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About this lesson
Creating something to share with the world can be a satisfying experience, but what might you create? Setting goals related to personal creativity can impact your personal and professional happiness.
- 00:04 Creation, it is a marvel.
- 00:08 If you've ever seen a child creating a painting that they're excited about,
- 00:12 you know that expression.
- 00:13 It's pure joy.
- 00:16 You need to have your philosophy of creation in the world.
- 00:20 There is a philosophy that says, creators are a select breed of people.
- 00:27 Most people are uncreative, you either have it or
- 00:30 you don't, you're born with it or you're not.
- 00:34 You're either between two and age three composing or
- 00:38 you should never bother to compose.
- 00:41 That's one particular vision of creativity that a lucky few
- 00:46 are anointed genetically, or at birth, or some other way,
- 00:50 lucky stars to be creative and most people simply aren't.
- 00:56 That's one vision of creativity, the fixed mindset on creativity.
- 01:01 There's another vision of creativity that says all human beings are creative.
- 01:06 Not everyone's going to create a best-selling novel
- 01:11 that is destined to be taught in schools for
- 01:14 the next hundred years, but everyone can create something.
- 01:20 All human beings who can think, can mix and match to previously disconnected ideas
- 01:25 or things together and make something new, that's the essence of creativity.
- 01:31 That could be your philosophy, that is the philosophy I have.
- 01:35 Next is vision for yourself.
- 01:39 If you tell yourself I'm not creative, you are correct,
- 01:44 that will, in fact be how you live your life.
- 01:47 You won't be creative if you tell yourself, you are creative.
- 01:51 Now this is true in general of every sphere we're talking about of life.
- 01:56 If you have a negative constrained vision of yourself it will become reality.
- 02:02 But the opposite is true too.
- 02:04 If you haven't opened vision of yourself, an open mindset,
- 02:09 if your mindset about yourself is that I am creative, I am a creative force,
- 02:14 I have great ideas, I create new ideas on a daily basis.
- 02:19 That can be your vision for yourself.
- 02:22 It's certainly the vision I have for me and I hope you have for yourself too.
- 02:27 I want to stress, you have to come up with your own goals for life.
- 02:32 You can't just agree with me and
- 02:34 I can't tell you what your goals should be for life.
- 02:37 But I can give you a framework that I think will help you and
- 02:40 that's what this is all about.
- 02:42 Next, you need to have a long-term goal.
- 02:46 You need to have a series of long-term goals when it comes to your creation,
- 02:51 your creativity.
- 02:52 Is it to create a website that has 10 million views a month,
- 02:57 is it to create an app seen by millions and
- 03:00 used by millions around the world, is it to create a best selling novel?
- 03:07 Is it to create a work of art hangs in a major museum,
- 03:10 what is it you want to create, what are your long-term goals?
- 03:15 I want to reach more students online with personal development than any one of
- 03:20 the world, that's part of my goal.
- 03:23 What are your creative long-term goals?
- 03:26 Next, what are your short-term goals?
- 03:30 I have short-term creative goals, I write a poem every day.
- 03:36 I do a drawing every single day, I have very specific short term
- 03:42 goals because I'm constantly trying to get things going.
- 03:47 The most important short term goal I have is I write
- 03:52 500 words per day on habits and goals.
- 03:58 And that is my creative engine, from those writings I can create books,
- 04:02 online courses, blog posts, newsletters, everything else,
- 04:05 that is my creative engine.
- 04:07 First thing in the morning, I don't stop writing until I've dictated 500 words.
- 04:15 So those are the short term goals.
- 04:16 Next, your daily core activities.
- 04:21 For me it is things like, I take a picture every day.
- 04:26 As I mentioned, I write a poem every day.
- 04:29 I write one aphorism a day, just a simple quote,
- 04:33 something that sums up a philosophy.
- 04:36 That helps encapsulate what I'm thinking about that day.
- 04:41 It only takes less than a minute, it doesn't take a long time.
- 04:45 But these are daily core activities that really support my creative goals,
- 04:52 get that creative muscle stronger and stronger every day.
- 04:58 Next, there are the non-core habits that I try to do.
- 05:03 I don't necessarily do them every single day, but
- 05:07 these are things like reading novels.
- 05:10 I'm not someone who reads novels every single day, but
- 05:15 I know that if you only read non fiction that can be narrowing.
- 05:22 I do things like actively watch stand up comedy to get ideas for
- 05:27 jokes because I create a joke every single day.
- 05:31 So, these are some of the non-core things,
- 05:34 I don't have to watch a standup comedian everyday.
- 05:37 But I try to at least a couple of times a week,
- 05:40 because it stimulates that creativity.
- 05:44 And finally, there are the short brief micro habits that support creativity.
- 05:50 Something you can do 10 seconds, 20 seconds or less.
- 05:55 For me, it's as simple as, I read one joke a day on an app,
- 05:59 gives me a little chuckle.
- 06:03 Gets the creative juices flowing and makes me feel good.
- 06:08 So that's my micro habit, supporting the creative sphere.
- 06:13 What is your vision for creativity in your life, what are your goals?
- 06:18 Use the checklist below.
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