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About this lesson
Learn how to create an effective column chart by reducing ink and 'noise' that distract from the main messages.
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Quick reference
Building column charts in Mac Excel 2016.
How to create an effective column chart by reducing ink and noise that distract from the story.
Where/when to use the technique
Use to remove distracting elements from your data whenever you are charting. Doing this will help you convey your message to your readers as quickly as possible.
Charting Goals
- Every chart should tell a story, quickly and effectively
- Extra chart elements create noise, and get in the way of the story
- It is a best practice to remove as much excess ink (noise) as you can
Creating a Column chart
- Select cells A5:B9
- Go to Insert --> Charts --> Recommended Charts and select the Clustered Column chart
Adding context
- Right click the data series (columns) and choose Add Data Labels
- Select the data labels, right click and choose Format Data Labels
- Set the Label Position to Inside Base
- Change the font (Home tab) to bold and white
- Select the chart title, press the equals key, click on A3 and press Enter
- Right click the columns, choose Format Data Series and set the Gap Width to 60%
Reducing Ink
- Select the horizontal gridlines and press Delete
- Select the vertical axis and press Delete
- 00:03 In this video we're gonna start looking at data visualizations in the shape of
- 00:08 charts.
- 00:09 And the one thing I wanted to really impress on you here,
- 00:12 is that virtually every chart that you build inside excel
- 00:15 needs to be customized to make it truly effective.
- 00:18 The reason were it being is, because we want to remove distracting elements from
- 00:22 our charts when we're doing them or when we're building them.
- 00:25 And this helps really convey a message to your readers as quickly
- 00:28 as possible without distracting with irrelevant stuff.
- 00:30 So we're gonna stick away from 3D and moving and glowing objects and
- 00:34 all that kind of stuff.
- 00:35 We wanna focus in just on our data.
- 00:37 The faster your chart can be consumed, the better it is.
- 00:40 So what we're gonna do first is we're gonna take some data over here.
- 00:44 I'm gonna go and select it.
- 00:45 I'm gonna go to the Insert menu and I'm gonna click on recommended charts.
- 00:50 And Microsoft will come back and give you some recommendations for
- 00:53 some chart types that it thinks are best for what you want to work with.
- 00:56 We're gonna start with this clustered column chart here.
- 01:00 And it does not a bad job of building us a chart, but
- 01:04 we could definitely do some things better here.
- 01:06 The first thing I'd like to do, is like to give the chart a more meaningful title
- 01:09 which I happen to have in the cell over here.
- 01:12 So to do that, I've selected the title of May.
- 01:15 Then I'm gonna type equals.
- 01:17 And what I'm gonna do then is click on the cell, A3 and hit enter.
- 01:23 And you'll notice that that chart title is now linked back to the individual cell.
- 01:26 So that's kind of nice because every time this cell gets updated,
- 01:30 let's say that we update this to 2013.
- 01:32 It now updates the chart title which is great.
- 01:39 You'll notice that we have some other things that we can do with charts as well.
- 01:43 Most charts can be customized.
- 01:44 So what I'm going to do is I'm going to right click on this guy here and
- 01:46 I'm going to say Add Data Labels.
- 01:49 And what that does is it actually puts the numbers for the charts right on them.
- 01:53 This is a little bit better than the approximations with
- 01:56 the lines that we have here.
- 01:57 We've got an axis on the left-hand side, and some lines here.
- 02:00 So as somebody's tracing across, there's no way they would get to 492.
- 02:04 Even though they can recognize this bar as longer than everybody else's and
- 02:07 it's biggest, there's no way they can get the precision out of it that they might
- 02:11 want, by having this little axis over here.
- 02:13 So instead of using that, we'll use these data labels.
- 02:16 That means this axis is no longer relevant.
- 02:18 I'm gonna select it, and I'm gonna press Delete.
- 02:21 And these lines are no longer relevant either, so I'll select them and
- 02:25 press Delete.
- 02:26 So this makes the chart look a little bit cleaner right off the bat,
- 02:29 less distracting elements.
- 02:31 It's got some some nice visuals to pull us directly in and
- 02:33 let us know which is the biggest and which is the smallest.
- 02:36 But it also gives us the ability to get the precision out of it by having
- 02:39 the data label.
- 02:40 But maybe I don't want them at the end, maybe I want them somewhere else.
- 02:43 So let's right click on these data labels here, and say Format Data Labels.
- 02:49 We get some options here, one of which is to put our labels on the inside base.
- 02:54 And when we do that it drops the numbers down to the bottom here.
- 02:59 But they're a little bit hard to see now, so that's not really ideal.
- 03:03 So on the home tab, I'm gonna go and change these into a white font,
- 03:08 cuz they're still selected right now, and maybe I'll make them bold.
- 03:11 If I wanted to I could even change the font size up to something slightly bigger.
- 03:16 So that we can actually see them a little bit better as well.
- 03:20 Maybe I wanna do the same with the legend here.
- 03:22 This legend's not quite popping enough for me.
- 03:25 I could make those bold and set the font size up to something like a 10.5 or,
- 03:30 that didn't really work for me, maybe I'll go up to 11 to try and
- 03:33 get it just a little bit More so.
- 03:35 That's the nice thing with charts.
- 03:37 Every element on a chart can be customized.
- 03:40 We can make all kinds of little modifications to them,
- 03:43 if i were to right click on this guy right here and say format data series.
- 03:46 Maybe I want these bars to be a little bit bigger.
- 03:49 So I'll drop my gap width down a bit and that makes them a little bit fatter.
- 03:54 So that I can see what's happening in those as well.
- 03:57 So, lot of customizations we can do,
- 03:59 but the big key that I really want to sort of draw your attention to here, is you
- 04:02 shouldn't ever really accept one of these charts on the box the way they come in.
- 04:06 Make some customizations.
- 04:07 Take away the stuff that's distracting.
- 04:09 Put stuff in there that's going to help your user Get in, recognize what's
- 04:13 going on and get out so they can go back to their job as quickly as possible.
- 04:16 It will take you hours sometimes to develop a perfect chart
- 04:20 that your usual consume in 30 seconds.
- 04:22 That can be a little bit depressing but
- 04:23 that's the sign when you've really done your job well.
- 04:27 Because your user is looking at it and getting exactly what they need in a split
- 04:31 second, and off to do their job to do something about it.
- 04:33 That's success story with charting.
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