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Within each of the seven spheres of life, you should identify these seven aspects and plan how you will go about achieving your goals on a daily basis.
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3.1 Seven Levels of Goals for Each Sphere.docx50 KB
- 00:04 Okay, this is where it gets a little bit complicated, you heard me talk about
- 00:08 the seven major spheres of life, where you need to have goals for each one of those.
- 00:13 Now, I go a little deeper inside each one.
- 00:16 There are seven levels that you have to think about,
- 00:21 within each realm of the sphere of life.
- 00:26 So let me walk you through this, so for example, the first level within
- 00:31 every sphere is what is your big, broad general philosophy.
- 00:37 This sphere, what's the good life?
- 00:39 What is your vision of how things could be?
- 00:41 So, for example, in the first sphere of self-control, do
- 00:46 you view the ideal situation where someone can in fact control their own life?
- 00:53 They're not determined by fate, by the gods, by other outside dark forces.
- 00:59 Do you even view that as a possibility?
- 01:02 That's the first level of abstract, and
- 01:04 I'm going to walk you through all of these for each one.
- 01:08 The second one is determine your specific vision for
- 01:13 yourself, big picture within this habit sphere.
- 01:17 You could, for example, say I think that the ideal situation is that human
- 01:22 beings have complete control over their own life, but
- 01:26 I'm different, I'm so constrained, I'm so hemmed in.
- 01:30 I'm always going to be dependent on what other people tell me I have to do,
- 01:35 you could have that vision, for example.
- 01:38 So, the first is the really big picture of what's the potential for
- 01:42 this sphere of life?
- 01:45 The second one is where do you fit into that?
- 01:47 Where is your particular vision of yourself in that sphere of life?
- 01:54 The third thing you've gotta think about is
- 01:57 what are your long-term goals within that particular sphere?
- 02:01 The fourth item,
- 02:02 the fourth level you have to really think about after your long-term goals.
- 02:07 What are your specific short-term goals and there's a difference,
- 02:12 we have a long-term goal of being a perfect health, ideal weight for
- 02:18 your body type, but you're going to have a short-term goal of
- 02:22 losing five pounds or getting faster at how quickly you run a mile.
- 02:27 You can have short-term goals as well.
- 02:31 The fifth level are the core habits you are going to
- 02:36 do on a daily basis to help you reach your goals.
- 02:41 Core daily habits, so, the field of health, for example,
- 02:47 getting eight hours of sleep, could be a core daily habit that you need,
- 02:53 to help you with all your other goals for your health, in your life.
- 02:59 The sixth, specific level non-core habits,
- 03:04 things that you do on a regular basis, but these are not absolutely critical.
- 03:12 It might be things like avoiding sugar as much as possible in your diet.
- 03:18 It could be things like walking up steps instead of taking the elevator to get more
- 03:23 steps for your health.
- 03:25 There's all sorts of good habits you could do to help support your goals,
- 03:31 but they're not absolutely essential.
- 03:35 Reading a novel once a month could be a non-core habit that feeds your creativity.
- 03:42 But it's not something you feel like you have to read 20 pages a day, a novel,
- 03:48 in order to fulfill your primary career objectives for your creativity field.
- 03:56 And then the final one, the final level,
- 04:00 tiny micro habits you can do in 60 seconds or less.
- 04:05 These are really simple things,
- 04:08 these could be as simple as an affirmation where you simply tell yourself,
- 04:14 I'm going to quickly forget all failures and focus on my victories in life.
- 04:20 That's one, for example, I do every single day, I put that in
- 04:25 the category of a tiny microscopic habit that helps support other goals.
- 04:31 So this is a tiny thing, often you could do it in 10 seconds or less.
- 04:36 So these are the seven levels I look at through each one of the spheres of life to
- 04:42 help you figure out your goals, because I have found it's so
- 04:48 much easier to reach your goals in life, to achieve your goals,
- 04:53 if you look at your goals within the context of your entire life.
- 04:59 When one part is out of whack, the other goals will often fall apart.
- 05:04 If all of your goals are in sync with your vision for
- 05:07 that particular sphere in life, they all work together,
- 05:12 they are complementary, and you can have a great life.
- 05:16 Now, I'm going to walk you through how this is done for
- 05:22 every one of the spheres of life.
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