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About this lesson
We are constantly bombarded by external messages, including the internet, media, and our phones. Carve out time for personal reflection so you can actively think about your life goals.
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- 00:04 The biggest possible mistake you can have regarding setting
- 00:09 goals in life, no goals whatsoever.
- 00:13 And this is amazingly common with a lot of people.
- 00:15 Now, the fact that you're in this course and this far into this course,
- 00:20 means you are serious about setting goals.
- 00:22 That's great.
- 00:23 But perhaps up till now you've kind of drifted through life without any goals.
- 00:28 Because let's face it, there's so many other people and
- 00:32 organizations ready to hand you their list of goals.
- 00:35 Your parents may have tried to tell you your goal in life is to be a doctor or
- 00:40 a lawyer or an engineer.
- 00:42 You may have had teachers or professors tell you your goal is to do this.
- 00:48 Certainly, if you have any connection to the Internet, which I know you do,
- 00:53 every major corporation in the world has goals for
- 00:56 you as far as how you can send them money to buy their products and services.
- 01:01 Or to watch their content so that they can make money and sell advertising.
- 01:07 So that's the big problem with not having goals,
- 01:11 is we now live in a world where you are bombarded, inundated, all day long,
- 01:16 every second of the day with thousands, sometimes tens of thousands
- 01:20 of messages from other people telling you what your goals should be.
- 01:26 So the first big step if you want to be able to set goals is to realize if
- 01:31 you don't have any goals and then to realize the problem.
- 01:35 The problem is typically is you're not giving your
- 01:40 brain actual time to think and reflect.
- 01:45 If you're connected 24/7, as so many people are, and as you and
- 01:50 I are now, you'll never have time to create and set your own goals.
- 01:56 Because every second you're connected to the Internet,
- 02:00 you're being bombarded by other people's goals for you.
- 02:04 And we'll talk about this at length later on in the course when it comes
- 02:09 to the section on your own self-control, your own personal agency.
- 02:15 But you've got to carve out some time just for
- 02:19 you without being bombarded by any other messages.
- 02:24 That means time away from the television, away from the laptop,
- 02:29 the iPad, your cell phone.
- 02:32 You've got to have time just for you.
- 02:34 It even means time away from print magazines and books,
- 02:37 even though I do think it's great to spend some time every day reading books.
- 02:42 You got to have some time for personal reflection.
- 02:47 It could be in the form of a walk, which is something I do every single day, and
- 02:51 try to walk for an hour a day.
- 02:54 You could say, TJ, that's unrealistic, I don't have an hour a day.
- 02:57 You've got to carve out some time,
- 03:00 even if it's just ten minutes on a bus, or a train on your way to work,
- 03:05 or a ten minute walk around the block at your house with your dog.
- 03:10 You've got to carve out some time to actively think,
- 03:16 contemplate, reflect on your vision of the good life.
- 03:21 And I realize that sounds pretentious, but
- 03:25 whether you do it or not, it has to be done.
- 03:29 It's going to be done by other people who are telling you the good life is
- 03:33 about buying this kind of automobile and wearing this kind of sneaker to
- 03:38 make yourself look good to others, or it's going to be done by you.
- 03:43 It cannot be done by you if you don't give yourself time to reflect.
- 03:53 So I believe you have to do this every single day.
- 03:56 There's different methods of doing it.
- 03:57 I meditate every day, I recommend that, but you don't have to.
- 04:02 Go for a walk every day, do something.
- 04:06 And by the way, leave your phone at home.
- 04:08 Going for a walk doesn't really relax you or give you time to reflect if you're like
- 04:12 most people I see who are on walks and they're doing this the whole time.
- 04:16 And their head is buried down, checking email and on the phone,
- 04:21 you might as well stay at home.
- 04:23 You've got to give yourself time every day to reflect because your goals can change.
- 04:31 Your tactics on how you reach your goals can change.
- 04:35 But you're not going to be able to figure this out,
- 04:39 you won't figure out what's best for you, if you don't have time.
- 04:44 You're not going to have time to think about your goals, reflect on your goals,
- 04:49 set goals that are in your best interest if you don't push away all the other
- 04:55 images, ideas, and messages from other people trying to give you their goal.
- 05:00 So here's the assignment.
- 05:03 I want you to figure out some part of every day when you're
- 05:08 not looking at a screen, where you can just reflect on goals.
- 05:13 Could be soon as you get up.
- 05:15 It could be, I don't recommend this, but
- 05:17 it could be five minutes before you go to bed.
- 05:20 Most people are watching TV or videos or YouTube and then brushing their teeth and
- 05:24 go into bed.
- 05:27 Most people when they're commuting are listening to music.
- 05:30 And music is great, but that's not what is really
- 05:36 going to give you time to think and reflect.
- 05:42 And it shouldn't be when you're tired.
- 05:46 You need to be up, I believe, earlier in the day.
- 05:51 Because if you're tired and you're thinking, it's time to go to sleep and
- 05:56 let me just put my head down and now I'll think about it,
- 06:00 that's not the time for reflection, that's time to just drift away.
- 06:05 So don't do that.
- 06:06 So share with us right now here in the student Facebook page or
- 06:11 the Q&A section what is a specific time of day you're going
- 06:16 to spend every single day to reflect on your life's goals?
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