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Making tangible progress on ambitious goals can sometimes feel impossible. Whether you want to improve your health, grow your wealth, or get a promotion at work, success is within your reach – but it takes focus, discipline, and the right set of tools. In this course, acclaimed speaker TJ Walker provides powerful strategies so you can know how to set goals and achieve them no matter where you’re starting from. This course covers:
- Mistakes we make when setting goals.
- How to eliminate distractions.
- The seven spheres of our lives.
- How to categorize goals accurately.
- Habits that move us closer to success.
- How to tackle goals effectively.
By the end of this course, you'll know how to cultivate habits to improve relationships, health, wealth, and more. Achieve your greatest ambitions, and get the tools and strategies to grow in all aspects of life.

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Goal Setting Fundamentals Free Lesson
Achieving Goals Starts By Establishing Focus
Once you accept that other people are constantly fighting for your attention, you will understand why achieving your own goals requires focus.
Become Your Own Life Coach
Ultimately, many of us have the same big goals relating to how we want to live our lives. In order to achieve them, we need to break them down into smaller goals that allow us to motivate ourselves.
No Goals Means No Success
We are constantly bombarded by external messages, including the internet, media, and our phones. Carve out time for personal reflection so you can actively think about your life goals.
Vague Goals are Worthless
Big lofty goals are often ineffective because there is no specific direction on how to achieve them. If you want to lose weight, become rich, or get a dream job, specific goals with obvious direction provide a structure for success.
The Challenge of Modern Goal Setting
Why is setting goals in today’s world so much different than in years past? The internet and mobile technology have changed society forever.
Take Back Control of Your Senses
You don’t need to isolate yourself from the world or the large corporations battling for your time, but you should find a balance that allows you to live your life while also establishing boundaries for yourself and personal reflection.
Identifying the Seven Spheres of Life Free Lesson
Introduction to the Seven Spheres, Self-Control, and Health Goals
To truly be successful, we should not focus on one goal and completely ignore the other aspects of our lives. For example, making lots of money at the expense of your health is a bad idea. True success in life will require a balanced approach.
Relationships, Lifelong Learning, and Creativity Goals
Forming and maintaining relationships is essential for personal growth, as are lifelong learning and the ability to express yourself using your creativity.
Leisure and Wealth Goals
Everyone should be able to enjoy their free time in any way they want, but when it comes to personal wealth, it’s important to know how much is enough.
Balancing the Seven Spheres of Life
Seven Levels of Goals for Each Sphere
Within each of the seven spheres of life, you should identify these seven aspects and plan how you will go about achieving your goals on a daily basis.
What is your vision for how you see yourself, and the amount of influence you have on your own life?
What goals do you have for your personal health, and how do you want to accomplish them through daily habits and long- and short-term goals?
What are your views on relationships, especially as it pertains to yourself and your personal happiness? How can you support your goals for relationships on a daily basis?
Lifelong Learning
Do you believe you are limited by your IQ or your age? Do you still have the desire to learn? The goals you set for yourself in terms of lifelong learning can impact your personal happiness and professional success well into the future.
Creating something to share with the world can be a satisfying experience, but what might you create? Setting goals related to personal creativity can impact your personal and professional happiness.
What do you do every day to have some fun outside of work? It’s okay to set goals for yourself that focus on leisure because they help you find a balance within your life.
How much wealth will it take for you to be happy? Setting goals you can work on every day to support short- and long-term goals can lead to financial success in the long run.
Take Action to Achieve Your Goals
The Most Powerful Form of Influence
Advertising is so effective at influencing people because of repetition. By inundating an audience with their own goals, corporations can impact the choices people make.
How the Selfie Speak Program Works
Give yourself daily guidance with a Selfie Speak program, written and created by you!
Revise Your Selfie Speak Anytime to Reflect New Goals
Priorities change over time, and so should your daily, short-term, and long-term goals and habits. Keep your Selfie Speak program current and make adjustments any time.