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Learn to build standalone logical IF functions, and make them more complex by nesting AND and OR within them.
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Quick reference
Logic functions.
Building standalone logical IF functions, and making them more complex by nesting AND and OR within them.
Where/when to use the technique
Constructing models that allow you to dynamically react to changes in inputs, returning different results based on the inputs.
The IF Function
- Basic Syntax: =IF([Scenario to test],[What to do if TRUE],[What to do if FALSE])
- =IF(A1>10000,”We’re rich!”,”We need money”) returns “We’re rich” if A1 is greater than 10000, and “We need money” if A1 is less than or equal to 10000.
Key points to remember: The “Scenario to test” must always be something that evaluates to TRUE or FALSE.
- =AND(A5=5, B5=6) Will return TRUE if A5=5 AND B5=6. (Both conditions must be met.)
- =OR(A5=5, B5=6) Will return TRUE if either A5=5 OR B5=6. (Either condition can be met.)
Key points to remember: An AND or an OR function can be nested inside an IF function’s “Scenario to test”, allowing it to dynamically react to changes in our data setup.
- =IF(OR(A1>10000,B1<100000),”We’re rich!”,”We need money”)
- Will return “We’re rich” if A1 is greater than 10,000, OR if B1 is less than 100000
- If neither of the above are true, it will return “We need money”
- 00:04 >> In this video, we're going to look at basic logic functions in Excel.
- 00:08 And this is where things start to get kind of exciting,
- 00:11 because now we can actually use Excel to look at a specific range,
- 00:16 figure out what the value is and react differently in different situations.
- 00:20 That's what logic functions are all about.
- 00:22 A case in point might be here, where you've got a list of products on the left
- 00:26 hand side, with different prices and costs and gross profits.
- 00:30 And the sales manager wants to know which items he should set his team on focusing
- 00:33 on, in order to make the most amount of money.
- 00:35 So he says, well, the first thing I wanna do is I wanna identify which products have
- 00:39 a price of greater than $50, cuz obviously those are the ones I wanna sell.
- 00:42 So we say, oh no problem, let's go and do that for you.
- 00:46 The way we do it is with an if function, so we'll say equals if.
- 00:50 And what if does is it allows us to put in a hypothesis to test.
- 00:55 And then it allows to react differently depending on whether or
- 00:58 not the hypothesis returns true or false.
- 01:00 So in this case, our hypothesis is gonna be does D4, is it greater than 50?
- 01:05 If it's greater than $50, I'd like to return a message that says sell these,
- 01:11 and we put that in quotes because it's text, we say, sell these.
- 01:16 If it's not greater than 50, I'm gonna say low priority.
- 01:21 RT there we go, and we'll put in our quotes and close our parenthesis.
- 01:27 Remember all text needs to be between quotes.
- 01:29 So we'll say enter, and it says this is a low priority item, but
- 01:33 if I drag this down You'll notice that it wants us to sell product
- 01:38 B because the list price is $58, it's greater than 50.
- 01:42 These ones are a low priority.
- 01:45 It looks like products D and E are a high priority, we wanna sell these as well,
- 01:49 so that's great.
- 01:50 And then the sales manager comes back and
- 01:51 says you know I wanna refine this a little bit more.
- 01:53 What I'd like to do is I'd really like to focus on the products
- 01:56 where the list price is greater than 50, and the gross profit,
- 02:00 how much money I make, is greater than $10 on each item.
- 02:03 So we say all right, well, no problem.
- 02:05 Now in order to do this, what we need to do is we need to use an and
- 02:09 function to test whether or not both the conditions he's looking for are true.
- 02:14 This is another type of logic functions, I'm gonna say equals and.
- 02:18 And it says give me your logical, this is your hypothesis.
- 02:20 So we'll say what let's check to see if the list price is
- 02:26 greater than 50 and if the gross profit is greater than ten.
- 02:31 Okay and if both of those are true the function will come back and
- 02:36 return true, if not it returns false.
- 02:39 So, it says this is greater than 50 here, this is greater than ten,
- 02:43 it's returned true.
- 02:45 Same with product E, the list price of 200 is greater than 50,
- 02:48 the gross profit of 50 is greater than 10 and so it returns true.
- 02:52 All the other items, even where the list price is 58, greater than 50,
- 02:56 the profit is less than ten, so it will return false.
- 03:00 Now, you probably don't want to use this function standing on its own like this.
- 03:04 But what we do wanna do, is we say, you know what, true or
- 03:07 false values are what gets fed into our if statements.
- 03:09 So what I'm gonna do, is I'm gonna take this formula that I already have, and
- 03:13 I'm gonna go right after the equal, so I'm gonna type in equals if, open brackets.
- 03:18 My logical test for my if function always needs to return true or false,
- 03:22 that's the hypothesis test.
- 03:25 And if it returns true, put in my comma here, what would I like it to return?
- 03:30 I'd like it to return sell these,
- 03:33 otherwise I'd like it to return low priority.
- 03:39 Close the quotes, close the brackets, and I'm gonna press command enter,
- 03:43 to commit this to all the formulas, or all the cells rather.
- 03:48 You can see now that it is actually reacted to a cell V's
- 03:53 giving me the message to focus on these.
- 03:55 The last thing the sales manager thinks is well wait a minute,
- 03:58 what if I can actually make my money based on volume.
- 04:02 What if I could actually say, you know if the least price is greater than $40 or
- 04:07 my profit percentage is greater than 25,
- 04:10 maybe I could actually make more money if I do that.
- 04:13 So I'll say all right, this uses a similar formula to and,
- 04:18 but it actually uses an or function.
- 04:21 And what or does is it says again provide me with your hypothesis.
- 04:25 And I'd like to check if 29 is greater than 40 or if profit,
- 04:32 now this is a decimal number is greater than 0.25, because that's gonna be a 25%.
- 04:39 If either of those two conditions is met the or function will return true.
- 04:43 Remember with the and function both conditions have to be met.
- 04:47 So in this case if either is met we're gonna say you know what,
- 04:50 give me the product name, I'm not gonna fill in text.
- 04:53 Otherwise we could say low priority in text.
- 04:58 So we can use cell references in place of these as well, we'll hit enter.
- 05:03 And we'll copy it down, and you'll notice that the results
- 05:07 are different than what we had from the and side.
- 05:09 A lot of these ones, this one says hey, the list price is greater than 40, so
- 05:14 even though the profit percentage is actually lower than 25,
- 05:17 it doesn't matter we'll return it because one of those two conditions is true.
- 05:21 Same with this guy here, the price may be low but
- 05:23 the profit percentage is quite high.
- 05:25 So we want to fucus on selling those.
- 05:27 So this is how we use basic logic functions inside Excel.
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