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An explanation of the reason models should be consistent, and key elements of a workbook that should be consistent.
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CRaFT - Consistency
Understand ‘Consistency’ in the CRaFT methodology.
When to use
A key concept in financial modeling ‘Consistency’ can help model developers decide how best to design financial models. Models constructed consistently are easier to understand as users become familiar with both their purpose and content. This will in turn give users more comfort about model integrity and make it easier to add / remove business units, categories, numbers of periods, scenarios, etc.
- Use model formulae sparingly and ensure it is kept consistent.
- Ensure periods and formats are kept consistent between worksheets.
Keeping formulae consistent
An efficient and consistent way of copying formulae across rows and down columns is as follows:
- Highlight the range of cells
- Type the formula into the formula bar
- Hold CTRL + ENTER to copy the formula across and down the range
To find inconsistent formulae within a range of cells
- Highlight the range of cells
- Hold CTRL + BACKSLASH (\) – to check for inconsistent formula between rows
- Hold CTRL + SHIFT + BACKSLASH (\) – to check for inconsistent formula between columns
The use of anchoring (dollar signs - $) to keep formulae consistent when copying formulae across rows or down columns
- Click into a formula
- Select F4 to include $ into the formula
- Continue to select F4 to toggle the $ between the formula – everything to the right of the $ will be held constant
- 00:05 And so we begin with the first of our four key qualities consistency.
- 00:12 You may recall from last time out, we talked about the idea of CRaFT, C-R-a-F-T.
- 00:21 CRaFT is made up of four key qualities.
- 00:24 The first of which is consistency which is what the session is about.
- 00:28 So, what do I mean?
- 00:31 Consistency well, I won't get any marks for
- 00:34 writing a dictionary, but it's the aim of being consistent.
- 00:39 Trying to write as few formulae as possible.
- 00:42 Professor Raymond Panko from the University of Hawaii, actually proved that
- 00:47 no matter how experienced we are, we keep a rather consistent error rate going.
- 00:52 Therefore, the fewer formulae we write, the few mistakes we'll make.
- 00:55 And that will promote model integrity and make it easier for developers and
- 00:58 then users alike to understand models more quickly, as they're fewer errors in them.
- 01:04 In order to help us with this, we could actually look at structured models,
- 01:07 using predefined formats and
- 01:09 styles, looking at formula to be copied uniformly across ranges.
- 01:14 I present periodic data in a even spread.
- 01:17 What do I mean?
- 01:19 Well, for formula you have a calculation going consistently across the row.
- 01:23 You type in the first column and then you just copy it across.
- 01:27 It's easy to change and even easier to review.
- 01:31 If you've got different worksheets with time series on there, so,
- 01:35 I will see examples here of historical data.
- 01:38 Notice here that my dates start in column C for both Sheet 1 and Sheet 2.
- 01:43 That will mean if I link from one sheet to another,
- 01:46 I'm more likely to reference the correct column.
- 01:49 Notice as well that I use months in each one.
- 01:51 I don't know months, quarters, years, but
- 01:54 as this would mean different formulas, you don't want that.
- 01:58 Let's have a look at some examples it shows more ideas about consistency.
- 02:04 Let's consider the following examples of consistency.
- 02:07 It's sort of consistent as it looks so ready.
- 02:10 Notice you can easily identify where inputs are.
- 02:14 They're the cells colored yellow with blue font.
- 02:17 It's such an intuitive, that's where you're going to type your numbers.
- 02:21 I'm going to assume that periods 1 to 8, are equal in length.
- 02:25 And you can see that for products A, B, and C in rows 5 to 7,
- 02:29 10 to 12 and 15 to 17.
- 02:31 I've actually gots those consistencies as well.
- 02:34 You know what?
- 02:34 I've made them consistent by not typing them in twice.
- 02:38 Look, we inspecting that I've made them equal to the original references up here.
- 02:45 Don't type things in more than once, makes it easier.
- 02:49 Let's imagine, I want to calculate the sales here in cell 15.
- 02:53 I want a consistent formula.
- 02:56 Well, that's nice and easy.
- 02:58 I'm going to go equals that, the unit price of product A in Period 1,
- 03:02 multiplied by that, the volume for Period 1 for product A too.
- 03:08 Press enter, and I can copy that across on them in the usual way.
- 03:14 That's probably how you do it, want to see a way high can force consistency, nice and
- 03:19 easily, in case you accidentally make a mistake?
- 03:23 Highlight the range first.
- 03:26 So, I'll click off just to show you can highlight the range.
- 03:29 And then type in the formula as if you were in the top left hand corner.
- 03:33 So, it's equals that multiplied by that.
- 03:37 And just press Control Enter, holding the Control button down.
- 03:42 Nice and easy, one consistent formula copied down and across.
- 03:46 See, it's easy to spot if I made a mistake.
- 03:49 And here, I can sum just highlight these.
- 03:53 And I can copy those across too, consistent formula.
- 03:59 How can I check that they're consistent?
- 04:01 I can just highlight to all this, and I can go control-backslash as a keyboard.
- 04:08 No cells were found, what does that mean?
- 04:12 Well, that actually means if I put something else in here,
- 04:15 let's say I made that equal to that, so it's different.
- 04:19 You may not notice that's a different formula.
- 04:21 If I highlight this this range now, control backslash will look for
- 04:26 inconsistent formulas across a row.
- 04:30 Control Shift backslash will offer inconsistent formulas down each column.
- 04:35 But either way, I can spot if there's an inconsistency.
- 04:39 So, ways to make sure you're consistent.
- 04:42 Let's have a look at the next example.
- 04:45 To be consistent if you're going to copy across and
- 04:48 down you need to get the idea of dollar signs, that is anchoring.
- 04:53 I'm going to do a simple times table, where I'm going to
- 04:56 actually multiply the numbers in this row here by the numbers in this column.
- 05:02 And then multiply it by this multiplier.
- 05:05 If I just go equals that, times that, times multiplier,
- 05:12 as I copy it down and across, it will actually go wrong on me when I go through.
- 05:17 What will actually happens I copied across and
- 05:19 down, is it doesn't work because the multiplier.
- 05:22 So look at this, you'll see it's linking to these numbers, It's not anchored them.
- 05:27 A way around this if I just undo, it's when I've actually written
- 05:32 the formula in the first place equals c5 times, b6 times, c2.
- 05:36 They're correct, but I need to anchor them.
- 05:40 Now, I can use either the F4 function key or just type dollar signs in,
- 05:44 dollar signs is a syntax in Excel to make things anchored.
- 05:49 So by pressing the F4 function key here, do you see it toggling the dollar signs?
- 05:55 Everything to the right of the dollar sign is kept constant.
- 05:58 So that means keep column C and row 5 constant that means keep row 5 constant.
- 06:03 That means keep column C constant, that means everything is relative.
- 06:08 So if I go, equals C dollar 5, it won't move from row 5.
- 06:14 Similarly, if I make that dollar B6, it won't move from column B.
- 06:18 If I make that, $c$2, it's always going to link to cell C2.
- 06:24 Then when I copy this across and down,
- 06:28 It doesn't matter where I am, they've always linked to the right place.
- 06:33 This is a key skill you need.
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