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What goals do you have for your personal health, and how do you want to accomplish them through daily habits and long- and short-term goals?
- 00:04 The next sphere, health.
- 00:05 What is your big broad philosophical view of the potential of health?
- 00:11 If you view life as something where people should be able to go through life healthy,
- 00:17 disease-free, active, live to a ripe old age, and
- 00:20 really enjoy life in a vigorous way, that's a particular philosophy.
- 00:26 If you view life as a series of pains, miseries,
- 00:31 life is about physical agony, that is a different type of philosophy.
- 00:39 So that's your general philosophy.
- 00:41 Now you have to figure out what is your vision of yourself with respect to health.
- 00:46 Now everybody's different, you may have had lifelong health problems,
- 00:52 nothing you can do except for manage pain, you got to figure out what that is.
- 00:58 For many, many people,
- 01:00 myself included, that lucky enough not to have any serious health problems.
- 01:04 And the health problems that do come up,
- 01:08 typically because of our own specific actions.
- 01:12 You get to figure out what your vision is for you.
- 01:16 You could decide, for example, that you are going to be healthy,
- 01:20 you're going to be energetic, you are going to be active, you are going to
- 01:24 eat the amount of food you need to maintain your ideal body weight.
- 01:28 You're going to get the perfect amount of sleep for yourself.
- 01:30 You're going to be healthy and vigorous, and live a full active disease free life.
- 01:37 It doesn't mean bad things couldn't happen, but
- 01:41 that could be your vision for yourself.
- 01:44 That is step two.
- 01:46 Step three, what are your long-term goals for your health?
- 01:51 You need to know what those are.
- 01:53 It could be to maintain your ideal body weight for the next 50 years.
- 01:59 That's a perfectly legitimate long-term goal.
- 02:03 You also need short-term goals.
- 02:06 Are you trying to get ready to run a 10K?
- 02:09 Are you trying to build your muscles to the point where you can bench press your
- 02:13 own body weight?
- 02:15 What are your specific short term goals when it comes to your health?
- 02:21 Are you trying to switch away from having sugary breakfast or
- 02:26 eating processed foods?
- 02:28 What are your short term goals for yourself?
- 02:33 Next you get to figure out what are your core daily habits to support your goals?
- 02:41 If you want a healthy body, you need to exercise every single day.
- 02:45 So, one of my core habits is I walk at least six miles a day,
- 02:51 I walk at least 12,500 steps every single day.
- 02:57 That is a core, core habit.
- 03:01 Next, you've got to decide what are your non-core habits?
- 03:05 What are habits you do that support your health in a way that it's good, but
- 03:10 it's not absolutely essential for me, it's playing sports.
- 03:14 I like to play tennis typically two or three times a week,
- 03:17 sometimes more often, sometimes only once a week.
- 03:21 It's not something I have to do every day, but it supports my health.
- 03:26 It's good exercise, and
- 03:29 it supports my vision of myself of living a fun for active life.
- 03:34 So that's an example for me of a non-core activity.
- 03:39 Finally, the 7th level, what are the micro habits you do,
- 03:46 teeny tiny ones that you can do in 10,
- 03:50 20 seconds a day to really help you with your health?
- 03:55 For me, it's as simple as right before I go to bed, saying to myself,
- 04:00 it's been a great day and now I deserve a great eight hours of restful sleep and
- 04:05 a little bit of a fist pump, simple.
- 04:07 Sounds silly, may even sound cheesy, but it only takes about
- 04:12 five seconds and it prime's me for a good night's sleep.
- 04:17 Now, your turn.
- 04:18 Again, the handout is below.
- 04:20 You've gotta fill out what you want for
- 04:24 these seven spheres of habits and
- 04:28 attitudes when it comes to your health.
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