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How much wealth will it take for you to be happy? Setting goals you can work on every day to support short- and long-term goals can lead to financial success in the long run.
- 00:04 And finally, wealth.
- 00:06 As I mentioned, I have this last because I think this one often takes care of
- 00:10 itself if you've really thought through carefully all of your other goals for
- 00:14 the seven spheres of life.
- 00:16 But you do need to have a philosophy of what is the good life when it
- 00:21 comes to your wealth, your finances.
- 00:24 Again, you may be someone who says, I have to become a billionaire or
- 00:28 I will see that as a failure, you're only really successful if you're a billionaire.
- 00:33 I think that that's somewhat limiting, but you get to come up with your philosophy.
- 00:38 How much wealth and how much stuff that you can
- 00:43 buy is needed in order for you to have a good life?
- 00:49 The next sphere you gotta figure out, what is your identity?
- 00:54 Where do you see yourself?
- 00:56 Do you see yourself as someone as well, I'm always going to be a part of the lower
- 01:00 classes, I'm never going to make money, I've never been good at money,
- 01:03 I don't handle money well, is that your identity when it comes to wealth?
- 01:07 If so, it's going to become true.
- 01:10 You tell yourself you're no good with money,
- 01:12 you don't deserve money, you don't have the right credentials to ask for
- 01:17 this amount of money, then you won't make much money, that I guarantee you.
- 01:22 Or you could have the vision that says,
- 01:25 you deserve to make money, you can make money,
- 01:28 you can and will have all the wealth you need to accomplish what you want.
- 01:33 Now I'm not talking about just blindly law of attraction,
- 01:37 I'm visualizing a giant mansion so it'll be here in two years.
- 01:42 I'm not talking about anything quite that simplistic,
- 01:47 but you do need to have a specific vision for yourself of where you want to be and
- 01:54 where you can be in the whole field of wealth and finance.
- 01:59 If you view yourself as someone who can make money,
- 02:03 can make all the money you need to live the life you want to lead,
- 02:06 it's going to make it a lot easier to get there.
- 02:09 So that's the second level you really have to focus on,
- 02:14 your specific identity that fits in with your philosophy of wealth and finances.
- 02:22 Next, you gotta come up with your long-term goals for your finances,
- 02:27 now I don't think you have to say my net worth must be 19.2 million or
- 02:32 72.3 million, I don't think you have to be that precise, although,
- 02:37 some people find it extremely helpful to visualize that exact amount in their
- 02:42 net worth statement, their financial statement or their bank balance.
- 02:47 But you've got to figure out what your long-term goals are,
- 02:51 if you aspire to own the home of your dreams, to have zero debt,
- 02:56 to fully fund retirement, especially if it's by a certain age, then write it down,
- 03:02 make it really concrete as you should with all of these things.
- 03:06 Write down your specific long-term goals, and
- 03:10 it may be to have a million in cash and investments, or
- 03:14 $10 million in your retirement fundM and a house paid off, the cars of your dream.
- 03:20 You may be someone who thinks that it's horribly tacky and
- 03:24 ghosts that I even mentioned that, and you would like your net worth to
- 03:29 be $5,000 because you want to give away everything you have to
- 03:34 people in your community, there's nothing wrong with that either.
- 03:39 But you need to have specific long-term goals, next, you need short-term goals.
- 03:45 It could be as simple as I want to pay off all of my bills and all of my credit card
- 03:50 balances every single month, that's a perfectly legitimate short-term goal.
- 03:55 A short-term goal could be I want to pay off my house ten years earlier and
- 03:59 have no mortgage.
- 04:00 What are your short-term goals?
- 04:04 The fifth level, what are your core daily habits to help support your goals?
- 04:13 For me, it's making online courses every single day because they make me money.
- 04:19 And if I'm not recording videos every day, I'm at least writing 500 words or
- 04:24 more of content that is turned into courses.
- 04:27 So it's a constant financial engine running for me.
- 04:33 Plus, I have hundreds of courses for sale every day, so when I wake up every day,
- 04:38 there's more money that's coming every single day.
- 04:43 That is my core habit, making money every day by making courses and
- 04:48 selling courses every day.
- 04:50 Now, what are the nice, habits to have, but that are non-core?
- 04:56 What do you do, but not necessarily on a daily basis?
- 04:59 It could be that you have a side gig or a side, maybe once a month you drive for
- 05:06 Uber, maybe once a month you cut somebody's hair.
- 05:10 You could have something where you make money or where you save money, or
- 05:15 where you specifically walk instead of take mass transit and save money.
- 05:20 There are a lot of things you could do to help with financial goals,
- 05:24 that is the next level.
- 05:26 And finally, what are the micro habits you have, something you could do ten,
- 05:31 20, 30, maybe up to 60 seconds, that will help you reach your goals?
- 05:37 It could be as simple as an affirmation.
- 05:40 I read an affirmation and
- 05:42 I hear it in my own voice on my SelfieSpeak program that just says,
- 05:47 TJ, you will have all the wealth and abundance you ever need.
- 05:52 And a couple of other sentences that follow up on that, it's simple, it's
- 05:57 clear, takes five seconds, but it helps support my vision and all of my goals.
- 06:02 What are your financial goals?
- 06:04 Use the checklist below and fill it out for yourself.
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