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About this lesson
What do you do every day to have some fun outside of work? It’s okay to set goals for yourself that focus on leisure because they help you find a balance within your life.
- 00:04 The next sphere is leisure.
- 00:06 What is your philosophy about leisure?
- 00:08 Certainly, there are some people who believe that life is too short,
- 00:12 don't be frivolous, focus on work, make money,
- 00:16 household chores, there's no time for leisure.
- 00:20 Everyone comes from different circumstances,
- 00:22 you have to decide what your philosophy is.
- 00:25 Another philosophy is that human beings deserve leisure time,
- 00:30 that you can't work all the time, that to be a well-rounded individual
- 00:36 who really has a meaningful life, you need to have some time for pure leisure.
- 00:42 That is a particular philosophy.
- 00:45 Next, you have to figure out, what is your position in this?
- 00:49 What's your role going to be?
- 00:51 How do you have an identity in this whole realm of leisure?
- 00:57 If, for example, you view yourself as someone who works hard, and
- 01:01 you should play hard, then you need to have a clear-cut concept for that.
- 01:05 Are you someone who deserves a leisure time?
- 01:09 Not just at the end of 40 years of working when you're 65.
- 01:13 Not just for one or two weeks in the summer when you get a vacation.
- 01:18 And maybe not even just the weekends, but
- 01:21 are you someone who deserves to have leisure as a part of your life?
- 01:26 So that's what you've got to determine,
- 01:29 what is your role going to be in this whole particular realm?
- 01:34 Next, you got to look at your long term goals.
- 01:37 The problem here for so many people is they have no goals.
- 01:40 Their goal is, well I got free time, let me watch TV and
- 01:45 watch whatever Netflix wants me to watch.
- 01:49 That's not a goal, that's you being reactive.
- 01:51 You gotta figure out what your long term goals are.
- 01:55 If you want to get to be a 3.5 level tennis player,
- 02:00 that can be a specific goal you have.
- 02:04 You might have the goal of becoming a scratch golfer.
- 02:09 You might want to, these combine with your creative goals too.
- 02:13 It could be how you paint.
- 02:15 What you do in your leisure time, what you do for creativity can overlap, obviously.
- 02:21 So you need to have some highly specific goals for leisure.
- 02:27 It could be traveling to all seven continents of the world, or
- 02:31 six continents.
- 02:34 No offense to Antarctica there.
- 02:36 So, what are your long-term goals?
- 02:39 Short-term goals.
- 02:41 Your short-term goals could be,
- 02:43 I would like my family to socialize with another family at least once a week.
- 02:49 And to do something like go to the beach or
- 02:53 have a picnic or all go on a biking trip.
- 02:57 Specific short-term goals for enjoying leisure.
- 03:03 You need to have these.
- 03:05 Next, you need to think about your core daily activities.
- 03:09 What do you do on a daily basis?
- 03:10 For me, it's playing a game.
- 03:12 Quite often I do it with my daughter.
- 03:14 It's a simple word game on an app where you have all the letters scattered about,
- 03:19 you have to figure out where the words are there.
- 03:21 Now, sometimes it only takes one minute.
- 03:25 Sometimes it could take five minutes, but it's a little game,
- 03:29 stimulates the mind, and it's something purely for play.
- 03:33 And I get to do it with my daughter, too.
- 03:35 So, that's a core daily habit, I do that every single day.
- 03:42 Next, you've gotta think about non-core habits,
- 03:46 things you do, but not on a daily basis.
- 03:51 It could be jumping rope.
- 03:53 As I mentioned to you, I play tennis.
- 03:55 That's something I do for my physical sphere of life, but
- 03:58 it's also something I do for leisure.
- 04:02 It could be going horseback riding.
- 04:04 I don't particularly like horseback riding, but
- 04:07 I forget every five years about how much I dislike it, and I try it again.
- 04:10 But you need to have some non-core habits you
- 04:15 do to support your overall leisure goals.
- 04:20 And then finally, you need some tiny, tiny micro habits,
- 04:25 teeny tiny habits you do on a daily basis that support this goal.
- 04:32 I would get back to, I just read a joke a day.
- 04:36 It's part of the creativity one, but it's also a part of my leisure.
- 04:39 I enjoy it, and it only takes about five seconds a day,
- 04:43 reading a simple joke from an app.
- 04:46 It's something I do for fun.
- 04:49 What is your vision?
- 04:50 What are your goals for leisure in your life?
- 04:55 Fill it out using the chart below.
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