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About this lesson
Looking at what Power Query does, and why this technology will change your life and the way you look at data.
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Quick reference
What is Power Query and What Does It Do?
An introduction to Power Query and what it can do for you.
When to use
This module helps explain the main benefits of Power Query and why you would want to use it in your organization.
In order to build a Business Intelligence (BI) solution, data must first be cleaned and transformed into a tabular format so that we can use in our data model or report.
Power Query is an ETL tool, which stands for:
- Extract – Pull data from a variety of data sources (databases, files, online, emails, etc.)
- Transform – Prepare the data (cleaning, removing, combining, etc.) into a usable format
- Load – Land the data in a tabular format for further analysis
Power Query:
- Gives us an array of rich tools for transforming data all in one place
- Saves hours of time that in the past was spent manually copying and pasting
- Allows one-click refresh of the data to update current or updated data quickly
- Will save you hours of time re-doing manual work
- 00:05 One of the things we know about building modern business intelligence or
- 00:09 BI solutions is that every single one of them starts from raw data.
- 00:14 But the challenge is that data could come from a lot of different places.
- 00:18 It could come from databases.
- 00:19 Maybe it comes from the Internet, or it could come from a text file,
- 00:24 or a CSV file, or even an entire folder full of files.
- 00:28 It can even come from email.
- 00:30 There is lots of different sources for data but the real truth is that
- 00:35 every single one of them requires some kind of cleansing and transformation into
- 00:39 a tabular format before we can actually expose Excel's most powerful tools.
- 00:45 And when we're talking about Excel's most powerful tools,
- 00:47 we're thinking about thinks like pivot tables and charts,
- 00:51 maybe even VLOOKUP statements and different stuff like that.
- 00:54 The challenge that we have is that, when you're interviewed for
- 00:58 your job to work with Excel, people will often ask you about your reporting skills.
- 01:02 They'll ask you do you know how to do this, do you know how to do that?
- 01:05 But they don't really focus and spend a lot of time
- 01:08 on the part that actually really, really impacts to majority of your solutions,
- 01:13 and that's this area right here.
- 01:15 And the reality is, we actually spend about
- 01:18 80% of our time cleaning up data to get it ready to use for analysis and
- 01:23 yet your interview is all about how you interpret data.
- 01:27 It's kind of an interesting little, kinda of flip top way of looking at things,
- 01:31 it's a little bit problematic.
- 01:33 What this course is about is trying to actually deal with that red box,
- 01:37 to give you some strategies to actually make that a little bit quicker.
- 01:41 The challenge we have with data actually comes in in several different places.
- 01:45 The first one is all about access.
- 01:48 Can you even get to your data at all?
- 01:51 And the reality is that sometimes database access is not even allowed inside
- 01:55 the company, and there could be a couple of different reasons for that.
- 01:58 Some of it could be around different security policies.
- 02:02 Some of it could be around confidentiality,
- 02:05 some of it could even be around classified information that you don't have proper
- 02:10 clearance to get to, right?
- 02:11 So this is some of the stuff we just can't get there.
- 02:14 But there is also other times when it is impossible to get to the data because
- 02:18 cuz technically, it can't be done.
- 02:20 Maybe there's no driver to get into the database system.
- 02:23 Sometimes, it's even worse than that and
- 02:25 the data we need doesn't even live in our systems at all.
- 02:29 I used to actually work as a controller for a golf course and
- 02:31 the number one driver for our business was weather.
- 02:34 And yet none of our point of sales systems captured weather.
- 02:37 We were all about capturing how many beers were sold, how many golf rounds were sold,
- 02:41 and yet we needed this information, which didn't live in our systems at all.
- 02:45 Other problems, your data could be dirty, it could be poorly structured, it could be
- 02:50 really badly shaped with lots of other garbage that's actually mixed into it.
- 02:55 It could be complicated, maybe it's actually nested into pivoted data,
- 02:59 where you want it unpivoted, maybe it's structured and sets.
- 03:03 And the other side is,
- 03:04 and this has becoming a bigger problem all the time, it could be high volume.
- 03:08 There's three Vs in big data, volume, variety, and velocity, and
- 03:12 all of these things, where data is coming at us super, super quick in huge volumes.
- 03:17 We need tools to actually make sense of the data and
- 03:20 actually be able to work with it in good old classic Excel.
- 03:23 It's just not up to that task anymore, and that's why we now have Power Query.
- 03:29 Power Query adds ETL to Excel, and
- 03:31 if you're not familiar with this three letter acronym, it stands for extract,
- 03:35 transform, and load.
- 03:40 So this is actually the process that you go through when you're building a business
- 03:43 intelligent solution.
- 03:43 You grab data from somewhere, you clean it up, transform it a little bit, and
- 03:47 then you load it into a worksheet so that you can actually work with it.
- 03:50 And Power Query actually allows us to make this job a little bit easier.
- 03:53 Where can we get our data from?
- 03:55 Well we can get it from places like files, we can get it from databases,
- 03:58 we can pull data from the web, from a Microsoft Exchange email server,
- 04:03 we can even pull data from other queries and this is far from an exhaustive list.
- 04:08 What is transforming to us?
- 04:10 It means the things that you're use to doing with your data.
- 04:13 It's cleaning it.
- 04:14 It's reshaping it.
- 04:15 It's removing a relevant data.
- 04:17 It's merging things horizontally like the VLOOKUP.
- 04:20 It's appending things like copy and pasting and
- 04:22 stacking tables in the big long tables.
- 04:24 And it's even generating new data that we actually need.
- 04:27 These are all things that Power Query can help us do and automate the task.
- 04:32 Where can we load it to?
- 04:33 We can load it to Excel tables, that's the standard default.
- 04:36 If you're working with things like Power Pivot you can load directly in
- 04:39 the Power Pivot state of model.
- 04:41 And you can also create your query so that it's preloaded and
- 04:44 ready to be called when needed landing in what we call a connection.
- 04:48 The reality of this is that this gives us some new tools to work with data.
- 04:51 We know that we've got these lumps of data on the left, and we know we need the table
- 04:55 on the right and in the past this was always a challenge in Excel.
- 04:59 We now have a rich array of information tools in one place to be able to go and
- 05:04 transform our data into the format that we need, but we've got one more thing too.
- 05:08 We now have one-click refresh, and this is
- 05:12 huge cuz we can actually invest our time in building a scenario that we need.
- 05:16 And then, when we're done, we click one button to refresh it next month,
- 05:20 so it just happens all over again for us, saving us a ton of time.
- 05:23 And, my friends, that is why Power Query is amazing and
- 05:27 definitely leads to happy analysts at the end of the day.
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