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The Golden Rules of Spreadsheet Design
Understand the golden rules of good spreadsheet design so workbooks are organized, easy to interpret, and efficient to update.
When to use
These golden rules should be abided by whenever we create a new workbook to ensure they are kept error-free and user-friendly.
We rarely create spreadsheets just for our own use. These days, collaboration is key. We share spreadsheets with colleagues, managers, stakeholders, and clients. To prevent unwanted changes, keep our spreadsheets organized, and make them efficient and user-friendly, we need to think about the design.
To help with this, there is a set of golden rules we can follow to produce better spreadsheets.
Organize Data Logically
Workbooks should always be organized logically. We need to ensure that we are separating different types of data onto different worksheets. For example, our source data, calculations, Pivot Tables and Charts should all be on separate worksheets not crammed into one.
It's also recommended to group worksheet tabs visually using color so that users can see which worksheets are related.
Create a Summary Sheet
Think about creating a summary sheet at the beginning of the workbook. Summary sheets provide colleagues with useful information about the workbook and how it should be used.
For example, a summary sheet could contain some general information, links to jump quickly to a specific worksheet, save location information, and even a key to explain what different cell colors represent.
Use Formatting to Highlight and Distinguish Cells
It's a good idea to use formatting to highlight cells of importance. We can use cell formatting to help others know which cells are calculation cells and which cells are input cells.
Remember, formatting should be used to enhance the readability of worksheets not distract.
Use Cell References instead of Hard-Coded Values
It's never a good idea to hard-code values into formulas. Hard-coded values make the spreadsheet more difficult to update if the value changes.
Instead, put values in their own cells and link to the cell in the formula. If the value changes, we only have to update it in one cell and everything else will update automatically.
Control Inputs with Data Validation
Accidental or non-accidental mistakes in a spreadsheet are a big problem. Even something as simple as a spelling mistake can throw our data analysis results off.
Controlling the data that is going into the spreadsheet with Data Validation is essential. Data Validations allow us to limit what information goes into a cell by only allowing users to select from a drop-down list.
Protect Cells, Workbooks and Worksheets
We can completely lock down our workbooks, worksheets, or specific cells in a worksheet using protection.
We can add a password to a workbook to prevent unwanted access, we can protect specific worksheets from editing or we can choose specific cells to lock to prevent anyone from tampering with the data.
Track Changes with Versions
If a file undergoes many changes, it's a good idea to keep track of the different versions. This might just be a simple case of making a copy of the worksheet and indicating it's a new version in the file name.
When we create versions of the same file, it's much easier to track the changes and roll back to a previous version if required.
Consider Standardizing Naming Conventions
If we don't implement a standard for naming our files and folders, things can get messy quickly. If everyone's naming files differently it makes it much harder to find and search for files.
Think about implementing a standard naming convention for files and folders that everyone in the team can adopt.
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