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How to create an effective bar chart by reducing ink and noise that distract from the story.
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Quick reference
Building bar charts in Mac Excel 2016.
How to create an effective bar chart by reducing ink and noise that distract from the story.
Where/when to use the technique
Use to remove distracting elements from your data whenever you are charting. Doing this will help you convey your message to your readers as quickly as possible.
Reminder of Charting Goals
- Every chart should tell a story, quickly and effectively
- Extra chart elements create noise, and get in the way of the story
- It is a best practice to remove as much excess ink (noise) as you can
Creating a Bar chart
- Select cells A4:C24
- Go to Insert --> Charts --> Bar Charts and select the 2D Bar chart
Adding context
- Expand the chart so that all rows are readable
- Select the chart title, press the equals key, click on A2 and press Enter
- Right click the data series (bars) and choose Format Data Series
- Set the Gap width to 75%
- Select the numbers in the axis
- Click the bar chart icon in the Format Axis task pane
- Expand NUMBER and set the decimal places to 0
Re-sort the data
- Select A4:C24
- Go to Data --> Sort
- Sort by Revenue --> Smallest to Largest
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna look at another chart type.
- 00:08 This one, we're gonna look at bar charts.
- 00:10 And the difference between a column chart and a bar chart is that the bar chart is
- 00:14 lying horizontally, where the column chart stands upright.
- 00:18 To create a bar chart here, well, lets take a look at our data first.
- 00:21 We've got a bunch of sales items with their revenues and costs.
- 00:24 So lets try and actually build a chart that we can get some insight out of here.
- 00:28 What we're gonna do is we're gonna go to the Insert tab,
- 00:31 and we'll go to Recommended Charts.
- 00:33 And the one that I want is this Clustered Bar chart up here.
- 00:37 So, the difference between a clustered bar chart and
- 00:43 a different bar chart, here, I'm just gonna show you the chart types.
- 00:45 Here, if I look at Bar, the Clustered Bar runs its bar side-by-side.
- 00:50 The Stacked Bar actually takes the two series and runs them across in one,
- 00:54 long series.
- 00:55 So you'd see Revenue and then Cost stacked on top of it.
- 00:57 That's not what I want here, but
- 00:59 it's another really useful bar chart that can be used in certain circumstances.
- 01:04 Now, first thing you'll notice is that I don't have all of my sales items
- 01:07 listed here.
- 01:08 I have got a few, but not all of them.
- 01:09 So the way that we do that and we get all of our data, is we have to actually expand
- 01:13 our chart so that we can see all the different items show up here.
- 01:18 And that might be a little bit overkill what I just did, but if you end up with it
- 01:22 a little bit too short, it starts hiding different items off the series for you.
- 01:26 So that's not ideal.
- 01:30 Some of the things that we may want to do with this.
- 01:33 Again, one of the big things that I always like to do is give context to my chart.
- 01:38 So I'm gonna grab the chart title, type equals.
- 01:40 I will say one of the things that drives me nuts about this is it doesn't actually
- 01:44 show you that it's doing an equals in here, but
- 01:45 it does show it in the formula bar.
- 01:47 And then we can actually click in the cell, and say, enter, and
- 01:50 we'll get our Food Sales listed here.
- 01:53 So, that's good.
- 01:54 Let's go scroll down a little bit and take a look at what we have here.
- 01:57 I'm not sure if I'll be able to get all of this on one screen,
- 02:00 just because there are so many sales items.
- 02:02 And it looks like, it might.
- 02:03 It's just shrinking it down a little bit.
- 02:05 The next thing that I might wanna do is I might wanna
- 02:10 play around with the horizontal axis.
- 02:14 It's got decimal points in there, which really aren't necessary.
- 02:17 So that's because the numbers over here had decimal points, so
- 02:20 it's entirely understandable, but I'd rather not see them here.
- 02:23 So I'm gonna right-click on this, and I'm gonna say Format Axis.
- 02:28 And on the axis,
- 02:29 you'll notice that we have the ability to set the boundaries of the axis,
- 02:34 which would make the range shorter or start a little bit part way through.
- 02:38 I don't really wanna do that.
- 02:40 What I'd like to do is I'd like to actually look down here and
- 02:43 find something like the number.
- 02:47 And unfortunately, I have to keep on scrolling down on the side,
- 02:50 but you'll notice that I actually have the ability to control the number format here.
- 02:54 Currently, it is linked to source,
- 02:56 which means it's reading from the number format over here.
- 02:58 So, if it doesn't matter what's happening on the worksheet,
- 03:01 I could just reformat this and the chart would inherit those properties.
- 03:03 But if the chart needs to be different, then what I would do is I would come in
- 03:08 here and say, let me go and throw this on as an Accounting with no symbols and
- 03:12 I'll knock the decimal places down to 0.
- 03:15 And hit tab, and you'll notice that the chart has now changed for me as well.
- 03:21 Maybe I wanna go and change some other things about this.
- 03:25 I could click on one of these series here, and you'll notice that
- 03:28 the task pane on the right hand side, the Format Data Series, comes up.
- 03:31 So every time you select an element, the task pane on the right changes.
- 03:35 So I'll set my gap width down a little bit.
- 03:38 77%, there we go, so the bars get a little bit bigger.
- 03:42 And I have selected the orange series right now.
- 03:46 I'm going to go and change that.
- 03:49 I can't do it with a right click, though.
- 03:51 But what I can do is I can go to the Home tab and I can change the fill color
- 03:56 to something like a really dark red because that's cost, so
- 03:59 I wanna know what's going on with that particular area.
- 04:04 The other thing that I might wanna do with this chart is I may wanna try and
- 04:08 figure out how to use this to rank my sales items in some kind of an order.
- 04:12 And the way that I do that is that I actually come back to my original
- 04:15 source data.
- 04:16 I'm gonna go to Data, and what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna sort it.
- 04:20 But rather than sorting it alphabetically by the product,
- 04:23 what I'll do is I'll actually go and sort it by the revenue.
- 04:27 And I'm gonna sort from smallest to largest, and
- 04:29 this is a little bit weird, okay?
- 04:31 But, when you click OK, it sorts the numbers here from smallest to largest.
- 04:38 In my chart, it sorts them from largest to smallest.
- 04:40 So, it does it exactly backwards.
- 04:42 Okay so, but, the nice piece here is that I can now see the chicken
- 04:45 nachos is by far my highest seller.
- 04:48 I can also see, by the virtue of the fact that my revenues are decreasing but in
- 04:52 this case my cost goes up, my halibut and chips seem to have a very high food cost.
- 04:56 So, we start to get some real good insights out of the visual data that we've
- 05:00 been able to produce.
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