So right after equals, I'm gonna type in IFERROR open parenthesis.
- 02:07 And then it says, what's the value?
- 02:09 So the way that IFERROR works is, it says let's take the formula and
- 02:13 I'm gonna try it, if it works I'll return the answer.
- 02:18 But if it fails, then we go to the end and say comma,
- 02:22 what do I want to see if there's an error?
- 02:24 Well you know what, I'm gonna put in 0 in this case, and close my parenthesis.
- 02:28 So this is how we wrap our GETPIVOTDATA in an IFERROR function.
- 02:33 When we hit enter now, it says hey,
- 02:35 it's 77,828, great, let's filter the sleeping bags.
- 02:38 Now it tells me that there's no sleeping bags, or no tents rather,
- 02:42 included in the dashboard anywhere.
- 02:44 So that's much better than looking like a #REF error,
- 02:46 nobody wants to see those on their dashboard at all.
- 02:50 But now this brings up another question, well, how do I get my total tent sales?
- 02:55 Because, as you can see here, the big challenge is that if I start going and
- 02:59 actually playing around with this, let's say, for example, I want my gross sales.
- 03:02 I say equals 130,000, everything looks good there, and
- 03:07 then when I go filter to sleeping bag, it drops that number down.
- 03:10 So how do I actually keep that as the 130?
- 03:13 Well the answer is to create another pivot table, so
- 03:18 what we're gonna do is we're gonna go back to source data.
- 03:21 We'll grab our data listing here, we're gonna say insert pivot table.
- 03:26 We'll put this one on a new worksheet,
- 03:28 we're gonna bury this away somewhere where nobody needs to see it, here we go.
- 03:31 Now I'm just gonna rename this little worksheet here to summaries.
- 03:37 On this pivot table, what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna drop the category on rows, and
- 03:42 I'm gonna drop my sales dollars on values.
- 03:46 And maybe, you know what, I'll even put my units in here as well.
- 03:50 I don't even really care what these things are called,
- 03:53 I could call them the same thing, I don't have to.
- 03:55 The key thing that I'm really looking for here is that my data here is
- 04:00 showing what would be unfiltered on this set in a different table.
- 04:06 Because here's the thing, when I go now and say equals gross sales,
- 04:11 and I pull it from summaries, and
- 04:14 pull it from this 130,000, it's gonna be pulling from that set.
- 04:19 If I go and grab my tent sales and go back to summaries and
- 04:23 pull it from here as well.
- 04:25 Cool thing now is that when I click on sleeping bags these stay, why?
- 04:32 Because this slicer is not linked to PivotTable7,
- 04:37 which again has a horrible name.
- 04:40 So as a matter of course I'm just gonna go back and clean this up and say,
- 04:45 analysis here.
- 04:46 We'll call this one Pvt summaries, just so that I know in future if I'm linking
- 04:51 any more slices that I don't wanna hit that one.
- 04:53 But the big key there is with that separate pivot table disconnected,
- 04:57 I can even hide the work sheet.
- 04:58 Nobody needs to know it exists, and now I have something that I can slice and
- 05:02 dice and see.
- 05:03 When I click on tents, you'll see that it actually pulls this up.
- 05:06 And that works quite nicely for
- 05:08 driving some key stats without having to show the entire pivot table in some cases.
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