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About this lesson
Explore one of the newer functions in Excel, FILTER, and learn how to use it with COUNTIF to compare two lists.
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Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT17.5 KB Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT - Completed
19.9 KB Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT
43.2 KB Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT
10.9 KB Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT - Solution
70.5 KB Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF and NOT - Solution
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Quick reference
Compare Lists with FILTER, COUNTIF, and NOT
Learn how to compare lists using Excel formulas.
When to use
We use Excel formulas to compare lists of data whenever we want our comparison results to output to a different range of cells as opposed to highlighting in place. We can also extend the power of our comparison by combining multiple formulas together.
In this example, we have a list of Invitees and a list of Attendees. We need to find out who was invited to the event but did not attend so we can send a follow-up email.
We also want to make this dynamic so that if anything changes on either list, the formula updates.
Create a Table
To make our lists dynamic, we need to format our data as an Excel table. Excel tables auto-expand when new data is added.
- Click anywhere inside the data.
- Press CTRL+T.
- Ensure My table has headers is checked.
- Click OK.
We need to use three formulas to compare these lists: COUNTIF, NOT, and FILTER. To understand this a little better, we are going to reverse engineer this.
Let's start by using the COUNTIF formula. COUNTIF will count cells based on a condition.
The first argument is range. The range is the range of cells we want to search in for our criteria.
- Select the Attendees column in the table.
- Press comma.
The next argument is criteria. The criteria is what we are searching for in the range.
- Select the Invitees column in the table.
- Close the bracket and press Enter.
The formula will return 1's and 0's. It's looking in the Invitees list for the name and then looking in the Attendees list to see if it can find a match.
A result of 1 means the name occurs in both lists, and a result of 0 means the name only appears in the first list.
We can now turn these 1's and 0's into TRUE and FALSE using the NOT function. NOT is a logical formula that tells if something is not true or not false.
- Click in the formula to edit.
- Add the NOT function.
The 1's are now replaced with FALSE and the 0's are replaced with TRUE.
We can now use the FILTER function to filter the invitees.
The result is a list of all of the no-shows.
The formula is completely dynamic so if we were to delete Tom Bruise from the Attendees list, effectively making him a no-show, everything updates.
Hints & tips
- Remember, when data is in a table all formulas will use table references as opposed to cell references.
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