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Learn to create and modify basic PivotTables for quickly summarizing and highlighting data.
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Creating Pivot Tables
Creating, adjusting, and modifying basic Pivot Tables in Excel.
Where/when to use the technique
Pivot Tables are an amazing tool that can summarize, slice, and dice data in a variety of formats. While they shine with large data sets, they are equally powerful with small data sets as well.
Benefits of creating Pivot Tables
- Extremely quick data refresh
- Drag and drop interface to look at data in different ways
- Ease of use
Key point to remember
- Pivot Tables are not live! You MUST refresh your data manually (but it’s easy to do)
Preparing your data to turn it into a Pivot Table
- Make certain that your data is in tabular format (preferably formatted as a table)
- Ensure your data has a clear header row
Creating Pivot Tables
- Select any cell in the data range
- Go to the Insert tab, choose Pivot Table, and place it on a new worksheet
- Drag a numeric field into the VALUES area
- Drag fields containing text into the ROWS area as desired
Removing items from a Pivot Table
- Drag any field from the layout area back into the field list
Modifying Pivot Tables
- Drag a field from ROWS to COLUMNS
- Drag a field from COLUMNS to ROWS
- Click the arrow beside any field in the VALUES area, choose Value Field Settings, and choose Average
- Go back to the source data and update any cell to a new value
- Return to the Pivot Table, right-click it, and choose Refresh
- 00:04 In this video we're going to introduce you to one of Excel's most powerful tools,
- 00:08 the pivot table and there is just no faster way to summarize data than
- 00:12 using this tool without writing a single formula in the process.
- 00:15 Now here's the deal,
- 00:16 in order to start with a pivot table though your data needs to be in good form.
- 00:20 What does that mean?
- 00:22 It means it needs a nice descriptive header row,
- 00:25 no blank row between the header and the data.
- 00:28 The data should be consistent all the way down the columns of the table.
- 00:31 So all numbers, all text, all dates, and no blank rows, no blank columns.
- 00:37 And once we have that, we can click any cell inside and
- 00:40 choose insert pivot table to get started.
- 00:43 But before we do, I want to call out something very, very important.
- 00:46 If you look in this table range area, this is pulling the source data and
- 00:49 you're going to see there's dollar signs in here.
- 00:51 There's four of them, that is Excel throwing money at you to
- 00:55 get your attention to know that you're about to do something very dangerous.
- 00:59 You do not want to do this.
- 01:00 If you see money, stop, okay?
- 01:04 We're going to hit cancel and
- 01:05 what we're going to do is we're going to turn this into a proper
- 01:09 official Excel table because that is a better choice of data for a pivot table.
- 01:13 So I'm going to just change this into a nice blue style here, that looks good and
- 01:18 of course I'm going to go and name my table right away to call it sales.
- 01:21 Now, I'm going to click somewhere inside here, insert any pivot table and
- 01:27 notice the difference, it now calls it sales.
- 01:30 And this is just going to make it a lot easier to make sure that your data updates
- 01:34 when you add new columns or new rows in hard coded ranges,
- 01:37 you actually have to maintain that data source when using a table it just happens.
- 01:42 Now the next option you've got, we can use to or
- 01:44 put our pivot table on a new worksheet or an existing worksheet.
- 01:48 I'm going to put this on an existing worksheet just so
- 01:50 we can see exactly what's going on here.
- 01:52 And before I click OK I just want to call out the last little thing here about this
- 01:56 add to the data model.
- 01:57 Unless you have taken training in a technology called Power Pivot,
- 02:01 I do not recommend that you check this button,
- 02:04 it actually adds a whole level of complication to your pivot tables.
- 02:07 So let's drop this in i five, we're going to go say, OK and
- 02:11 we get this pivot table frame.
- 02:13 Now, here's the cool thing, what we can do now is we
- 02:15 can actually write a bunch of formulas by just dragging and dropping fields.
- 02:19 So what I'm going to start with is I'm going to take the sold by and
- 02:23 I'm going to drag it down into the rows area.
- 02:26 And what you'll see is it gives me a unique list of all of my salespeople then
- 02:30 from the sold by call so we've got a Fred, a Jane, a John, and a Mary.
- 02:34 Now, the next thing I'm going to do is I'm going to grab price and
- 02:37 I'm going to drop it into the values area.
- 02:40 And it now basically does a great big sum if to go and
- 02:43 sum all of the prices if the name is equal to what you see on the left hand side.
- 02:47 And yet there are no formulas here at all so this is pretty cool.
- 02:52 If I want cost, I could go and drop that into the pivot table as well.
- 02:56 If I don't like the order, I can drag it around and
- 03:00 put it in a different order so now we have sum of cost and then sum of price.
- 03:04 And if I don't like this I can actually take it off and
- 03:08 throw it back in the field as well.
- 03:10 Now, let me try this, I'm going to move sold by into columns and
- 03:15 I'm going to move inventory item down into rows.
- 03:19 And this is the beauty of a pivot table as it allows you to very quickly try
- 03:23 different looks and different views of how you want to see things.
- 03:28 There is one thing you need to know about your pivot table though.
- 03:31 Let's change the price of this lovable kitten here to something extremely
- 03:35 obvious, $9,000, it's a very expensive kitten.
- 03:39 And what you're going to notice here is when we come down here and
- 03:42 we look for our lovable kitten, what we should see is that our lovable kitten for
- 03:47 Fred should have at least $9,000 and it's only got 22 or $225 in there.
- 03:51 Why is that out of sync?
- 03:53 Well, the answer is that pivot tables cache their data.
- 03:56 They're not live against your data source.
- 03:58 So this is the important thing to recognize about a pivot table is to make
- 04:01 sure it's up to date.
- 04:02 It's either right click and choose refresh on it,
- 04:05 that will now update everything there from the data source.
- 04:09 Or if we go back and set this level will kitten back to $45, we can also go up to
- 04:14 the data tab and choose refresh all and that will refresh all pivot caches
- 04:19 in the workbook to make sure that your pivot tables are up to date.
- 04:23 Pivot tables are amazing for very quickly summarizing things and dragging and
- 04:27 dropping to get the view that you want.
- 04:29 The only big key there remember, put it against the table to start with and
- 04:33 then make sure that you don't forget to
- 04:36 hit that refresh button when your data changes.
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