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About this lesson
Ultimately, many of us have the same big goals relating to how we want to live our lives. In order to achieve them, we need to break them down into smaller goals that allow us to motivate ourselves.
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- 00:04 Let's step back for a minute and talk about the big picture here.
- 00:07 This is a course on goal setting, but why do we want goals?
- 00:13 I think if you really dig deeply enough,
- 00:15 all of us at some level want the same thing.
- 00:17 We have different tastes, we have different specific goals but
- 00:23 all of us, you, me, we want the goal of living a good life.
- 00:28 And that can mean different things to different people.
- 00:30 But it means living a life of fulfillment.
- 00:34 Living a life that gives you a sense of accomplishment.
- 00:38 A life that makes you happy.
- 00:41 Living a life that gives you the health you want, the wealth you want.
- 00:47 There can be very specific goals,
- 00:50 you may aspire to be a billionaire, you may aspire to have no money.
- 00:55 There's no right or wrong specific goal, but
- 00:59 the general goals are happiness, fulfillment, living a life of purpose.
- 01:05 So that's why I've created this course.
- 01:07 And that's what we're going to learn together is how to set goals
- 01:11 that are specific to helping you in every aspect of your life.
- 01:16 Not just how to become a millionaire by age 20 or a billionaire by age 35.
- 01:22 I do want you to have big lofty goals and they may be things like,
- 01:27 make a billion dollars, retire at age 35, cure the entire world of malaria.
- 01:34 They may be big goals, but
- 01:35 I want you to get used to really breaking them down into highly,
- 01:40 highly specific goals that you can do on a daily basis in the form of a habit.
- 01:46 I want you to start thinking in terms of that because that's where most
- 01:50 people fail.
- 01:51 They may have no goals, even if they have goals
- 01:54 they go nowhere because they don't break it down into simple bite size.
- 01:59 So that's why I'm starting off with the bite-sized stuff.
- 02:02 But don't worry, there's lots of depth to come.
- 02:06 You must become your own life coach.
- 02:09 Now you may be in this course to teach yourself how to set goals.
- 02:13 You may be looking for techniques on how to teach other people to set goals.
- 02:18 You may be an aspiring life coach, either way, first and
- 02:22 foremost, you have to be a life coach for yourself.
- 02:25 You've got to get your life in order first,
- 02:29 you've got to build the habits of setting your own goals in life.
- 02:34 Because what is unique about living in this part of the 21st century,
- 02:38 is that never in the history of humankind have there been so
- 02:42 many smart people with so much engineering power, and computing power,
- 02:47 and budgets behind them, trying to influence you and your life goals.
- 02:52 I'm talking about the good folks at Google, and Facebook, and
- 02:57 YouTube, and Netflix, and McDonald's, and KFC.
- 03:01 All of these major corporations are trying to reach out to you
- 03:06 every single day, with messages, advertisements, emails,
- 03:11 text, to set your brain with the goals they want for you.
- 03:15 They want you to have a lifetime of being a consumer,
- 03:20 watching, eating junk food and having a life of mediocrity.
- 03:26 You've got to fight that, but that's what this course is about.
- 03:29 But first and foremost, you must accept the job.
- 03:32 I can't be your life coach, it's not something you can outsource.
- 03:38 First and foremost, you have to be your own life coach,
- 03:44 which means you have to clearly establish
- 03:49 what's your own goals are for life.
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