Locked lesson.
About this lesson
This lesson exposes a very important pattern for wrangling data. Once you can get it into a single column, hit it with this recipe and it will land nicely into a table.
Exercise files
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Quick reference
Pivoting Stacked Data
An overview of pivoting data that is stacked in one column.
When to use
When you have a column that has data stacked in a consistent repeating pattern of x rows per transaction and need to transpose each block and stack them into a tabular format.
Getting started
- Create a new query to bring your data to Power Query
- If a header row exists in the data, promote it to be the header row
Creating the transaction ID column
- Add Column --> Index Column --> From 0 (zero)
- Highlight Index column --> Add Column --> Standard --> Integer-Divide
- Enter the “magic” number (the number in the index column that corresponds with the first line of the second instance of the row pattern) --> OK
Creating the transaction line ID column
- Highlight Index column --> Transform --> Standard --> Modulo
Pivoting the data
- Select the Index column --> Transform --> Pivot Column
- Select the column to preserve in the body area of the pivoted date (the values you want to see)
- Select Advanced Options --> Don’t Aggregate --> OK
- The data should not be in an unpivoted format
Finishing the query
- Remove the Integer-Divide (Transaction ID) column
- Apply any other transformations as required
- Set data type for each column
- Rename the query
- Close & Load the query
Hints & tips
- Remember, the “magic” number is the first line of the second transaction
- The Integer-Divide function calculates the number of times the “magic” number can be extracted from the value in the Index column
- 00:04 In this video, we're gonna go through a very important Power Query pattern for
- 00:09 pivoting stacked data.
- 00:10 And the reason this is important is because it can actually be used elsewhere
- 00:13 once you see this pattern recur.
- 00:16 We're gonna start by going into create a new query to grab from file, from text or
- 00:21 CSV.
- 00:23 And we're gonna drill down into our GoSkills example files
- 00:26 into the Pivoting Stack Data folder, and we're gonna grab Visa Transactions.
- 00:32 Now like most of the data in this course, these are based on near world samples.
- 00:36 This is based on a real world example that was once sent to me.
- 00:39 And it's Visa transactions where they've been extracted and
- 00:42 it's all in a single column.
- 00:44 So let's click Edit because obviously that's not gonna work so well for us.
- 00:47 Once we get into power query ,the
- 00:51 first thing we need to do is pop up this header row.
- 00:54 So we could do that here under use first rows header,
- 00:57 we can also find a bunch of commands under this origin on the top left corner.
- 01:01 So that's the one I'm gonna use this time just to be different.
- 01:03 Does the same thing different place.
- 01:06 Now at this point what I want you to recognize is that we have a repeating
- 01:10 pattern that goes from the beginning all the way to the end of this file.
- 01:14 It goes date, vendor, amount, blank, date, vendor,
- 01:18 amount, blank, and there are no deviations in this file whatsoever.
- 01:24 It's a four line block for each transaction.
- 01:29 We're going to unpivot this so that we can have it working for
- 01:33 a Pivot Table as a data source.
- 01:34 And the secret to this is actually a recipe that you can use over and
- 01:38 over again.
- 01:40 And it works like this, we start by adding a column.
- 01:45 And that column is a very specific column, it's an index column.
- 01:49 You'll notice from the drop down, that there are several options,
- 01:52 in order to make this pattern work mathematically you must choose zero.
- 01:57 That will give you what is a line item for each individual line in the entire file.
- 02:03 It increases by one, that's an index column.
- 02:06 What we're now gonna do is grab the index column,
- 02:10 we're gonna go to Add Column> Standard and we're gonna choose a divide
- 02:14 integer and at this It's gonna ask us for a number.
- 02:19 The magic number is from the index column,
- 02:23 it is the first line of the second transaction.
- 02:27 So in this case, when we look down here we can see that it's this one.
- 02:31 It's not row five, it's an index number of four,
- 02:34 that's the first time we see the second date.
- 02:38 So well say, four, this is the magic number for this pattern and
- 02:41 we're gonna use it again.
- 02:43 So don't forget it now, always the first line of the second transaction.
- 02:50 So we'll say OK.
- 02:51 And what you'll see is we get a new column and
- 02:53 you'll see the first four rows are zero, the second four rows are one.
- 02:57 So this is actually your transaction ID number.
- 03:01 We're then gonna take the index column.
- 03:04 We can go to Transform not Add Columns.
- 03:08 This time, this is gonna be on the Transform tab.
- 03:09 You'll notice the same commands are in most of these places.
- 03:12 One of them transforms the existing column, the other one
- 03:15 keeps the existing column but adds a new column with the transformation.
- 03:19 We want in this case to transform the existing one.
- 03:22 And this time,
- 03:23 we're gonna use another command that you've probably never used called Modulo.
- 03:27 Modulo is kind of the opposite of the integer divide.
- 03:31 The integer divide looks through and says here, you told me the magic number is 4,
- 03:35 I'm gonna try and take number 4 into this as many times,
- 03:39 give me how many times will go in as a whole number.
- 03:42 Modulo we use the same value that we used for the previous line so
- 03:46 the magic number is 4.
- 03:47 And what Modulo does is it says, give me the remainder instead.
- 03:53 So, integer division gives us a transaction ID number.
- 03:57 The converted index column using a modulo gives us a transaction line ID number.
- 04:04 Okay, well that's kind of interesting, but what the heck do I do with that?
- 04:08 Well, here's the secret, we grab our new modulo column here on index.
- 04:13 And we're going to pivot it.
- 04:15 So we'll choose Pivot, and it says you wanna use this as your column name,
- 04:20 that's great but we need to go to Advanced options, change this to Don't Aggregate.
- 04:27 And now, be ready for a magic moment because we're gonna click OK and
- 04:32 everything is virtually unpivoted for us right away.
- 04:36 Now we no longer needs the integer division column, but it is required for
- 04:40 the pattern upfront.
- 04:41 Now that it's done we can right click and remove it.
- 04:45 At this point, it's a good time to scan the rest of the columns and
- 04:48 see which blank ones might be there that we can get rid of.
- 04:51 Like column three right here.
- 04:53 The reason I didn't filter this out up front is because if the file is long
- 04:56 enough, I wouldn't wanna accidentally filter out a row and
- 05:00 shift the entire pattern if maybe one of the vendor names is blank.
- 05:04 And now we're basically left with our data.
- 05:07 We know that this guy here is an American date format so
- 05:10 we're gonna change type on this guy here using locale, and set it to a date,
- 05:17 Again for English US, and we'll say OK.
- 05:23 We can then, of course, name the column dates.
- 05:26 We can name our next column vendor and we can name our final column amount
- 05:33 which right now appears to be formatted as text, so let's change it to a currency.
- 05:40 And at this point, I'm just gonna go and drop the visa of the front of this table
- 05:44 name and we'll call as transactions and we are good to go with a home close and load.
- 05:50 And we can land our data into the worksheet, and everything is good to go.
- 05:55 Whenever we get a new file, we just right click and refresh.
- 05:58 The key thing here I want you to remember is that this is a pattern and
- 06:02 there is a cheat sheet that goes with this module so
- 06:05 that you can actually use this again with all of those individual steps.
- 06:09 The key parts around this are adding the index column from zero,
- 06:12 building the integer divide using the magic number which is the first
- 06:16 row of the second transaction from the index column.
- 06:19 Transforming that index column to the modulo using the magic number again.
- 06:24 And then pivoting the modulocolumn while not aggregating
- 06:28 the original column of values.
- 06:31 At that point everything is done, it´s just cleanup time.
- 06:34 It's a beautiful pattern that you can use over and
- 06:36 over again whenever you see this kind of data arising inside your solutions.
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