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Learn to create and modify basic calculated fields for PivotTables.
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Quick reference
Creating PivotTable calculated fields.
Creating and modifying basic calculated fields for PivotTables in Excel.
Where/when to use the technique
Calculated fields are used to build mathematical and logical formulas in a PivotTable, rather than relying on adding those calculations to the data source. This is useful, as there are occasions where we cannot modify our source data but need to add extra calculations to our PivotTables.
Creating Calculated Fields
- Select a cell in the PivotTable
- Go to PivotTable Analyze tab --> Fields, Items & Sets --> Calculated Field
- In the Name field, replace Field1 with “Profit”
- Highlight the 0 in the formula field, scroll down the Fields list
- Double click Price, type -, click Cost, type -, click Commission
- Click Add, then OK, and notice that the new field is on the PivotTable
Add Another
- Select a cell in the PivotTable
- Go to PivotTable Analyze tab --> Fields, Items & Sets --> Calculated Field
- In the Name field, replace Field1 with “Profit %”
- Highlight the 0 in the formula field, scroll down the Fields list
- Double click Price, type /, click Profit
- Click Add, then OK, and notice that the new field is on the PivotTable
- The percentage doesn’t make sense though… we got those two fields backwards!
Modifying Calculated Fields
- Go back to Fields, Items & Sets --> Calculated Field
- Choose “Profit %” from the Name drop down
- Change the formula to =Profit/Price
- Click Modify, then OK
- The PivotTable has updated to show your revised formula.
- 00:04 In this video, we're going to look at calculated fields.
- 00:07 And what a calculated field is, is it's a way to do certain mathematical operations
- 00:13 against fields inside the pivot table.
- 00:16 Now sometimes and often it's easiest to actually come back to your
- 00:21 original source table and just add new columns with some basic calculations.
- 00:25 So if you wanted profit here, you could take price minus cost minus commission,
- 00:30 and run a form all the way down.
- 00:31 That would then get pulled directly into your pivot table when you refreshed it and
- 00:35 everything will be good.
- 00:37 But there are occasions, especially when you're pulling from a database,
- 00:39 where you can't manipulate the original source data.
- 00:42 And that's where a pivot table can actually be really, really helpful.
- 00:46 So what we're gonna do is we're gonna set up a calculated field here,
- 00:49 and the way that we do it is we click somewhere inside the PivotTable.
- 00:52 It doesn't matter.
- 00:54 We're gonna go to Fields, Items and Sets on the PivotTable Analyze tab.
- 00:58 And in here, there is the option to create a calculated field.
- 01:02 The first thing you are going to want to do is give your calculated field
- 01:05 a name that is a little bit more descriptive than field 1.
- 01:07 So I am going to call this one Profit.
- 01:10 Then what I am gonna do is I am gonna come down to where it says equals zero, and
- 01:13 what I am going to do is I am gonna select the price minus the cost
- 01:20 minus the commission, and when I am done with that I am gonna click Add.
- 01:25 And that will add a new field to my list of fields here.
- 01:30 And when I say okay, you'll notice that it adds it immediately to my pivot table.
- 01:35 And if I call it my field list, you'll see that Profit is now a new field in
- 01:41 this list, and it shows inside the pivot table, so that's kind of a nice thing.
- 01:45 But what if I wanted to get a profit percentage of percentage of revenue?
- 01:50 Well, why not?
- 01:50 Let's go back in here and we'll say calculated field and
- 01:54 this one here we'll call Profit Percent.
- 01:58 And what I'm gonna do is I'm going to take Revenue or, sorry, my price,
- 02:05 divide it by profit, and I'm gonna say add and we'll say okay.
- 02:13 When I look at that this is when I realize oh, I made a horrible mistake,
- 02:16 I actually should've divided the profit by the price in order to get the profit
- 02:21 percentage, not the other way around, so I need to fix this.
- 02:24 So how do I fix a calculated field?
- 02:27 Well, we go back into the same area with calculated field.
- 02:30 Only this time, instead of creating a new formula here, what we're gonna do
- 02:34 is we're gonna actually go back and pick our new calculated field off the list.
- 02:38 There's profit percentage, we'll grab it we'll say, okay,
- 02:42 it should have been price minus profit.
- 02:44 What we're gonna do is we're gonna go and we'll delete this and we'll come
- 02:49 back over here and we'll say that this was supposed to be Profit divided by price.
- 02:54 Now, you'll notice that we don't have an add button anymore,
- 02:57 we have a Modify button.
- 02:58 We also have a Delete button.
- 02:59 So if you wanted to get rid of your calculated fields, you just highlight them
- 03:02 from this little drop-down list and click Delete, and they would go away.
- 03:06 They'd be pulled off your pivot table as well.
- 03:07 In this case, I'm gonna click Modify.
- 03:10 We'll say Okay.
- 03:11 And there we go.
- 03:13 That looks a lot better.
- 03:14 So at this point in time, I could right click, I could go into my field settings,
- 03:19 and I could go to number, and change this to a percentage with.
- 03:24 Well, let's say one decimal place is probably better.
- 03:27 We'll say OK.
- 03:30 And OK. And that looks way better.
- 03:33 The only thing that I may want to do differently at this point in time is do
- 03:36 a little bit of reformatting with my column headers.
- 03:38 If I wanted to go back and rename this one to something different, so
- 03:42 we'll put a space in front of it, because that can't conflict with the field names.
- 03:46 And same with this one here, we'll put a space in front of it,
- 03:48 but what's nice is that I've now managed to calculate these things
- 03:52 without ever actually modifying the underlying table, and
- 03:56 every time I refresh the pivot table, this data will refresh.
- 04:00 If I were to go, and you know change this kind of stuff out, and say you know what,
- 04:05 I really don't care about the sales person,
- 04:06 I could take the sales person right off the table.
- 04:09 And these things still work, the commission and the profit, or for
- 04:13 that matter, I could go the other way around too and say you know what lets
- 04:16 bring sold by onto to my pivot table and take inventory item off.
- 04:20 It still works perfectly fine.
- 04:22 So that is the really cool thing about calculated fields when you are working
- 04:26 with them is that they will work nicely there.
- 04:29 The other thing that you should probably know as well is that I don't actually have
- 04:33 to have my commission or my cost on here in order to have this work.
- 04:39 I can see the price and the profit without the precedent columns
- 04:42 that fed that formula as well, so that's kind of a cool thing about these too.
- 04:47 That's calculated fields and how they can add some value to your pivot table too.
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