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About this lesson
Before we start collecting data, it is helpful to understand Facts and Dimensions. In this lesson we will cover these important dimensional modeling concepts so that you can lay out your source data tables properly.
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Quick reference
Facts vs Dimensions
Overview of what Facts and Dimensions are in Pivot Tables.
When to use
When you want to start building a Pivot Table using best practices.
A Fact is something that needs to be aggregated in a Pivot Table (e.g. sum, count, average of the column values)
- Facts always go in the Values area of the Pivot Table
- Types of columns that should exist in Fact Tables:
- Columns to be aggregated
- Columns used to link to a Dimension Table (aka Foreign Key)
- Nothing else
A Dimension is how we slice our Facts
- Dimensions go in the Filters, Columns, or Rows areas of the Pivot Table, or in Slicers and Timelines
- Types of columns that belong in Dimension Tables:
- Columns used to link to other tables (aka Primary Key)
- Columns used in dimensional fields
Hints & tips
- A simple rule of thumb is that if the column does not need to be aggregated, it’s a Dimension
- Facts and Dimensions should always be on separate tables
- Do not add a column from a Fact Table to one of the dimension fields. Likewise, do not aggregate a column in a Dimension Table
- Use Power Query to create a Dimension Table or Fact Table instead
- 00:04 Before we jump into getting data for our Power Pivot Model,
- 00:08 we need to have a quick discussion over what Facts and Dimensions are.
- 00:12 And the reason being is, this is going to dictate some of the way that I actually
- 00:17 shape the tables that we bring in.
- 00:19 A challenge that we have is that, the Fact versus Dimension discussion is something
- 00:24 that a lot of pivot table users never have, they got no idea what these are.
- 00:27 So this is why we gotta go through them, we just have to talk about it.
- 00:30 So what is a fact anyway?
- 00:32 Well, essentially, it's something that's been aggregated.
- 00:36 Examples of this sum of amount, it's the amount column that's been summed up
- 00:40 into a single value, or customer could have been counted.
- 00:46 That's something that's very common obviously when you drag a text field into
- 00:48 the bottom right-hand corner of a pivot table.
- 00:51 These things are actually really easy to identify.
- 00:54 They live in the bottom right hand corner of the pivot table,
- 00:56 if it's there it's a fact.
- 00:59 It's pretty much that simple.
- 01:01 So what's a Dimension?
- 01:03 Well, the Dimension is how we slice our facts.
- 01:06 Examples of these, they might include things like account group, customer class,
- 01:11 year, month and day, or location.
- 01:13 None of these things are ever actually aggregated.
- 01:16 They're also very easy to identify in the pivot table structure.
- 01:20 They're things like row, column, or filter fields.
- 01:24 They're things like slicers or timelines.
- 01:26 Each of these is a Dimension and the fundamental rule that we want to try and
- 01:30 follow here is, if it's not aggregated then it's gonna be a dimension.
- 01:35 So basically, if you're not gonna count it or sum it in some way,
- 01:38 then it's a Dimension.
- 01:40 Why do we care?
- 01:42 Because facts and Dimensions, as a matter of best practice,
- 01:45 should always live in completely separate tables.
- 01:48 If you do this, trust me, it's gonna save you a lot of headaches and a lot of hair.
- 01:55 So how do we design good fact tables?
- 01:57 Well, a fact tables should only really have two types of columns.
- 02:02 Columns which need to be aggregated, which can be either numeric or text space, so
- 02:06 we could still need to count something that would make it a fact.
- 02:10 The other type of column that would exist inside a fact table is a column
- 02:15 that we use to link to Dimension Tables.
- 02:18 Okay, so this is our lookup column that we actually use.
- 02:20 It's actually called a foreign key if you really want the technical term for it.
- 02:26 Key thing that I want you to remember here is that,
- 02:28 no column from a fact table should ever get used in a Dimension field.
- 02:32 And basically what that means is, if you have a table, unlike a regular pivot table
- 02:38 inside Power Pivot, if you've got a table and you're gonna drag value into that
- 02:41 bottom right-hand corner of the pivot table, any of the other
- 02:44 columns in that table should never be dragged anywhere else on the pivot table.
- 02:48 You should only be putting fields into the bottom right-hand corner of the pivot
- 02:51 table from that table.
- 02:53 And that's kind of a hard thing to wrap your head around.
- 02:55 You're gonna see how this actually plays out as we go through and
- 02:57 we work through the rest of this course.
- 03:00 So what do you do about that?
- 03:01 Well, if you need a Dimension field that's why we use Power Query to spin off all
- 03:04 Dimensions so that we can actually do the filtering that we need.
- 03:07 So that's how we are gonna actually leverage Power Query with Power Pivot to
- 03:10 make this work.
- 03:11 And we got a whole section to talk about this kind of stuff and
- 03:13 how often that happens.
- 03:15 What about designing Dimension Tables?
- 03:17 Well, Dimension Tables also should only really have two types of columns.
- 03:21 They have a Primary Key column.
- 03:24 This is a column that has a unique entry for every row in the table.
- 03:28 This is the column that we use to link back to the fact table.
- 03:32 So the fact table has two things, it's got the columns that are being aggregated and
- 03:36 it has the column to link to other tables,
- 03:38 it links to the primary key column n the Dimension Table.
- 03:41 We also have the columns that we use in dimensional fields.
- 03:45 These can have many repeating values.
- 03:47 They're generally text-based, but don't have to be,
- 03:50 but these are the guys we drag into the row or column headers of report, or
- 03:54 onto slicers in order to actually split our facts by different ways.
- 03:58 Key thing that I want you to remember here,
- 04:00 no column from a Dimension Table should ever be dragged into the bottom of that
- 04:04 right-hand corner of that pivot table.
- 04:06 If you need to do something like count or
- 04:09 sum something from a Dimension Table, We have a tool for that.
- 04:12 It's called Power Query, and
- 04:13 you can actually merge this data back to create a proper Fact Table.
- 04:17 If you do that, you're gonna find that your life is gonna be a lot easier, and
- 04:20 you won't get into cross-filtering problems, and things that just don't work.
- 04:25 And we're gonna apply these kind of techniques as we go through and
- 04:27 we start building up the data for our model.
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