Locked lesson.
About this lesson
This lesson will teach you how to unleash the magic of appending all files in a folder, and show you how effective it is.
Exercise files
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Append all files in a folder - Application.xlsx21.4 KB Append all files in a folder - Application - Completed.xlsx
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Quick reference
Append All Files in a Folder - Application
A demonstration of the process for appending all files in a folder into a single query.
When to use
Use to combine binaries after setting up a FilesList query.
Getting Started
- If you have not already created a FilesList query, DO THAT FIRST!
- Expose the Queries pane --> right click the FilesList query --> Reference
Master Query – Initial modifications
- Rename the Master query immediately to a more logical name (still referred to as Master here)
- Click the Combine Binaries button and click OK
- Wait for the four queries to be created on the left side of the window
- Delete the Changed Type step that was added to the Master query
Transform Sample modifications
- Select the Transform Sample in the queries pane on the left side of the window
- Perform any required transformations to the Transform Sample query
Master Query – Final modifications
- Select the Master query
- Modify the Removed Other Columns1 step to keep any desired file properties
- Add any additional transformation steps required to the Master query
- Set the Data Types
- Finalize the query by loading it to the desired location
Hints & tips
- Using the FilesList query avoids the file path being hard coded into the solution twice
- Using the FilesList query also makes it much easier to sort and change the file used by the Transform Sample
- To change the file used by the sample transform, re-sort the FilesList query, go to Home --> Refresh Preview. The new file will now be the one used in the Transform Sample
- 00:05 We're now ready to actually append all the files in the folder.
- 00:08 But if you've opened up the sample template here, the challenge you're gonna
- 00:12 need to do is you're going to need to get to the point where you can actually
- 00:14 edit the queries to update the source file path.
- 00:18 To do that, we need to find the queries pane on the right-hand side.
- 00:23 In Excel 2016, that's gonna be one the data tab.
- 00:26 It's either gonna be under a button called Queries and Connections, or Show Queries.
- 00:31 In Excel 2010 or 2013, it'll be on the Power Query tab on a button called
- 00:35 Show Pane, about two thirds of the way across.
- 00:38 And in Power BI desktop, you just go to the home tab and click Edit Queries.
- 00:43 In Excel,
- 00:43 this will bring up the queries list, where we can see we have the files list query.
- 00:48 We're then gonna right click, and choose Edit.
- 00:52 And this allows us to go into the query editor so
- 00:54 that we can actually make some changes.
- 00:57 Naturally, the first one you're gonna wanna do is grab the source,
- 01:00 click the year icon, and
- 01:02 browse to make sure that you're pointed at the beginning folder in append all files.
- 01:06 Now at this point, what I'd like to is I'd like to actually call
- 01:12 your attention to the queries pane on the left-hand side, we're gonna expand that.
- 01:16 And we're gonna create a new query by referencing the files list query.
- 01:21 So we're gonna say right-click and I'm gonna say reference.
- 01:26 Now, even though it doesn't look like it right now,
- 01:28 this query is gonna be our transactions query.
- 01:31 So, I'm gonna go and call it transactions.
- 01:34 Notice in the formula bar, it's pointing to equals files list.
- 01:39 So, whatever happens in this query will be passed directly to
- 01:43 the transactions query where we need it.
- 01:46 And we're now at this magic point where we can go and combine our files.
- 01:53 To do that,
- 01:54 we're gonna come up to this button here that has the double down arrow.
- 01:57 Which is the combine files button, and we're gonna click it.
- 02:01 Now before I do this, I wanna be really clear on something.
- 02:03 It's very important that you rename this query before you do this.
- 02:07 It's very important that you've referenced the file's list query to get a new query
- 02:11 that you've named.
- 02:12 That is what actually allows the break the cell so
- 02:14 then we only get one hard coded file path.
- 02:17 Renaming it, you're gonna see in a second, why.
- 02:20 We're gonna say combine files, and it will pop up a nice little dialogue that says,
- 02:25 hey, I looked through your folder and I found a sample file.
- 02:29 Would you like to use the first file,
- 02:32 which is pretty much the only option you're gonna get.
- 02:35 When you actually look at it, the rest of the data inside here, it gives you a nice
- 02:38 preview and it looks just like you're importing a regular CSV file.
- 02:42 So I'm gonna now go and say, okay, and at this point stuff happens.
- 02:48 There's gonna be a very big explosion of queries on the left hand side and
- 02:52 there it is.
- 02:53 Now, you'll notice, let me open this up, that every one of these guys here,
- 02:59 transform sample file from transactions, transform file from transaction.
- 03:03 Had you forgot to name the transactions query before you did this,
- 03:07 it would have the transform file from files list two,
- 03:11 which is really kind of gross and hard to actually deal with.
- 03:16 Keep in mind that we are still in the transactions query.
- 03:19 And you will notice that we have a source, which looks like our original list.
- 03:24 We have an invoke custom functions step, which was added that adds this table.
- 03:30 It then removed other columns one,
- 03:32 leaving just this particular column with the table.
- 03:36 Expanded that into individual columns, and
- 03:38 then power query attempted to set up a change type step.
- 03:43 Now, I'm gonna leave this here for right now, just to demo how this works.
- 03:47 But I would suggest normally that the first thing you should do is delete this
- 03:50 step to save yourself the problem you're gonna see coming from me
- 03:52 a little bit later.
- 03:54 Which queries do we play with?
- 03:56 Well, lets take a little look, sample file, parameter one.
- 04:00 Just says sample file,
- 04:01 this looks really unfamiliar, you got no idea what to do with this.
- 04:04 So don't do anything with it, you can just break it.
- 04:08 Sample file, because we separate the file system transactions query
- 04:13 you'll never need to deal with this query.
- 04:15 It looks funny, it looks weird, doesn't look like a table, leave it alone, okay?
- 04:19 Otherwise you're gonna break something.
- 04:22 The transform file from transactions automatically inherits all of its steps
- 04:26 from the transform sample file from transactions.
- 04:29 Again, it looks different, doesn't look like a table, so leave it alone.
- 04:33 The transform sample file, this one looks like a table.
- 04:37 And in this one, we can do the things that we would normally do.
- 04:40 So, I could go in and say hey, you know what, I wanna change this,
- 04:43 this needs to be hour.
- 04:45 And I want to change my gross dollars to be gross sales and
- 04:51 I want to filter out anything that begins with,
- 04:57 actually I want does not begin with an asterisk.
- 05:02 So shift eight.
- 05:04 Maybe I wanna make my replacement on the casing on this.
- 05:08 So I'm going to go and say transform and change this to capitalize each word.
- 05:13 And maybe I want to go and do another replace values on this and
- 05:17 maybe I wanna replace, for example, the slash with a space and
- 05:25 space in order to fix the soups and salads and other things.
- 05:31 The other things I may wanna do is I may wanna set my decimal places in here.
- 05:34 So a whole number for
- 05:35 this guy here for hour, my unit sold is gonna be a whole number.
- 05:40 And my average price is gonna be a decimal number.
- 05:43 My growth sales a currency.
- 05:45 At this point I've pretty much done all the things we did the first time we
- 05:48 imported this particular file.
- 05:51 I'm now gonna go back to the transactions query and
- 05:54 you're gonna notice that things are broken.
- 05:56 Because it says where's POS chidar.
- 05:59 Well, of course, I renamed that column.
- 06:01 So let's delete this step.
- 06:04 And look at that, everything comes back nicely,
- 06:07 except that it didn't bring my data types across.
- 06:10 So I've got to reset those really quick.
- 06:12 Whole number, this one here is also gonna be a whole number.
- 06:17 My average price is gonna be decimal, my gross sales a currency, and
- 06:21 the last three columns we'll select and say Change Type to Text.
- 06:29 What if I also wanted the file name here?
- 06:31 I would come back to remove other columns one, click the gear icon,
- 06:37 and say hey, I want this column name.
- 06:41 This is the file name.
- 06:44 So now I can go back down to Change Type and
- 06:46 you'll see that I also have my file name associated here, so this is good.
- 06:52 We've done a sample transformation in here, or rather in the transform sample,
- 06:56 that applies to each individual file.
- 06:58 And in the master query we've added something else.
- 07:01 Let's go and hit Close and Load.
- 07:04 We'll let it load all these queries and it treats them properly.
- 07:07 And then I'm gonna go and very quickly say,
- 07:10 Insert a Pivot table on a new worksheet.
- 07:14 I want to show you the files that we actually have here.
- 07:16 So here's the file name and
- 07:18 here's the total gross sales that were actually in here.
- 07:22 Because now, things are about to get amazing.
- 07:26 The folder we targeted to begin with only had a single file in it.
- 07:31 However, at the root of that append files and folder, there's also a more folder and
- 07:36 that one has a few more, so, watch this now.
- 07:40 We'll just right click and copy this and we'll come and
- 07:43 paste this right inside the begin folder.
- 07:46 Notice it's a nested folder and
- 07:49 now what I'm gonna do is, I'm gonna come back over here and we're gonna go to Data.
- 07:54 And we're going to hit Refresh All and at this point Power Query through and
- 07:58 it's gonna bring in a whole pile of new transactions except that
- 08:02 our pivot table did not update.
- 08:05 Something you do need to be aware of sometimes we have to do this twice.
- 08:10 And look at that, I've just pulled in all of the same data, run it through the same
- 08:14 steps, and boom, I've got a pivot table that has all these files.
- 08:17 And naturally, I could totally make this bigger if I wanted to and
- 08:21 break this out with pivot table to make it more complex, all that data is there.
- 08:25 The key thing you need to remember here, the Power Query chain refreshes first,
- 08:29 the Pivot Tables refresh second, unfortunately.
- 08:32 However, we've just managed to go through and
- 08:35 apply all of the same steps that we made on our individual sample transform.
- 08:39 Applied it to all of the files, and append them all together in the master transform
- 08:43 into a big table to feed our Pivot Tables.
- 08:46 How cool is that?
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