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About this lesson
What is your vision for how you see yourself, and the amount of influence you have on your own life?
- 00:04 The first sphere of life, self-control, self-agency.
- 00:08 We're going to go through the seven levels right now.
- 00:10 First of all,
- 00:11 what is your grand vision of an ideal situation when it comes to self-agency?
- 00:18 If you have an open mindset, a positive mindset, then you likely feel that
- 00:23 individuals should be able to control their own destiny.
- 00:27 That they very much are in charge of their own fate.
- 00:31 Doesn't mean bad things can't happen to people.
- 00:34 But by and large, you as an individual are in control of your own life.
- 00:40 You are not simply subjected to fate, outside forces.
- 00:45 Luck is not the only thing that matters.
- 00:47 You have a tremendous amount of control, that's the step one.
- 00:50 The macro-philosophical level of your vision for
- 00:55 this sphere of life in self-control, self-agency.
- 01:01 The second level is your particular vision of yourself.
- 01:04 Do you view yourself as someone who is control?
- 01:08 You're in control?
- 01:10 Or do you kind of take this negative closed mindset view that says,
- 01:15 well, I've tried losing weight, it never works for me.
- 01:20 I've tried advancing my career.
- 01:23 I never get a lucky break.
- 01:25 I've tried changing my diet but it's too hard.
- 01:28 My friends and family just eat pizza all the time.
- 01:31 Do you take a defeatist attitude?
- 01:34 because it is possible to have a very, very positive perception of what's
- 01:39 possible in a particular field, but have a negative mindset for yourself.
- 01:46 So you can't assume one flows from the other.
- 01:49 So that's the second level,
- 01:52 is what is your vision of how you are going to fit into this?
- 01:57 Do you see yourself as someone who has absolute control over your own life?
- 02:03 Do you control your own destiny?
- 02:07 That is the second one.
- 02:08 The third one, your long-term goals.
- 02:12 Do you want to have a business that you own, where you answer to no one?
- 02:18 Do you want to have such business success that you can pick and
- 02:21 choose all of the projects you want to work on, and say no to anyone you want?
- 02:26 Do you want to have such a reputation for your abilities that you can pick and
- 02:31 choose the type of work you're doing?
- 02:33 These are long-term goals.
- 02:37 That is the third level you need to have when it comes to every single sphere,
- 02:41 specifically this one, self-control, self-agency.
- 02:45 Do you see yourself as someone who eats the way you want to eat your whole life?
- 02:52 Controls your life.
- 02:53 Controls your own calendar.
- 02:55 Controls your own agenda.
- 02:58 The fourth level, the short-term goals.
- 03:02 Do you see yourself as someone who can control, for example,
- 03:07 exactly when you want to go to bed at night?
- 03:10 You may adjust this from time to time.
- 03:13 But that has a huge effect of how you control your own life.
- 03:17 Are you someone who views yourself as someone who can control your own
- 03:21 environment?
- 03:23 For example, one of my short-term goals every day,
- 03:27 is to completely clean my desk and office.
- 03:30 I have some papers in my TV studio now.
- 03:33 But before I leave today, there won't be a single scrap of paper.
- 03:37 Because that is a daily short-term goal I have for myself.
- 03:43 So that's the fourth one.
- 03:45 The fifth one, core daily habits for these goals.
- 03:50 What is it you're going to do?
- 03:51 Because I want a clean office.
- 03:55 My core daily habit there is I do things like clean my office every single day.
- 04:01 I go to bed every single night at 9 o'clock and read till I fall asleep at 10.
- 04:08 That is a core habit how I control myself.
- 04:13 It is a specific daily habit.
- 04:16 The sixth level, non-core habits.
- 04:20 Things that it's nice to do but you don't have to do.
- 04:24 What is it you do on a daily basis to
- 04:29 take control over your own life?
- 04:34 This can be highly specific as far as you deciding
- 04:38 what you want to eat when you want to eat it.
- 04:43 Exactly what time you want to answer emails, return calls.
- 04:49 What are the specific things, the non-core habits that won't make or
- 04:55 break you, but they're still important?
- 04:58 Finally, the teeny,
- 05:01 tiny micro-habits you have on a daily basis.
- 05:07 They're not the most important things.
- 05:08 These could be affirmations.
- 05:12 Now, for about a year,
- 05:14 I had a specific micro-habit of not answering a phone if it rings,
- 05:19 and I don't recognize the number and I'm not expecting the call.
- 05:25 For many years I was in a bad habit of someone call,
- 05:27 it could be a great important prospect.
- 05:29 Let me take the call.
- 05:31 And I would waste my time, disrupt my train of thought,
- 05:36 and mess things up with phone solicitors wasting my time.
- 05:42 I had to tell myself every single day a reminder in my self-speak program and
- 05:48 in my text reminders, never answer the phone if it's not a conference
- 05:53 call you're anticipating or someone you wish to speak with.
- 05:58 It's a tiny, tiny thing, an affirmation, took me five seconds to read.
- 06:02 But it changed my habit there.
- 06:05 So that's the walk-through for Sphere 1.
- 06:10 I need you to look at the worksheet below and fill this out for
- 06:16 yourself when it comes to your vision of how you want to
- 06:21 control your life, your goals for self-agency.
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