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How "With" blocks can tighten up your code and ensure your code targets the objects you expect.
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Quick reference
With blocks
Understanding how to use and read With blocks in VBA code.
When to use
To simplify your code so it is easier to read and write, as well as more efficient to run.
- Allows you to shorten code so that the object name only needs to be included once
- Allows you to save on typing as lines can be started with a single period, referring to the With block parent
- Helps code become a tiny bit faster as it doesn't have to navigate the full object model chain
With block structure:
With <object>
.Property1 = x
.Property2 = y
.Property3.Property1A = z
End with
Hints & tips
- Indent all the lines of code in the With statement, to make it clear that they are part of the same With statement
- With statements can be nested inside each other.
Login to download- 00:05 In this video, we're gonna start to looking at coding constructs.
- 00:08 And this is ways of coding that make it easier to both read and
- 00:11 write code that's actually produced.
- 00:13 It also helps makes things a little bit tighter and
- 00:15 little run a little more efficiently as well.
- 00:17 First thing I want to cover off though is,
- 00:19 I've made some changes to the continuity schedule.
- 00:21 And you'll notice that right now the date is now pointing to another worksheet.
- 00:25 control panel B3.
- 00:27 And you'll see that over on the control panel worksheet,
- 00:29 I have the current month end,
- 00:30 and I already have the formula set up that I should read the next month end as well.
- 00:33 So I can just read these into my code now as well.
- 00:36 Now what I'm gonna take a look at here is if I jump over, you can see that I've had
- 00:40 to make some modifications to the way the VBA code runs as well.
- 00:44 We still have our schedule set up.
- 00:45 And we still have our control panel worksheets that are created.
- 00:47 And they're set using the set statement to set those variables up.
- 00:51 And I've also commented out the code a little bit more to make it a little
- 00:54 easier to read.
- 00:55 We can see that we still have the rolling forward of the working paper,
- 00:58 where we copy the ending balance and
- 01:00 we paste it over the opening balance, and we clear the contents.
- 01:04 But then you'll notice in this line, we actually have a different line of code.
- 01:08 Rather than doing a whole bunch of stuff to copy and paste, and
- 01:11 then clear contents,
- 01:12 all we do is we say I'd like to go take a look at the control panel range B3 value.
- 01:17 And set it equal to the control panel's range B4 value.
- 01:21 And then we go back and reactivate the schedule worksheet and select cell C6.
- 01:25 So if I go back and take a look at that, what it's gonna do is it's going to
- 01:29 set the value of this cell equal to the value of this cell.
- 01:31 Which happens to be a formula that's driven from this cell so
- 01:34 it will update automatically.
- 01:36 And then once done, it activates the schedule worksheet and selects cell C6.
- 01:41 So some minor modifications to the macro just to make it a little bit cleaner and
- 01:44 a little bit easier to work with.
- 01:46 But there's something else we can do with this thing as well.
- 01:49 If you were typing this by hand right now, you would have to type
- 01:52 out wsSchedule.Range all the way through all this stuff, and
- 01:55 then we're gonna change out to something different.
- 01:58 This is when VBA interprets this, it's kind of like,
- 02:01 let's say that you were trying to actually figure out what color your house was and
- 02:05 how much it cost and what not.
- 02:07 Normally if you're talking to someone, you'd say well this is my house.
- 02:10 The color is brown and the cost is x.
- 02:13 The way that we're talking about things right now here is what we call fully
- 02:16 qualified.
- 02:17 So the equivalent would be saying, well my house is in Canada in the city
- 02:22 of Nanaimo in this particular street on this particular address.
- 02:26 The color is this.
- 02:28 And then you'd go back again and start all over again and say,
- 02:30 my house is in Canada in the city of Nanaimo in order to drill down and
- 02:33 to actually get all the way down to what the cost is.
- 02:35 And that doesn't make any sense.
- 02:36 It's a very, very long winded way of doing things.
- 02:39 So wouldn't it be nice if we could actually take something where we already
- 02:42 have a variable set up that we've set to wsSchedule, and
- 02:45 we could refer to it a little bit more efficiently.
- 02:47 It's already doing better than most of the train that we have to
- 02:50 go through here because we've actually got our house bound to one specific object,
- 02:55 so it shortens a lot.
- 02:56 But we can actually get even a little bit tighter by using the with keyword.
- 03:00 So what I'm gonna do is I'm gonna type in with, and right after schedule,
- 03:03 I'm gonna enter and tab it in.
- 03:05 And at the end of this little block, I'm gonna put in end with.
- 03:10 What happens here is what's actually interpreted by the VBA compiler when
- 03:15 it runs now is it is says with wsSchedule.
- 03:18 And then any line that has nothing preceding a dot, it says well that must be
- 03:22 wsSchedule.Range, wsSchedule.Range, wsSchedule.Range.
- 03:25 So that's kinda cool.
- 03:26 We can also do the same thing here.
- 03:28 You'll notice wsCP shows up in two places.
- 03:31 So I could say with WSCP.
- 03:33 I could go down and put end with statement at the end.
- 03:37 And then what I could say is I could say well let's get rid of this.
- 03:41 And also get rid of this, because we don't need a tab there really.
- 03:46 Because what ends up happening here is when this line is actually interpreted,
- 03:50 it'll say wsCP.Range.B3.Value and Equals.
- 03:55 Again, this is implied WSCP because that's what the with statement is above it.
- 03:59 So I can actually start writing code that looks a little bit nicer and
- 04:02 that blocks it out a little bit more and it's a tiny bit more efficient as well.
- 04:06 The other thing about these guys is that you actually can
- 04:10 nest multiple with statements together as well.
- 04:13 So if I wanted to, and I don't have a reason to do
- 04:16 that in this particular block of code here, but I could if I wanted to.
- 04:19 For example, do something like this.
- 04:21 I could say well lets go with Range(*E6:E10*).Copy and end with.
- 04:30 Key things, your with always needs to be ended out with an end with because that's
- 04:34 when it tells it to stop, actually putting these things in place.
- 04:38 And notice that when we get into copy here, this says well it's Range(*E6:E10*)
- 04:42 .copy in that range because its .Range says it's wsSchedule.Range.
- 04:47 So this thing cascades all the way down.
- 04:49 Now, in this case, it doesn't make sense.
- 04:51 We've only got one line.
- 04:53 But when we're working with multiple lines together,
- 04:56 it does make sense to actually go back and actually pull these
- 04:58 things into nice little blocks that can be easily read and easily debugged.
- 05:03 One of the big things that I like to do is always make sure that my code is indented
- 05:06 within those blocks so that I can actually see where it all lines out.
- 05:09 The key thing here that I want you to recognize,
- 05:11 once this is all done, we can come back.
- 05:14 And the code, if we roll it forward, will run just fine, nice and fast.
- 05:18 Everything is good there.
- 05:19 It actually runs a teeny bit faster even than going back and
- 05:21 doing the fully qualified references as well.
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